Rajat K. Roy
Rajat K. Roy
Scientist, AMP Division, CSIR-NML, Jamshedpur 831007, India
Adresă de e-mail confirmată pe nmlindia.org
Citat de
Citat de
Aflatoxin B1 contamination of parboiled rice samples collected from different states of India: A multi-centre study
GS Toteja, A Mukherjee, S Diwakar, P Singh, BN Saxena, KK Sinha, ...
Food additives and contaminants 23 (4), 411-414, 2006
Aflatoxin B1 contamination in wheat grain samples collected from different geographical regions of India: a multicenter study
GS Toteja, A Mukherjee, S Diwakar, P Singh, BN Saxena, KK Sinha, ...
Journal of food protection 69 (6), 1463-1467, 2006
Aflatoxin b1 contamination in maize samples collected from different geographical regions of India—a multicentre study
RV Bhat, S Vasanthi, BS Rao, RN Rao, VS Rao, KV Nagaraja, RG Bai, ...
Food Additives & Contaminants 14 (2), 151-156, 1997
Effect of Co content on structure and magnetic behaviors of high induction Fe-based amorphous alloys
RK Roy, AK Panda, A Mitra
Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 418, 236-241, 2016
Aflatoxin B1 contamination in groundnut samples collected from different geographical regions of India: A multicentre study
RV Bhat, S Vasanthi, BS Rao, RN Rao, VS Rao, KV Nagaraja, RG Bai, ...
Taylor & Francis Group 13 (3), 325-331, 1996
Evaluation of tempering behaviour in modified 9Cr–1Mo steel by magnetic non-destructive techniques
H Kumar, JN Mohapatra, RK Roy, RJ Joseyphus, A Mitra
Journal of Materials Processing Technology 210 (4), 669-674, 2010
Structural and Giant Magneto-impedance properties of Cr-incorporated Co–Fe–Si–B amorphous microwires
P Sarkar, A Basu Mallick, RK Roy, AK Panda, A Mitra
Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 2012
Evolution of microstructure and mechanical properties during annealing of cold-rolled AA8011 alloy
RK Roy, S Kar, S Das
Journal of Alloys and Compounds 468 (1-2), 122-129, 2009
Effect of P addition on nanocrystallization and high temperature magnetic properties of low B and Nb containing FeCo nanocomposites
RK Roy, S Shen, SJ Kernion, ME McHenry
Journal of Applied Physics 111 (7), 2012
New combination of polishing and etching technique for revealing grain structure of an annealed aluminum (AA1235) alloy
Development of a copper-based filler alloy for brazing stainless steels
RK Roy, AK Panda, SK Das, A Mitra
Materials Science and Engineering: A 523 (1-2), 312-315, 2009
Optimization of process parameters for developing FeCoSiB amorphous microwires through in-rotating-water quenching technique
P Sarkar, RK Roy, AK Panda, A Mitra
Applied Physics A 111 (2), 575-580, 2013
A study of precipitation and recrystallization behaviour of aluminium alloy AA1235
RK Roy, S Kar, K Das, S Das
Journal of materials science 41 (4), 1039-1045, 2006
Curie temperature behaviour at relaxation and nanocrystallization of Finemet alloys
S Kaloshkin, M Churyukanova, V Zadorozhnyi, I Shchetinin, RK Roy
Journal of Alloys and Compounds 509, S400-S403, 2011
Joining of 304SS and pure copper by rapidly solidified Cu-based braze alloy
RK Roy, S Singh, MK Gunjan, AK Panda, A Mitra
Fusion engineering and design 86 (4-5), 452-455, 2011
Temperature-dependent giant magnetoimpedance effect in amorphous soft magnets
M Kurniawan, RK Roy, AK Panda, DW Greve, P Ohodnicki, ME McHenry
Journal of electronic materials 43, 4576-4581, 2014
Effect of annealing treatment on soft magnetic properties of Fe–6.5 wt% Si wide ribbons
RK Roy, AK Panda, M Ghosh, A Mitra, RN Ghosh
Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 321 (18), 2865-2870, 2009
Recrystallization behavior of commercial purity aluminium alloys
RK Roy
Light metal alloys applications, 2014
Analysis of superheater boiler tubes failed through non-linear heating
RK Roy, SK Das, AK Panda, A Mitra
Procedia Engineering 86, 926-932, 2014
Role of P on amorphization, microstructure, thermo-physical and soft magnetic properties of Fe-rich FeB (P) SiNbCu melt-spun alloys
P Murugaiyan, A Mitra, AK Patro, RK Roy, M Churyukanova, S Kaloshkin, ...
Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 492, 165723, 2019
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