Dietram A. Scheufele
Dietram A. Scheufele
Taylor-Bascom Chair, and Vilas Distinguished Achievement Professor, University of Wisconsin
Adresă de e-mail confirmată pe wisc.edu - Pagina de pornire
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Framing as a theory of media effects
DA Scheufele
Journal of communication 49 (1), 103-122, 1999
Framing, agenda setting, and priming: The evolution of three media effects models
DA Scheufele, D Tewksbury
Journal of communication 57 (1), 9-20, 2007
Agenda-setting, priming, and framing revisited: Another look at cognitive effects of political communication
DA Scheufele
Mass communication & society 3 (2-3), 297-316, 2000
Community, communication, and participation: The role of mass media and interpersonal discussion in local political participation
JM McLeod, DA Scheufele, P Moy
Political communication 16 (3), 315-336, 1999
What's next for science communication? Promising directions and lingering distractions
MC Nisbet, DA Scheufele
American journal of botany 96 (10), 1767-1778, 2009
The end of framing as we know it… and the future of media effects
MA Cacciatore, DA Scheufele, S Iyengar
Mass communication and society 19 (1), 7-23, 2016
The “nasty effect:” Online incivility and risk perceptions of emerging technologies
AA Anderson, D Brossard, DA Scheufele, MA Xenos, P Ladwig
Journal of computer-mediated communication 19 (3), 373-387, 2014
Science audiences, misinformation, and fake news
DA Scheufele, NM Krause
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 116 (16), 7662-7669, 2019
Connecting news media use with gaps in knowledge and participation
WP Eveland Jr, DA Scheufele
Political communication 17 (3), 215-237, 2000
News framing theory and research
D Tewksbury, DA Scheufele
Media effects, 51-68, 2019
Think about it this way: Attribute agenda-setting function of the press and the public's evaluation of a local issue
SH Kim, DA Scheufele, J Shanahan
Journalism & mass communication quarterly 79 (1), 7-25, 2002
The public and nanotechnology: How citizens make sense of emerging technologies
DA Scheufele, BV Lewenstein
Journal of nanoparticle research 7, 659-667, 2005
Exploring motivations for consumer Web use and their implications for e‐commerce
JL Joines, CW Scherer, DA Scheufele
Journal of consumer marketing 20 (2), 90-108, 2003
The state of framing research: A call for new directions
DA Scheufele, S Iyengar
Science, new media, and the public
D Brossard, DA Scheufele
science 339 (6115), 40-41, 2013
Being a citizen online: New opportunities and dead ends
DA Scheufele, MC Nisbet
Harvard International Journal of Press/Politics 7 (3), 55-75, 2002
Communicating science effectively: A research agenda
National Academies of Sciences, Medicine, Division of Behavioral, ...
National Academies Press, 2017
Social structure and citizenship: Examining the impacts of social setting, network heterogeneity, and informational variables on political participation
DA Scheufele, MC Nisbet, D Brossard, EC Nisbet
Political Communication, 21 (3), 315-338, 2004
Public attitudes toward emerging technologies: Examining the interactive effects of cognitions and affect on public attitudes toward nanotechnology
CJ Lee, DA Scheufele, BV Lewenstein
Science communication 27 (2), 240-267, 2005
Knowledge, reservations, or promise? A media effects model for public perceptions of science and technology
MC Nisbet, DA Scheufele, J Shanahan, P Moy, D Brossard, ...
Communication research 29 (5), 584-608, 2002
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