Alexandru-Constantin Strungă
Alexandru-Constantin Strungă
Associate Professor of Education Sciences at University of Craiova
Adresă de e-mail confirmată pe ucv.ro - Pagina de pornire
Citat de
Citat de
The Integration of Virtual Learning Communities into Universities’ Knowledge Management Models
AC Strunga
Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences 197, 2430-2434, 2015
Managerial competences in the field of university curriculum for virtual learning communities
CM Bunăiașu, Ș Vlăduțescu, AC Strungă
Revista Românească pentru Educație Multidimensională 6 (2), 17-27, 2014
Decision communication in education management
Ş Vlăduţescu, CM Bunăiașu, AC Strungă
International Letters of Social and Humanistic Sciences 44, 53-60, 2014
The Investigation of the Curricular Preferences of Students from Primary and Preschool Pedagogy Specialization
AC Strungă, CM Bunăiașu
Revista de cercetare şi intervenţie socială, 61-77, 2013
Using Virtual Learning Communities in Shaping the Professional Identity of Primary and Preschool Pedagogy Specialization Students: A Knowledge Management Approach
AC Strungă
Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences 180, 460-467, 2015
Curriculum and institutional innovation models for Romanian universities in the context of Lisbon Strategy and European Higher Education Area
AC Strungă
Journal of Educational Sciences/Revista de Stiintele Educatiei 11 (2), 2009
Imaginile mentale europene şi identitate profesionalã în formarea cadrelor didactice: aplicaţii în domeniul învãţãmântului primar
AC Strungă
Editura Universitară, 2014
Aktivno starenje u Europi-nove perspektive
A Strunga
Andragoški glasnik: Glasilo Hrvatskog andragoškog društva 16 (1.(28)), 33-41, 2012
Osgood’s semantic differential: a review of the Romanian social sciences literature
AC Strungă
Social Sciences and Education Research Review, 22-28, 2014
Mentoring and eMentoring in entrepreneurial education: CReBUS perspective.
AC Strungă, C Martin
Journal of Educational Sciences/Revista de Stiintele Educatiei 14 (1), 2012
The Role of University in Seniors’ Education: A Romanian Perspective
AC Strunga
Social Sciences and Education Research Review 2 (1), 81-90, 2015
A potential methodological tool in order to plan the curriculum in school
CM Bunăiaşu, AC Strungă
Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences 76, 140-145, 2013
Flexicurity Dynamics and the Lisbon Strategy in Romania.
C Martin, AC Strungă
Journal of Educational Sciences/Revista de Stiintele Educatiei 11 (2), 2009
Perspectives and modalities in order to develop the didactic staff’s intercultural competences
CM Bunăiașu, AC Strungă
Social Sciences and Education Research Review 3 (2), 24-35, 2016
Impact Study Regarding Constructivist Curriculum's Management of Teacher Training
C Bunaiasu, M Stefan, AC Strunga, AM Popescu
Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences 78, 145-149, 2013
Academic learning–from control and systematic assistance to autonomy
M Ştefan, C Bunăiaşu, AC Strungă
Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences 33, 243-247, 2012
Optimization of students' professional practicum and eInternship
AC Strungă
The International Conference of Humanities and Social Sciences - Creativity …, 2014
Curriculum Preferences Patterns of Education Sciences Students from the University of Craiova
AC Strungă, CM Bunăiașu, M Ștefan
Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences 78, 140-144, 2013
Introducere în teoria curriculumului
AC Strungă
Editura Universitară, 2020
Statutul profesional al cadrelor didactice
AC Strungă
Editura Universitară, 2022
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