Patrick T. Callahan
Patrick T. Callahan
MIT Lincoln Laboratory
Adresă de e-mail confirmată pe ll.mit.edu
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Citat de
Octave-spanning coherent supercontinuum generation in silicon on insulator from 1.06 μm to beyond 2.4 μm
N Singh, M Xin, D Vermeulen, K Shtyrkova, N Li, PT Callahan, ...
Light: Science & Applications 7 (1), 17131-17131, 2018
Tunable millimeter-wave frequency synthesis up to 100 GHz by dual-wavelength Brillouin fiber laser
MC Gross, PT Callahan, TR Clark, D Novak, RB Waterhouse, ML Dennis
Optics express 18 (13), 13321-13330, 2010
High-power thulium lasers on a silicon photonics platform
N Li, P Purnawirman, Z Su, E Salih Magden, PT Callahan, K Shtyrkova, ...
Optics letters 42 (6), 1181-1184, 2017
Integrated CMOS-compatible Q-switched mode-locked lasers at 1900nm with an on-chip artificial saturable absorber
K Shtyrkova, PT Callahan, N Li, ES Magden, A Ruocco, D Vermeulen, ...
Optics Express 27 (3), 3542-3556, 2019
One-femtosecond, long-term stable remote laser synchronization over a 3.5-km fiber link
M Xin, K Şafak, MY Peng, PT Callahan, FX Kärtner
Optics express 22 (12), 14904-14912, 2014
Broadband 2-µm emission on silicon chips: monolithically integrated Holmium lasers
N Li, ES Magden, Z Su, N Singh, A Ruocco, M Xin, M Byrd, PT Callahan, ...
Optics express 26 (3), 2220-2230, 2018
Long-term stable, sub-femtosecond timing distribution via a 1.2-km polarization-maintaining fiber link: approaching 10−21 link stability
MY Peng, PT Callahan, AH Nejadmalayeri, S Valente, M Xin, ...
Optics Express 21 (17), 19982-19989, 2013
Fiber-coupled balanced optical cross-correlator using PPKTP waveguides
PT Callahan, K Safak, P Battle, TD Roberts, FX Kärtner
Optics express 22 (8), 9749-9758, 2014
Photonic signal generation for millimeter-wave communications
JA Nanzer, PT Callahan, ML Dennis, TR Clark
Johns Hopkins APL technical digest 30 (4), 299-308, 2012
Photonic analog-to-digital conversion
PT Callahan, ML Dennis, TR Clark Jr
Johns Hopkins APL technical digest 30 (4), 280-286, 2012
Millimeter-wave wireless communication using dual-wavelength photonic signal generation and photonic upconversion
JA Nanzer, PT Callahan, ML Dennis, TR Clark, D Novak, RB Waterhouse
IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques 59 (12), 3522-3530, 2011
All fiber-coupled, long-term stable timing distribution for free-electron lasers with few-femtosecond jitter
K Şafak, M Xin, PT Callahan, MY Peng, FX Kärtner
Structural dynamics 2 (4), 2015
Frequency-independent phase noise in a dual-wavelength brillouin fiber laser
PT Callahan, MC Gross, ML Dennis
IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics 47 (8), 1142-1150, 2011
Integrated mode-locked lasers in a CMOS-compatible silicon photonic platform
C Sorace-Agaskar, PT Callahan, K Shtyrkova, A Baldycheva, M Moresco, ...
2015 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO), 1-2, 2015
Breaking the femtosecond barrier in multi-kilometer timing synchronization systems
M Xin, K Şafak, MY Peng, A Kalaydzhyan, PT Callahan, W Wang, ...
IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics 23 (3), 97-108, 2016
Integrated-photonics-based architectures for polarization-gradient and EIT cooling of trapped ions
A Hattori, S Corsetti, T Sneh, M Notaros, R Swint, PT Callahan, ...
Frontiers in Optics, FM4B. 3, 2022
Frequency domain spectroscopy in rare-earth-doped gain media
ES Magden, P Callahan, N Li, JDB Bradley, N Singh, A Ruocco, ...
IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics 24 (5), 1-10, 2018
Double-chirped Bragg gratings in a silicon nitride waveguide
PT Callahan, TN Adam, G Leake, D Coolbaugh, MR Watts, FX Kärtner
CLEO: Science and Innovations, SF1E. 7, 2016
Photonic upconversion of 60 GHz IEEE 802.15. 3c standard compliant data signals using a dual-wavelength laser
ML Dennis, JA Nanzer, PT Callahan, MC Gross, TR Clark, D Novak, ...
2010 23rd Annual Meeting of the IEEE Photonics Society, 383-384, 2010
Integrated visible-light polarization rotators and splitters for atomic quantum systems
A Hattori, T Sneh, M Notaros, S Corsetti, PT Callahan, D Kharas, ...
Optics Letters 49 (7), 1794-1797, 2024
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