Pan Zheng
Pan Zheng
Information Systems, University of Canterbury
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Design of logic gates using spiking neural P systems with homogeneous neurons and astrocytes-like control
T Song, P Zheng, MLD Wong, X Wang
Information Sciences 372, 380-391, 2016
Spiking neural P systems with colored spikes
T Song, A Rodríguez-Patón, P Zheng, X Zeng
IEEE Transactions on Cognitive and Developmental Systems 10 (4), 1106-1115, 2017
Spiking neural P systems with learning functions
T Song, L Pan, T Wu, P Zheng, MLD Wong, A Rodríguez-Patón
IEEE transactions on nanobioscience 18 (2), 176-190, 2019
A parallel image skeletonizing method using spiking neural P systems with weights
T Song, S Pang, S Hao, A Rodríguez-Patón, P Zheng
Neural Processing Letters 50, 1485-1502, 2019
On the computational power of spiking neural P systems with self-organization
X Wang, T Song, F Gong, P Zheng
Scientific reports 6 (1), 27624, 2016
A parallel workflow pattern modeling using spiking neural P systems with colored spikes
T Song, X Zeng, P Zheng, M Jiang, A Rodriguez-Paton
IEEE transactions on nanobioscience 17 (4), 474-484, 2018
U-next: A novel convolution neural network with an aggregation u-net architecture for gallstone segmentation in ct images
T Song, F Meng, A Rodriguez-Paton, P Li, P Zheng, X Wang
IEEE Access 7, 166823-166832, 2019
A computational approach for nuclear export signals identification using spiking neural P systems
Z Chen, P Zhang, X Wang, X Shi, T Wu, P Zheng
Neural Computing and Applications 29, 695-705, 2018
SC‐Dynamic R‐CNN: A Self‐Calibrated Dynamic R‐CNN Model for Lung Cancer Lesion Detection
X Wang, L Wang, P Zheng
Computational and Mathematical Methods in Medicine 2022 (1), 9452157, 2022
An improved convolutional network architecture based on residual modeling for person re-identification in edge computing
S Pang, S Qiao, T Song, J Zhao, P Zheng
IEEE Access 7, 106748-106759, 2019
PETrans: De novo drug design with protein-specific encoding based on transfer learning
X Wang, C Gao, P Han, X Li, W Chen, A Rodríguez Patón, S Wang, ...
International Journal of Molecular Sciences 24 (2), 1146, 2023
A parallel bioinspired framework for numerical calculations using enzymatic P system with an enzymatic environment
S Pang, T Ding, A Rodríguez-Patón, T Song, Z Pan
IEEE Access 6, 65548-65556, 2018
Multi-Objective Evolutionary Algorithm Based on Decomposition for Energy-aware Scheduling in Heterogeneous Computing Systems
S Yuan, G Deng, Q Feng, P Zheng, T Song
Journal of Universal Computer Science 23 (7), 636-651, 2017
Multi-transdti: transformer for drug–target interaction prediction based on simple universal dictionaries with multi-view strategy
G Wang, X Zhang, Z Pan, A Rodríguez Patón, S Wang, T Song, Y Gu
Biomolecules 12 (5), 644, 2022
Hungry Cat—a serious game for conveying spatial information to the visually impaired
C Chai, BT Lau, Z Pan
Multimodal Technologies and Interaction 3 (1), 12, 2019
A deep model method for recognizing activities of workers on offshore drilling platform by multistage convolutional pose machine
F Gong, Y Ma, P Zheng, T Song
Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries 64, 104043, 2020
Artificial intelligence in bioinformatics and drug repurposing: methods and applications
P Zheng, S Wang, X Wang, X Zeng
Frontiers in Genetics 13, 870795, 2022
Optimising technology to measure functional vision, mobility and service outcomes for people with low vision or blindness: protocol for a prospective cohort study in Australia …
L Deverell, D Meyer, BT Lau, A Al Mahmud, S Sukunesan, J Bhowmik, ...
BMJ open 7 (12), e018140, 2017
A programming 20–30nm rectangular DNA origami for loading doxorubicin to penetrate ovarian cancer cells
X Li, X Wang, H Li, X Shi, P Zheng
IEEE Transactions on Nanobioscience 19 (1), 152-157, 2019
Mutational slime mould algorithm for gene selection
F Qiu, P Zheng, AA Heidari, G Liang, H Chen, FK Karim, H Elmannai, ...
Biomedicines 10 (8), 2052, 2022
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