Articole cu mandate pentru acces public - Pierre GladieuxAflați mai multe
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Globally invading populations of the fungal plant pathogen Verticillium dahliae are dominated by multiple divergent lineages
DPG Short, S Gurung, P Gladieux, P Inderbitzin, ZK Atallah, F Nigro, G Li, ...
Environmental microbiology 17 (8), 2824-2840, 2015
Mandate: European Commission
Disponibile undeva: 56
Emergence of wheat blast in Bangladesh was caused by a South American lineage of Magnaporthe oryzae
MT Islam, D Croll, P Gladieux, DM Soanes, A Persoons, P Bhattacharjee, ...
BMC biology 14, 1-11, 2016
Mandate: UK Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council
New insight into the history of domesticated apple: secondary contribution of the European wild apple to the genome of cultivated varieties
A Cornille, P Gladieux, MJM Smulders, I Roldán-Ruiz, F Laurens, ...
PLoS genetics 8 (5), e1002703, 2012
Mandate: Government of Spain
Linking the emergence of fungal plant diseases with ecological speciation
T Giraud, P Gladieux, S Gavrilets
Trends in ecology & evolution 25 (7), 387-395, 2010
Mandate: US National Institutes of Health
Origin, migration routes and worldwide population genetic structure of the wheat yellow rust pathogen Puccinia striiformis f. sp. tritici
S Ali, P Gladieux, M Leconte, A Gautier, AF Justesen, MS Hovmøller, ...
PLoS Pathogens 10 (1), e1003903, 2014
Mandate: European Commission
Fungal evolutionary genomics provides insight into the mechanisms of adaptive divergence in eukaryotes
P Gladieux, J Ropars, H Badouin, A Branca, G Aguileta, DM De Vienne, ...
Molecular ecology 23 (4), 753-773, 2014
Mandate: European Commission
Gene Flow between Divergent Cereal- and Grass-Specific Lineages of the Rice Blast Fungus Magnaporthe oryzae
P Gladieux, B Condon, S Ravel, D Soanes, JLN Maciel, A Nhani Jr, ...
MBio 9 (1), 10.1128/mbio. 01219-17, 2018
Mandate: US Department of Agriculture, UK Biotechnology and Biological Sciences …
The population biology of fungal invasions
P Gladieux, A Feurtey, ME Hood, A Snirc, J Clavel, C Dutech, M Roy, ...
Invasion Genetics: The Baker and Stebbins Legacy, 81-100, 2016
Mandate: US National Science Foundation, European Commission
Genetic isolation between two recently diverged populations of a symbiotic fungus
S Branco, P Gladieux, CE Ellison, A Kuo, K LaButti, A Lipzen, IV Grigoriev, ...
Molecular ecology 24 (11), 2747-2758, 2015
Mandate: US Department of Energy
Inferring the contribution of sexual reproduction, migration and off‐season survival to the temporal maintenance of microbial populations: a case study on the wheat fungal …
S Ali, P Gladieux, H Rahman, MS Saqib, M Fiaz, H Ahmad, M Leconte, ...
Molecular ecology 23 (3), 603-617, 2014
Mandate: European Commission
Distinct invasion sources of common ragweed (Ambrosia artemisiifolia) in Eastern and Western Europe
P Gladieux, T Giraud, L Kiss, BJ Genton, O Jonot, JA Shykoff
Biological Invasions 13, 933-944, 2011
Mandate: Hungarian Scientific Research Fund
Maintenance of fungal pathogen species that are specialized to different hosts: allopatric divergence and introgression through secondary contact
P Gladieux, E Vercken, MC Fontaine, ME Hood, O Jonot, A Couloux, ...
Molecular Biology and Evolution 28 (1), 459-471, 2011
Mandate: Fonds de recherche du Québec - Santé
Distribution of the anther‐smut pathogen Microbotryum on species of the Caryophyllaceae
ME Hood, JI Mena‐Alí, AK Gibson, B Oxelman, T Giraud, R Yockteng, ...
New Phytologist 187 (1), 217-229, 2010
Mandate: Swedish Research Council for Environment, Agricultural Sciences and Spatial …
NLR surveillance of essential SEC-9 SNARE proteins induces programmed cell death upon allorecognition in filamentous fungi
J Heller, C Clavé, P Gladieux, SJ Saupe, NL Glass
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 115 (10), E2292-E2301, 2018
Mandate: US Department of Energy, US National Institutes of Health, German Research …
Genomic signatures of adaptation to wine biological ageing conditions in biofilm‐forming flor yeasts
AL Coi, F Bigey, S Mallet, S Marsit, G Zara, P Gladieux, V Galeote, ...
Molecular Ecology 26 (7), 2150-2166, 2017
Mandate: Swiss National Science Foundation, Government of Spain
Widespread selective sweeps throughout the genome of model plant pathogenic fungi and identification of effector candidates
H Badouin, P Gladieux, J Gouzy, S Siguenza, G Aguileta, A Snirc, ...
Molecular ecology 26 (7), 2041-2062, 2017
Mandate: European Commission
Crop‐to‐wild gene flow and spatial genetic structure in the closest wild relatives of the cultivated apple
A Cornille, P Gladieux, T Giraud
Evolutionary Applications 6 (5), 737-748, 2013
Mandate: Government of Spain
Population structure and temporal maintenance of the multihost fungal pathogen Botrytis cinerea: causes and implications for disease management
AS Walker, P Gladieux, V Decognet, M Fermaud, J Confais, J Roudet, ...
Environmental microbiology 17 (4), 1261-1274, 2015
Mandate: European Commission
Pathogen effectors and plant immunity determine specialization of the blast fungus to rice subspecies
J Liao, H Huang, I Meusnier, H Adreit, A Ducasse, F Bonnot, L Pan, X He, ...
eLife 5, e19377, 2016
Mandate: Chinese Academy of Sciences
Characterization of greenbeard genes involved in long-distance kind discrimination in a microbial eukaryote
J Heller, J Zhao, G Rosenfield, DJ Kowbel, P Gladieux, NL Glass
PLoS biology 14 (4), e1002431, 2016
Mandate: US National Science Foundation, US National Institutes of Health, German …
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