Articole cu mandate pentru acces public - Maxwell ZhengAflați mai multe
Disponibile undeva: 9
Role of TiO2 Surface Passivation on Improving the Performance of p-InP Photocathodes
Y Lin, R Kapadia, J Yang, M Zheng, K Chen, M Hettick, X Yin, C Battaglia, ...
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 119 (5), 2308-2313, 2015
Mandate: US Department of Energy
19.2% Efficient InP Heterojunction Solar Cell with Electron-Selective TiO2 Contact
X Yin, C Battaglia, Y Lin, K Chen, M Hettick, M Zheng, CY Chen, D Kiriya, ...
ACS photonics 1 (12), 1245-1250, 2014
Mandate: US Department of Energy, US National Institutes of Health
Electron-Selective TiO2 Contact for Cu(In,Ga)Se2 Solar Cells
W Hsu, CM Sutter-Fella, M Hettick, L Cheng, S Chan, Y Chen, Y Zeng, ...
Scientific reports 5 (1), 16028, 2015
Mandate: US Department of Energy
Nonepitaxial thin-film InP for scalable and efficient photocathodes
M Hettick, M Zheng, Y Lin, CM Sutter-Fella, JW Ager, A Javey
The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 6 (12), 2177-2182, 2015
Mandate: US Department of Energy
Electrodeposition of high-purity indium thin films and its application to indium phosphide solar cells
P Lobaccaro, A Raygani, A Oriani, N Miani, A Piotto, R Kapadia, M Zheng, ...
Journal of The Electrochemical Society 161 (14), D794, 2014
Mandate: US Department of Energy
III‐Vs at scale: a PV manufacturing cost analysis of the thin film vapor–liquid–solid growth mode
M Zheng, K Horowitz, M Woodhouse, C Battaglia, R Kapadia, A Javey
Progress in Photovoltaics: Research and Applications 24 (6), 871-878, 2016
Mandate: US Department of Energy
Thin‐Film Solar Cells with InP Absorber Layers Directly Grown on Nonepitaxial Metal Substrates
M Zheng, HP Wang, CM Sutter‐Fella, C Battaglia, S Aloni, X Wang, ...
Advanced Energy Materials 5 (22), 1501337, 2015
Mandate: US Department of Energy
Increased optoelectronic quality and uniformity of hydrogenated p-InP thin films
HP Wang, CM Sutter-Fella, P Lobaccaro, M Hettick, M Zheng, DH Lien, ...
Chemistry of Materials 28 (13), 4602-4607, 2016
Mandate: US Department of Energy, Swiss National Science Foundation
Photoluminescence imaging characterization of thin-film InP
S Johnston, AA Motz, J Moore, M Zheng, A Javey, P Bermel
2015 IEEE 42nd Photovoltaic Specialist Conference (PVSC), 1-6, 2015
Mandate: US Department of Energy
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