Articole cu mandate pentru acces public - Sergio TerziAflați mai multe
Nu sunt disponibile nicăieri: 5
Towards Circular Business Models: A systematic literature review on classification frameworks and archetypes
P Rosa, C Sassanelli, S Terzi
Journal of cleaner production 236, 117696, 2019
Mandate: European Commission
Industry 4.0 solutions supporting circular economy
R Rocca, P Rosa, C Sassanelli, L Fumagalli, S Terzi
2020 IEEE International Conference on Engineering, Technology and Innovation …, 2020
Mandate: European Commission
Model-supported lifecycle analysis an approach for product-service systems
S Wellsandt, C Norden, R Ahlers, S Terzi, D Cerri, D Corti, KD Thoben
2017 International Conference on Engineering, Technology and Innovation (ICE …, 2017
Mandate: European Commission
Teaching design in Europe: Challenges and trends
C Pinna, L Cattaneo, M Rossi, CD Era, S Terzi, A Pestarino, A Vignati
2018 IEEE international conference on engineering, technology and innovation …, 2018
Mandate: European Commission
LINCOLN—Lean Innovative Connected Vessels
BP Sullivan, M Rossi, S Terzi
A Holistic Approach to Ship Design: Volume 2: Application Case Studies, 439-467, 2021
Mandate: European Commission
Disponibile undeva: 58
Assessing relations between Circular Economy and Industry 4.0: a systematic literature review
P Rosa, C Sassanelli, A Urbinati, D Chiaroni, S Terzi
International Journal of Production Research 58 (6), 1662-1687, 2020
Mandate: European Commission
Circular economy performance assessment methods: A systematic literature review
C Sassanelli, P Rosa, R Rocca, S Terzi
Journal of cleaner production 229, 440-453, 2019
Mandate: European Commission
Modelling the correlations of e-waste quantity with economic increase
AK Awasthi, F Cucchiella, I D'Adamo, J Li, P Rosa, S Terzi, G Wei, X Zeng
Science of the Total Environment 613, 46-53, 2018
Mandate: National Natural Science Foundation of China
Addressing circular economy through design for X approaches: A systematic literature review
C Sassanelli, A Urbinati, P Rosa, D Chiaroni, S Terzi
Computers in industry 120, 103245, 2020
Mandate: European Commission
Integrating virtual reality and digital twin in circular economy practices: A laboratory application case
R Rocca, P Rosa, C Sassanelli, L Fumagalli, S Terzi
Sustainability 12 (6), 2286, 2020
Mandate: European Commission
Circular Business Models versus circular benefits: An assessment in the waste from Electrical and Electronic Equipments sector
P Rosa, C Sassanelli, S Terzi
Journal of cleaner production 231, 940-952, 2019
Mandate: European Commission
The product service system lean design methodology (PSSLDM) integrating product and service components along the whole PSS lifecycle
G Pezzotta, C Sassanelli, F Pirola, R Sala, M Rossi, S Fotia, A Koutoupes, ...
Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management 29 (8), 1270-1295, 2018
Mandate: European Commission
Circular business models in the European manufacturing industry: A multiple case study analysis
A Urbinati, P Rosa, C Sassanelli, D Chiaroni, S Terzi
Journal of cleaner production 274, 122964, 2020
Mandate: European Commission
Maritime 4.0–opportunities in digitalization and advanced manufacturing for vessel development
BP Sullivan, S Desai, J Sole, M Rossi, L Ramundo, S Terzi
Procedia manufacturing 42, 246-253, 2020
Mandate: European Commission
The D-BEST reference model: A flexible and sustainable support for the digital transformation of small and medium enterprises
C Sassanelli, S Terzi
Global Journal of Flexible Systems Management 23 (3), 345-370, 2022
Mandate: European Commission
Lean thinking in the digital era
L Cattaneo, M Rossi, E Negri, D Powell, S Terzi
Product Lifecycle Management and the Industry of the Future: 14th IFIP WG 5 …, 2017
Mandate: Research Council of Norway
Design for Product Service Supportability (DfPSS) approach: a state of the art to foster Product Service System (PSS) design
C Sassanelli, G Pezzotta, F Pirola, S Terzi, M Rossi
Procedia CIRP 47, 192-197, 2016
Mandate: European Commission
Using design rules to guide the PSS design in an engineering platform based on the product service lifecycle management paradigm
C Sassanelli, G Pezzotta, F Pirola, R Sala, A Margarito, M Lazoi, A Corallo, ...
International Journal of Product Lifecycle Management 11 (2), 91-115, 2018
Mandate: European Commission
Industry 4.0 driven result-oriented PSS: An assessment in the energy management
C Sassanelli, T Arriga, S Zanin, I D'Adamo, S Terzi
International Journal of Energy Economics and Policy 12 (4), 186-203, 2022
Mandate: European Commission
A serious game for introducing set-based concurrent engineering in industrial practices
E Kerga, M Rossi, M Taisch, S Terzi
Concurrent Engineering 22 (4), 333-346, 2014
Mandate: European Commission
Informațiile despre publicații și finanțare sunt alese automat de un program informatic