Algorithmic modifications extending MELTS to calculate subsolidus phase relations PD Asimow, MS Ghiorso American Mineralogist 83 (9-10), 1127-1132, 1998 | 897 | 1998 |
Temperatures in ambient mantle and plumes: Constraints from basalts, picrites, and komatiites C Herzberg, PD Asimow, N Arndt, Y Niu, CM Lesher, JG Fitton, ... Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems 8 (2), 2007 | 817 | 2007 |
Petrology of some oceanic island basalts: PRIMELT2. XLS software for primary magma calculation C Herzberg, PD Asimow Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems 9 (9), 2008 | 577 | 2008 |
Adiabat_1ph: A new public front‐end to the MELTS, pMELTS, and pHMELTS models PM Smith, PD Asimow Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems 6 (2), 2005 | 575 | 2005 |
The importance of water to oceanic mantle melting regimes PD Asimow, CH Langmuir Nature 421 (6925), 815-820, 2003 | 455 | 2003 |
A hydrous melting and fractionation model for mid‐ocean ridge basalts: Application to the Mid‐Atlantic Ridge near the Azores PD Asimow, JE Dixon, CH Langmuir Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems 5 (1), 2004 | 400 | 2004 |
PRIMELT 3 MEGA. XLSM software for primary magma calculation: peridotite primary magma MgO contents from the liquidus to the solidus C Herzberg, PD Asimow Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems 16 (2), 563-578, 2015 | 378 | 2015 |
Iron isotopes may reveal the redox conditions of mantle melting from Archean to Present N Dauphas, PR Craddock, PD Asimow, VC Bennett, AP Nutman, ... Earth and Planetary Science Letters 288 (1-2), 255-267, 2009 | 329 | 2009 |
Contrasting geochemical signatures of fluid-absent versus fluid-fluxed melting of muscovite in metasedimentary sources: The Himalayan leucogranites LE Gao, L Zeng, PD Asimow Geology 45 (1), 39-42, 2017 | 278 | 2017 |
Hydrogen incorporation in olivine from 2–12 GPa JL Mosenfelder, NI Deligne, PD Asimow, GR Rossman American Mineralogist 91 (2-3), 285-294, 2006 | 260 | 2006 |
Toward an international practical pressure scale: A proposal for an IPPS ruby gauge (IPPS-Ruby2020) G Shen, Y Wang, A Dewaele, C Wu, DE Fratanduono, J Eggert, S Klotz, ... High Pressure Research 40 (3), 299-314, 2020 | 256 | 2020 |
Calculation of peridotite partial melting from thermodynamic models of minerals and melts, IV. Adiabatic decompression and the composition and mean properties of mid-ocean … PD Asimow, MM Hirschmann, EM Stolper Journal of Petrology 42 (5), 963-998, 2001 | 228 | 2001 |
Calculation of peridotite partial melting from thermodynamic models of minerals and melts. III. Controls on isobaric melt production and the effect of water on melt production MM Hirschmann, PD Asimow, MS Ghiorso, EM Stolper Journal of Petrology 40 (5), 831-851, 1999 | 222 | 1999 |
Calculation of peridotite partial melting from thermodynamic models of minerals and melts. I. Review of methods and comparison with experiments MM Hirschmann, MS Ghiorso, LE Wasylenki, PD Asimow, EM Stolper Journal of Petrology 39 (6), 1091-1115, 1998 | 218 | 1998 |
Coupling of anatectic reactions and dissolution of accessory phases and the Sr and Nd isotope systematics of anatectic melts from a metasedimentary source L Zeng, PD Asimow, JB Saleeby Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 69 (14), 3671-3682, 2005 | 215 | 2005 |
An analysis of variations in isentropic melt productivity PD Asimow, MM Hirschmann, EM Stolper Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London. Series A …, 1997 | 170 | 1997 |
The MgSiO3 system at high pressure: Thermodynamic properties of perovskite, postperovskite, and melt from global inversion of shock and static compression data JL Mosenfelder, PD Asimow, DJ Frost, DC Rubie, TJ Ahrens Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 114 (B1), 2009 | 161 | 2009 |
Nd isotope disequilibrium during crustal anatexis: A record from the Goat Ranch migmatite complex, southern Sierra Nevada batholith, California L Zeng, JB Saleeby, P Asimow Geology 33 (1), 53-56, 2005 | 151 | 2005 |
Identifying high potential zones of gold mineralization in a sub-tropical region using Landsat-8 and ASTER remote sensing data: a case study of the Ngoura-Colomines goldfield … JDT Wambo, AB Pour, S Ganno, PD Asimow, B Zoheir, R dos Reis Salles, ... Ore Geology Reviews 122, 103530, 2020 | 143 | 2020 |
The effect of pressure-induced solid-solid phase transitions on decompression melting of the mantle PD Asimow, MM Hirschmann, MS Ghiorso, MJ O'Hara, EM Stolper Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 59 (21), 4489-4506, 1995 | 135 | 1995 |