David Blaschke
David Blaschke
Professor for Theoretical Physics, University of Wroclaw
Adresă de e-mail confirmată pe ift.uni.wroc.pl
Citat de
Citat de
Composition and thermodynamics of nuclear matter with light clusters
S Typel, G Röpke, T Klähn, D Blaschke, HH Wolter
Physical Review C—Nuclear Physics 81 (1), 015803, 2010
Constraints on the high-density nuclear equation of state from the phenomenology of compact stars and heavy-ion collisions
T Klähn, D Blaschke, S Typel, ENE Van Dalen, A Faessler, C Fuchs, ...
Physical Review C—Nuclear Physics 74 (3), 035802, 2006
Identifying a first-order phase transition in neutron-star mergers through gravitational waves
A Bauswein, NUF Bastian, DB Blaschke, K Chatziioannou, JA Clark, ...
Physical review letters 122 (6), 061102, 2019
A quantum kinetic equation for particle production in the Schwinger mechanism
S Schmidt, D Blaschke, G Röpke, SA Smolyansky, AV Prozorkevich, ...
International Journal of Modern Physics E 7 (06), 709-722, 1998
Hadron production in ultra-relativistic nuclear collisions: quarkyonic matter and a triple point in the phase diagram of QCD
A Andronic, D Blaschke, P Braun-Munzinger, J Cleymans, K Fukushima, ...
Nuclear Physics A 837 (1-2), 65-86, 2010
Ab initio equation of state data for hydrogen, helium, and water and the internal structure of Jupiter
N Nettelmann, B Holst, A Kietzmann, M French, R Redmer, D Blaschke
The Astrophysical Journal 683 (2), 1217, 2008
Quark matter in compact stars?
M Alford, D Blaschke, A Drago, T Klähn, G Pagliara, J Schaffner-Bielich
Nature 445 (7125), E7-E8, 2007
A new quark-hadron hybrid equation of state for astrophysics-I. High-mass twin compact stars
S Benić, D Blaschke, DE Alvarez-Castillo, T Fischer, S Typel
Astronomy & astrophysics 577, A40, 2015
Phase diagram of three-flavor quark matter under compact star constraints
D Blaschke, S Fredriksson, H Grigorian, AM Öztaş, F Sandin
Physical Review D—Particles, Fields, Gravitation, and Cosmology 72 (6), 065020, 2005
Charmonium and bottomonium in heavy-ion collisions
R Rapp, D Blaschke, P Crochet
Progress in particle and nuclear physics 65 (2), 209-266, 2010
Implications from GW170817 and I-Love-Q relations for relativistic hybrid stars
V Paschalidis, K Yagi, D Alvarez-Castillo, DB Blaschke, A Sedrakian
Physical Review D 97 (8), 084038, 2018
Quark exchange model for charmonium dissociation in hot hadronic matter
K Martins, D Blaschke, E Quack
Physical Review C 51 (5), 2723, 1995
Symmetry energy of dilute warm nuclear matter
JB Natowitz, G Röpke, S Typel, D Blaschke, A Bonasera, K Hagel, ...
Physical Review Letters 104 (20), 202501, 2010
Modern compact star observations and the quark matter equation of state
T Klähn, D Blaschke, F Sandin, C Fuchs, A Faessler, H Grigorian, ...
Physics Letters B 654 (5-6), 170-176, 2007
Implications of the measurement of pulsars with two solar masses for quark matter in compact stars and heavy-ion collisions: A Nambu–Jona-Lasinio model case study
T Klähn, R Łastowiecki, D Blaschke
Physical Review D—Particles, Fields, Gravitation, and Cosmology 88 (8), 085001, 2013
Diquark condensates and compact star cooling
D Blaschke, T Klähn, DN Voskresensky
The Astrophysical Journal 533 (1), 406, 2000
Continuum study of deconfinement at finite temperature
A Bender, D Blaschke, Y Kalinovsky, CD Roberts
Physical review letters 77 (18), 3724, 1996
Conformal transformations and conformal invariance in gravitation
MP Dabrowski, J Garecki, DB Blaschke
Annalen der Physik 521 (1), 13-32, 2009
Non-Markovian effects in strong-field pair creation
S Schmidt, D Blaschke, G Röpke, AV Prozorkevich, SA Smolyansky, ...
Physical Review D 59 (9), 094005, 1999
Quark deconfinement as a supernova explosion engine for massive blue supergiant stars
T Fischer, NUF Bastian, MR Wu, P Baklanov, E Sorokina, S Blinnikov, ...
Nature Astronomy 2 (12), 980-986, 2018
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