Tünde Tóth
Tünde Tóth
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Preparation of a new chiral acridino-18-crown-6 ether-based stationary phase for enantioseparation of racemic protonated primary aralkyl amines
S Lakatos, J Fetter, F Bertha, P Huszthy, T Tóth, V Farkas, G Orosz, ...
Tetrahedron 64 (6), 1012-1022, 2008
Enantioseparation of protonated primary arylalkylamines and amino acids containing an aromatic moiety on a pyridino-crown ether based new chiral stationary phase
V Farkas, T Tóth, G Orosz, P Huszthy, M Hollósi
Tetrahedron: Asymmetry 17 (12), 1883-1889, 2006
Change in hydrophilicity of penicillins during advanced oxidation by radiolytically generated OH compromises the elimination of selective pressure on bacterial strains
L Szabó, T Tóth, T Engelhardt, G Rácz, C Mohácsi-Farkas, E Takács, ...
Science of The Total Environment 551, 393-403, 2016
Radiolysis of paracetamol in dilute aqueous solution
L Szabó, T Tóth, R Homlok, E Takács, L Wojnárovits
Radiation Physics and Chemistry 81 (9), 1503-1507, 2012
One-electron oxidation of molecules with aromatic and thioether functions: Cl2−/Br2− and OH induced oxidation of penicillins studied by pulse radiolysis
L Szabó, T Tóth, E Takács, L Wojnárovits
Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology A: Chemistry 326, 50-59, 2016
Synthesis and preliminary studies on novel enantiopure crown ethers containing an alkyl diarylphosphinate or a proton-ionizable diarylphosphinic acid unit
P Huszthy, V Farkas, T Tóth, G Székely, M Hollósi
Tetrahedron 64 (43), 10107-10115, 2008
Preparation of pyridino-crown ether-based new chiral stationary phases and preliminary studies on their enantiomer separating ability for chiral protonated primary aralkylamines
J Kupai, S Lévai, GT Balogh, T Tóth, P Huszthy
Tetrahedron: Asymmetry 23 (6-7), 415-427, 2012
∙ OH and e-aq are yet good candidates for demolishing the β-lactam system of a penicillin eliminating the antimicrobial activity
L Szabó, T Tóth, G Rácz, E Takács, L Wojnárovits
Radiation Physics and Chemistry 124, 84-90, 2016
Effect of mild alkali/ultrasound treatment on flax and hemp fibres: the different responses of the two substrates
J Borsa, K László, L Boguslavsky, E Takács, I Rácz, T Tóth, D Szabó
Cellulose 23, 2117-2128, 2016
Hydroxyl radical induced degradation of salicylates in aerated aqueous solution
L Szabó, T Tóth, R Homlok, G Rácz, E Takács, L Wojnárovits
Radiation Physics and Chemistry 97, 239-245, 2014
Effect of tetramethylammonium hydroxide on cotton cellulose compared to sodium hydroxide
I Tanczos, J Borsa, I Sajó, K László, ZA Juhász, T Tóth
Macromolecular Chemistry and Physics 201 (17), 2550-2556, 2000
Drugs with susceptible sites for free radical induced oxidative transformations: the case of a penicillin
L Szabó, T Tóth, G Rácz, E Takács, L Wojnárovits
Free Radical Research 50 (1), 26-38, 2016
Studies of a pyridino-crown ether-based chiral stationary phase on the enantioseparation of biogenic chiral aralkylamines and α-amino acid esters by high-performance liquid …
S Lévai, T Németh, T Fődi, J Kupai, T Tóth, P Huszthy, GT Balogh
Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis 115, 192-195, 2015
Preparation and studies of chiral stationary phases containing enantiopure acridino‐18‐crown‐6 ether selectors
T Németh, S Lévai, A Kormos, J Kupai, T Tóth, GT Balogh, P Huszthy
Chirality 26 (10), 651-654, 2014
Synthesis and Preliminary Structural and Binding Characterization of New Enantiopure Crown Ethers Containing an Alkyl Diarylphosphinate or a Proton‐Ionizable Diarylphosphinic …
G Székely, B Csordás, V Farkas, J Kupai, P Pogány, Z Sánta, Z Szakács, ...
European Journal of Organic Chemistry 2012 (18), 3396-3407, 2012
Synthesis and molecular recognition studies of crown ethers
P Huszthy, T Tóth
Periodica Polytechnica Chemical Engineering 51 (2), 45-51, 2007
A novel method for the preparation of a chiral stationary phase containing an enantiopure acridino-18-crown-6 ether selector
T Nemeth, S Levai, T Fődi, J Kupai, G Túrós, T Tóth, P Huszthy, ...
Journal of chromatographic science 53 (3), 431-435, 2015
Synthesis and transport studies of new enantiopure lipophilic crown ethers containing a diarylphosphinic acid unit
T Szabo, E Hirsch, T Tóth, P Huszthy
Tetrahedron: Asymmetry 25 (22), 1443-1449, 2014
Synthesis and cation binding of acridono-18-crown-6 ether type ligands
T Németh, A Kormos, T Tóth, GT Balogh, P Huszthy
Monatshefte für Chemie-Chemical Monthly 146, 1291-1297, 2015
Crystal structures of crown ethers containing an alkyl diarylphosphinate or a diarylphosphinic acid unit
G Székely, V Farkas, L Párkányi, T Tóth, M Hollósi, P Huszthy
Structural Chemistry 21, 277-282, 2010
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