Assoc. Prof. Dr. Muhammad Sukri Saud
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Muhammad Sukri Saud
Department of Technical and Engineering Education
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Pendidikan, kurikulum dan masyarakat: Satu integrasi
AA Hasmori¹, H Sarju, IS Norihan, R Hamzah, MS Saud
Journal of Edupres 1, 350-356, 2011
Big data adoption and knowledge management sharing: An empirical investigation on their adoption and sustainability as a purpose of education
WM Al-Rahmi, N Yahaya, AA Aldraiweesh, U Alturki, MM Alamri, ...
Ieee Access 7, 47245-47258, 2019
How cyber stalking and cyber bullying affect students’ open learning
WM Al-Rahmi, N Yahaya, MM Alamri, NA Aljarboa, YB Kamin, MSB Saud
Ieee Access 7, 20199-20210, 2019
Project-based learning conceptual framework for integrating soft skills among students of technical colleges
G Dogara, MSB Saud, YB Kamin, MSB Nordin
Ieee Access 8, 83718-83727, 2020
TVET teacher professional competency framework in industry 4.0 era
DSA Jafar, MS Saud, MZA Hamid, N Suhairom, MHM Hisham, YH Zaid
Universal Journal of Educational Research 8 (5), 1969-1979, 2020
Efficient load frequency control of renewable integrated power system: A twin delayed DDPG-based deep reinforcement learning approach
J Khalid, MAM Ramli, MS Khan, T Hidayat
IEEE Access 10, 51561-51574, 2022
Employability skills element's: difference perspective between teaching staff and employers industrial in Malaysia
Y Buntat, MK Jabor, MS Saud, SMSS Mansor, NH Mustaffa
Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences 93, 1531-1535, 2013
Computer technology application and vocational education: a review of literature and research
Y Buntat, MS Saud, A Dahar, KS Arifin, YH Zaid
European journal of social sciences 14 (4), 645-651, 2010
Effective integration of information and communication technologies (ICTs) in technical and vocational education and training (TVET) toward knowledge management in the changing …
MS Saud, B Shu'aibu, N Yahaya, MA Yasin
African Journal of Business Management 5 (16), 6668-6673, 2011
Assessment of the teaching methods that influence the acquisition of practical skills
R Audu, BK Yusri, HBM Aede, SBS Muhammad
Canadian Center of Science and Education, 2014
Provision of workshop tools and equipment: necessity for technical vocational education graduates skills acquisition
R Audu, HBM Aede, BK Yusri, SBS Muhammad
Faculty Education Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, 2013
Women in Democracy: The political participation of women Perempuan dalam Demokrasi: Partisipasi politik perempuan
A Ahmad, QK Mahmood, M Saud, IC Territory
Masyarakat, Kebudayaan, Dan Politik 32 (2), 114-122, 2019
The need in training and retraining for TVET teachers in Malaysia
MM Mohamad, MS Saud, A Ahmad
Journal of Technical Education and Training 1 (1), 2009
Work-based learning conceptual framework for effective incorporation of soft skills among students of vocational and technical institutions
G Dogara, MSB Saud, YB Kamin
Ieee Access 8, 211642-211652, 2020
Kemahiran visualisasi: Kemahiran kognitif tahap tinggi dalam pendidikan teknik dan vokasional
MS Nordin, MS Saud
Seminar Kebangsaan Pendidikan Teknik Dan Voksional, 2006
ICT skills for technical and vocational education graduates’ employability
H Bello, B Shu’aibu, MS Saud, Y Buntat
World Applied Sciences Journal 23 (2), 204-207, 2013
Kajian awal terhadap kebolehan ruang pelajar-pelajar pengajian kejuruteraan di sekolah-sekolah menengah teknik
MS Nordin, MS Saud
1st International Malaysian Educational Technology Convention 1998, 1105-1116, 2007
Exploring factors influencing the transfer of training using a grounded theory study: Issues and research agenda
WHW Hamid, MZM Saman, MS Saud
Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences 56, 662-672, 2012
Curriculum in TVET: Catalyst towards nations’s success
MIZ Zainudin, MS Saud, MS Nordin
Journal of Technical, Vocational & Engineering Education 5, 20-27, 2012
Kajian mengenai penggunaan e-pembelajaran (e-learning) di kalangan pelajar jurusan pendidikan teknikal dan Vokasional di institusi pengajian tinggi (IPTA) Negeri Johor
MS Saud, MAA Rahman, TK Shiung
1st International Malaysian Educational Technology Convention, 1123-1128, 2007
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