Nofirman Nofirman
Nofirman Nofirman
Universitas Prof. Dr. Hazairin, SH
Adresă de e-mail confirmată pe unihaz.ac.id
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Can chat GPT replace the role of the teacher in the classroom: A fundamental analysis
AMA Ausat, B Massang, M Efendi, N Nofirman, Y Riady
Journal on Education 5 (4), 16100-16106, 2023
The Influence of Taste and Price on Consumer Satisfaction
AP Siregar, N Nofirman, M Yusuf, I Jayanto, S Rahayu
Quantitative Economics and Management Studies 3 (6), 998-1007, 2022
The impact of the development of cultural tourism on the cultural, economic, and social aspects of local communities
A Zunaidi, N Nofirman, J Juliana, RN Wurarah
Dinar: Jurnal Ekonomi dan Keuangan Islam 9 (2), 88-105, 2022
Pelatihan Penyusunan Buku Ber-ISBN: Kunci Sukses Karier Dosen
UI Purba, N Nofirman, A Dahlan, B Witjaksana, L Lendra, MM Amalia
Community Development Journal: Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat 5 (3), 4452-4457, 2024
Pendidikan inspiratif era cybernetics (Strategi menjadikan iklim pembelajaran bermakna di era digital)
AR Agusta, NC Lestari, A Suriansyah, N Nofirman, T Rukhmana
Jurnal pendidikan dan konseling (JPDK) 4 (5), 4303-4311, 2022
Distance Learning from the Teachers’ Perspective and Students' Learning Experience Based on Self Confidence
FM Lubis, N Nofirman, S Sudadi, Z Zuraida, I Arief
Journal on Education Volume 05, No. 04, Mei-Agustus2023, pp. 15723-15728, 2023
Use of ChatGPT as a decision support tool in human resource management
MS Iswahyudi, N Nofirman, IKA Wirayasa, S Suharni, I Soegiarto
Jurnal Minfo Polgan 12 (1), 1522-1532, 2023
Meta-analysis study for the use of project based learning models in teaching and learning activities
D Widarbowo, N Nofirman, J Jasiah, M Surur, ED Astuti
Journal on Education 5 (4), 16306-16311, 2023
The Roles of Digital Application Innovates Student Academic in Higher Education
H Suherlan, A Basir, AW Syakhrani, BA Ningsi, N Nofirman
Nazhruna: Jurnal Pendidikan Islam 5 (2), 672-689, 2022
Selecting the Optimal Location for a New Facility: A PROMETHEE II Analyst
TW Harjanti, HR Widjaja, N Nofirman, IGI Sudipa, SA Pramono, R Rahim
International Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research 7 (1), 82-87, 2023
Analysis The Role of School Culture in Shaping The Personality and Character of Students
S Saryanto, R Retnaningsih, N Nofirman, I Yuniwati
Mudir: Jurnal Manajemen Pendidikan 5 (2), 477-482, 2023
Pelatihan Analisis Data Penelitian Dengan Aplikasi Spss Untuk Publikasi Internasional
N Nofirman, Z Zulkifli, R Sampe, W Wahyudi, A Thamrin, RS Rita
Community Development Journal: Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat 4 (5), 10140-10145, 2023
Pelatihan penyusunan artikel ilmiah terindeks SINTA
R Kurniawan, J Malau, E Melati, N Nofirman, A Purwanti, SA Hanim
Community Development Journal: Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat 4 (2), 3482-3487, 2023
Transforming Traditional Farmers into Professionals: An Introduction to Human Resource Management in Rural
Y Anwar, V Jatsiyah, M Zahari, A Saefudin, N Nofirman
Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan IPA 9 (12), 12266-12275, 2023
Conceptual Analysis of Problem-Based Learning Model in Improving Students Critical Thinking Skill
MAP Nugraha, JSV Sinolungan, R Nur, S Nuridah, N Nofirman, ...
Journal of Education Research 4 (2), 466-473, 2023
Infographic of Internet Usage Data for Learning Process in the Province of Indonesia
Nofirman, PA Cakranegara, D Yusuf, N Mayasari
Jurnal Mantik 6 (3), 3633-3638, 2022
Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Sustainable Resource Management
G Rusmayadi, N Nofirman, A Fadhlihi
West Science Journal Economic and Entrepreneurship 1 (08), 368-378, 2023
Relevancy technological innovation and community economic development in Indonesia
NM Sianturi, N Nofirman, EB Yulianti, E Fatmawati, P Hendriarto
Linguistics and Culture Review, 117-130, 2022
Studi Kemampuan Spasial Geografi Siswa Kelas XII SMA Negeri 6 Kota Bengkulu
N Nofirman
Jurnal Georafflesia: Artikel Ilmiah Pendidikan Geografi 3 (2), 11-24, 2018
Revolutionary of Curriculum and Its Challenges in the 21st Century
YA Sarumaha, MPS Jaya, N Nofirman, P Padilah, K Khobir
JIIP-Jurnal Ilmiah Ilmu Pendidikan 6 (8), 5881-5887, 2023
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