Ilia L. Rasskazov
Ilia L. Rasskazov
Lead Computational Modeling and Simulation Engineer, SunDensity Inc
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Collective lattice resonances: Plasmonics and beyond
AD Utyushev, VI Zakomirnyi, IL Rasskazov
Reviews in Physics 6, 100051, 2021
Collective lattice resonances in arrays of dielectric nanoparticles: a matter of size
VI Zakomirnyi, AE Ershov, VS Gerasimov, SV Karpov, H Ågren, ...
Optics letters 44 (23), 5743-5746, 2019
Critical role of shell in enhanced fluorescence of metal-dielectric core-shell nanoparticles
S Sun, IL Rasskazov, PS Carney, T Zhang, A Moroz
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 124 (24), 13365-13373, 2020
Refractory titanium nitride two-dimensional structures with extremely narrow surface lattice resonances at telecommunication wavelengths
VI Zakomirnyi, IL Rasskazov, VS Gerasimov, AE Ershov, SP Polyutov, ...
Applied Physics Letters 111 (12), 123107, 2017
STRATIFY: a comprehensive and versatile MATLAB code for a multilayered sphere
IL Rasskazov, PS Carney, A Moroz
OSA Continuum 3 (8), 2290-2309, 2020
Collective lattice resonances in disordered and quasi-random all-dielectric metasurfaces
VI Zakomirnyi, SV Karpov, H Ågren, IL Rasskazov
Journal of the Optical Society of America B 36 (7), E21-E29, 2019
Surface plasmon polaritons in curved chains of metal nanoparticles
IL Rasskazov, SV Karpov, VA Markel
Physical Review B 90 (7), 075405, 2014
Engineering mode hybridization in regular arrays of plasmonic nanoparticles embedded in 1D photonic crystal
VS Gerasimov, AE Ershov, RG Bikbaev, IL Rasskazov, IV Timofeev, ...
Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer 224, 303-308, 2019
Nondecaying surface plasmon polaritons in linear chains of silver nanospheroids
IL Rasskazov, SV Karpov, VA Markel
Optics Letters 38 (22), 4743-4746, 2013
Collective Lattice Resonances in All-Dielectric Nanostructures under Oblique Incidence
AD Utyushev, VI Zakomirnyi, AE Ershov, VS Gerasimov, SV Karpov, ...
Photonics 7 (2), 24, 2020
Thermal effects in systems of colloidal plasmonic nanoparticles in high-intensity pulsed laser fields [Invited]
VS Gerasimov, AE Ershov, SV Karpov, AP Gavrilyuk, VI Zakomirnyi, ...
Optical Materials Express 7 (2), 555-568, 2017
Plasmonic lattice Kerker effect in ultraviolet-visible spectral range
VS Gerasimov, AE Ershov, RG Bikbaev, IL Rasskazov, IL Isaev, ...
Physical Review B 103 (3), 035402, 2021
Waveguiding properties of short linear chains of nonspherical metal nanoparticles
IL Rasskazov, SV Karpov, VA Markel
Journal of the Optical Society of America B 31 (12), 2981-2989, 2014
New ideally absorbing Au plasmonic nanostructures for biomedical applications
VI Zakomirnyi, IL Rasskazov, SV Karpov, SP Polyutov
Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer 187, 54-61, 2017
Transmission and spectral properties of short optical plasmon waveguides
IL Rasskazov, VA Markel, SV Karpov
Optics and Spectroscopy 115, 666-674, 2013
Engineering novel tunable optical high-Q nanoparticle array filters for a wide range of wavelengths
AD Utyushev, IL Isaev, VS Gerasimov, AE Ershov, VI Zakomirnyi, ...
Optics Express 28 (2), 1426-1438, 2020
Electromagnetic energy in multilayered spherical particles
IL Rasskazov, A Moroz, PS Carney
JOSA A 36 (9), 1591-1601, 2019
Plasmonic nano-shells: Atomistic discrete interaction versus classic electrodynamics models
LK Sørensen, H Ågren, VI Zakomirnyi, Z Rinkevicius, I Rasskazov, ...
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 22 (24), 13467-13473, 2020
Plasmon-enhanced upconversion: engineering enhancement and quenching at nano and macro scales
IL Rasskazov, L Wang, CJ Murphy, R Bhargava, PS Carney
Optical Materials Express 8 (12), 3787-3804, 2018
Overcoming the adverse effects of substrate on the waveguiding properties of plasmonic nanoparticle chains
IL Rasskazov, SV Karpov, GY Panasyuk, VA Markel
Journal of Applied Physics 119 (4), 043101, 2016
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