Jan Blecki
Jan Blecki
Space Research Centre PAS
Adresă de e-mail confirmată pe cbk.waw.pl
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Citat de
The magnetic field experiment IMSC and its data processing onboard DEMETER: Scientific objectives, description and first results
M Parrot, D Benoist, JJ Berthelier, J Błęcki, Y Chapuis, F Colin, F Elie, ...
Planetary and Space Science 54 (5), 441-455, 2006
Examples of unusual ionospheric observations made by the DEMETER satellite over seismic regions
M Parrot, JJ Berthelier, JP Lebreton, JA Sauvaud, O Santolík, J Blecki
Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, Parts A/B/C 31 (4-9), 486-495, 2006
An evaluation of the exposure in nadir observation of the JEM-EUSO mission
JH Adams Jr, S Ahmad, JN Albert, D Allard, M Ambrosio, L Anchordoqui, ...
Astroparticle Physics 44, 76-90, 2013
ASPI experiment. Measurements of fields and waves onboard the Interball-Tail mission
S Klimov, S Romanov, E Amata, J Blecki, J BuÈchner, J Juchniewicz, ...
INTERBALL mission and payload, 120, 1995
High energy jets in the Earth’s magnetosheath: Implications for plasma dynamics and anomalous transport
S Savin, E Amata, L Zelenyi, V Budaev, G Consolini, R Treumann, ...
JETP letters 87, 593-599, 2008
The JEM-EUSO mission: An introduction
JEM-EUSO Collaboration, JH Adams, S Ahmad, JN Albert, D Allard, ...
Experimental Astronomy 40, 3-17, 2015
Super fast plasma streams as drivers of transient and anomalous magnetospheric dynamics
S Savin, E Amata, L Zelenyi, V Lutsenko, J Safrankova, Z Nemecek, ...
Annales Geophysicae 30 (1), 1-7, 2012
Interball tail probe measurements in outer cusp and boundary layers
SP Savin, NL Borodkova, EY Budnik, AO Fedorov, SI Klimov, ...
Geophysical Monograph Series 104, 25-44, 1998
The Jem-Euso instrument
JEM-EUSO Collaboration, JH Adams, S Ahmad, JN Albert, D Allard, ...
Experimental Astronomy 40, 19-44, 2015
EUSO-TA–First results from a ground-based EUSO telescope
G Abdellaoui, S Abe, JH Adams Jr, A Ahriche, D Allard, L Allen, G Alonso, ...
Astroparticle Physics 102, 98-111, 2018
JEM-EUSO: Meteor and nuclearite observations
JEM-EUSO Collaboration, JH Adams, S Ahmad, JN Albert, D Allard, ...
Experimental Astronomy 40, 253-279, 2015
Studies of the electromagnetic field variations in ELF frequency range registered by DEMETER over the Sichuan region prior to the 12 May 2008 earthquake
J Błeçki, M Parrot, R Wronowski
International Journal of Remote Sensing 31 (13), 3615-3629, 2010
Cosmic ray oriented performance studies for the JEM-EUSO first level trigger
Nuclear Instruments & Methods In Physics Research Section A-Accelerators …, 2017
The EUSO-Balloon pathfinder
JEM-EUSO Collaboration, JH Adams, S Ahmad, JN Albert, D Allard, ...
Experimental Astronomy 40, 281-299, 2015
Magnetosheath-cusp interface
S Savin, L Zelenyi, S Romanov, I Sandahl, J Pickett, E Amata, L Avanov, ...
Annales Geophysicae 22 (1), 183-212, 2004
Ultra-violet imaging of the night-time earth by EUSO-Balloon towards space-based ultra-high energy cosmic ray observations
Astroparticle Physics, 2018
On the properties of turbulent boundary layer over polar cusps
S Savin, J Büchner, G Consolini, B Nikutowski, L Zelenyi, E Amata, ...
Nonlinear Processes in Geophysics 9 (5/6), 443-451, 2002
Multi-spacecraft tracing of turbulent boundary layer
S Savin, L Zelenyi, N Maynard, I Sandahl, H Kawano, CT Russell, ...
Advances in Space Research 30 (12), 2821-2830, 2002
Turbulent boundary layer at the border of geomagnetic trap
SP Savin, LM Zelenyi, SA Romanov, SI Klimov, AA Skalsky, AA Galeev, ...
Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Physics Letters 74, 547-551, 2001
Ground-based tests of JEM-EUSO components at the Telescope Array site,“EUSO-TA”
JEM-EUSO Collaboration, JH Adams, S Ahmad, JN Albert, D Allard, ...
Experimental Astronomy 40, 301-314, 2015
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