Surface exponents of the quantum XXZ, Ashkin-Teller and Potts models FC Alcaraz, MN Barber, MT Batchelor, RJ Baxter, GRW Quispel Journal of Physics A: mathematical and general 20 (18), 6397, 1987 | 571 | 1987 |
Reaction-diffusion processes, critical dynamics, and quantum chains FC Alcaraz, M Droz, M Henkel, V Rittenberg Annals of Physics 230 (2), 250-302, 1994 | 461 | 1994 |
Conformal invariance, the XXZ chain and the operator content of two-dimensional critical systems FC Alcaraz, MN Barber, MT Batchelor Annals of Physics 182 (2), 280-343, 1988 | 309 | 1988 |
Correlation functions of the antiferromagnetic Heisenberg model using a modified Lanczos method ER Gagliano, E Dagotto, A Moreo, FC Alcaraz Physical Review B 34 (3), 1677, 1986 | 288 | 1986 |
Entanglement of low-energy excitations in Conformal Field Theory FC Alcaraz, MI Berganza, G Sierra Physical Review Letters 106 (20), 201601, 2011 | 205 | 2011 |
Conformal invariance and the spectrum of the XXZ chain FC Alcaraz, MN Barber, MT Batchelor Physical review letters 58 (8), 771, 1987 | 178 | 1987 |
Equipartition of the entanglement entropy JC Xavier, FC Alcaraz, G Sierra Physical Review B 98 (4), 041106, 2018 | 166 | 2018 |
Superconductivity near phase separation in models of correlated electrons E Dagotto, J Riera, YC Chen, A Moreo, A Nazarenko, F Alcaraz, F Ortolani Physical Review B 49 (5), 3548, 1994 | 159 | 1994 |
Critical behavior of the spin-3 2 Blume-Capel model in two dimensions JC Xavier, FC Alcaraz, DP Lara, JA Plascak Physical Review B 57 (18), 11575, 1998 | 147 | 1998 |
Entanglement of excited states in critical spin chains MI Berganza, FC Alcaraz, G Sierra Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment 2012 (01), P01016, 2012 | 125 | 2012 |
Duality and the phases of Z (N) spin systems FC Alcaraz, R Koberle Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General 13 (5), L153, 1980 | 99 | 1980 |
Anisotropic ferromagnetic quantum domains FC Alcaraz, SR Salinas, WF Wreszinski Physical review letters 75 (5), 930, 1995 | 96 | 1995 |
The HeisenbergXXZ Hamiltonian with Dzyaloshinsky-Moriya interactions FC Alcaraz, WF Wreszinski Journal of statistical physics 58, 45-56, 1990 | 94 | 1990 |
Reaction-diffusion processes as physical realizations of Hecke algebras FC Alcaraz, V Rittenberg Physics Letters B 314 (3-4), 377-380, 1993 | 78 | 1993 |
Critical behaviour of mixed Heisenberg chains FC Alcaraz, AL Malvezzi Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General 30 (3), 767, 1997 | 74 | 1997 |
Operator content of the XXZ chain FC Alcaraz, M Baake, U Grimmn, V Rittenberg Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General 21 (3), L117, 1988 | 73 | 1988 |
Critical behavior of anisotropic spin-S Heisenberg chains FC Alcaraz, A Moreo Physical Review B 46 (5), 2896, 1992 | 72 | 1992 |
The critical behaviour of self-dual Z (N) spin systems: Finite-size scaling and conformal invariance FC Alcaraz Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General 20 (9), 2511, 1987 | 70 | 1987 |
The XXZ Heisenberg chain, conformal invariance and the operator content of c< 1 systems FC Alcaraz, U Grimm, V Rittenberg Nuclear Physics B 316 (3), 735-768, 1989 | 69 | 1989 |
Conformal invariance and the operator content of the XXZ model with arbitrary spin FC Alcaraz, MJ Martins Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General 22 (11), 1829, 1989 | 68 | 1989 |