Tobias Meyer
Tobias Meyer
Institute of Materials Physics, University of Goettingen
Adresă de e-mail confirmată pe uni-goettingen.de
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Citat de
Atomistic Insights into Activation and Degradation of La0.6Sr0.4CoO3−δ Electrocatalysts under Oxygen Evolution Conditions
ML Weber, G Lole, A Kormanyos, A Schwiers, L Heymann, FD Speck, ...
Journal of the American Chemical Society 144 (39), 17966-17979, 2022
Dynamic observation of manganese adatom mobility at perovskite oxide catalyst interfaces with water
G Lole, V Roddatis, U Ross, M Risch, T Meyer, L Rump, J Geppert, ...
Communications Materials 1 (1), 68, 2020
Aberration-corrected STEM imaging of 2D materials: Artifacts and practical applications of threefold astigmatism
S Lopatin, A Aljarb, V Roddatis, T Meyer, Y Wan, JH Fu, M Hedhili, Y Han, ...
Science advances 6 (37), eabb8431, 2020
Fabrication of tin-based halide perovskites by pulsed laser deposition
S Hoffmann-Urlaub, Y Zhang, Z Wang, B Kressdorf, T Meyer
Applied Physics A 126, 1-11, 2020
Room-temperature hot-polaron photovoltaics in the charge-ordered state of a layered perovskite oxide heterojunction
B Kressdorf, T Meyer, A Belenchuk, O Shapoval, M Ten Brink, S Melles, ...
Physical Review Applied 14 (5), 054006, 2020
Orbital-order phase transition in probed by photovoltaics
B Kressdorf, T Meyer, M ten Brink, C Seick, S Melles, N Ottinger, T Titze, ...
Physical Review B 103 (23), 235122, 2021
Phase Transitions in a Perovskite Thin Film Studied by Environmental In Situ Heating Nano‐Beam Electron Diffraction
T Meyer, B Kressdorf, V Roddatis, J Hoffmann, C Jooss, M Seibt
Small Methods 5 (9), 2100464, 2021
High-resolution scanning transmission EBIC analysis of misfit dislocations at perovskite Pn-heterojunctions
T Meyer, B Kressdorf, J Lindner, P Peretzki, V Roddatis, C Jooss, M Seibt
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1190 (1), 012009, 2019
Site-specific plan-view TEM lamella preparation of pristine surfaces with a large field of view
T Meyer, T Westphal, B Kressdorf, U Ross, C Jooss, M Seibt
Ultramicroscopy 228, 113320, 2021
Composition and electronic structure of //Al passivating carrier selective contacts on n-type silicon solar cells
C Flathmann, T Meyer, V Titova, J Schmidt, M Seibt
Scientific Reports 13 (1), 3124, 2023
Preparation Techniques for Cross‐Section Transmission Electron Microscopy Lamellas Suitable for Investigating In Situ Silicon–Aluminum Alloying at Grain Boundaries in …
C Flathmann, H Spende, T Meyer, P Peretzki, M Seibt
physica status solidi (a) 216 (17), 1900308, 2019
Interface-assisted room-temperature magnetoresistance in Cu-phenalenyl-based magnetic tunnel junctions
N Jha, A Pariyar, TS Parvini, C Denker, PK Vardhanapu, G Vijaykumar, ...
ACS Applied Electronic Materials 5 (3), 1471-1477, 2023
Ablation threshold of GaN films for ultrashort laser pulses and the role of threading dislocations as damage precursors
S Bornemann, T Meyer, T Voss, A Waag
Optics Express 30 (26), 47744-47760, 2022
Environmental transmission electron microscopy study of hydrogen charging effect on a Cu-Zr metallic glass
L Tian, YQ Yang, T Meyer, D Tönnies, V Roddatis, H Voigt, XA Zhao, ...
Materials Research Letters 8 (12), 439-445, 2020
Structural modifications in free-standing InGaN/GaN LEDs after femtosecond laser lift-off
S Bornemann, N Yulianto, T Meyer, J Gülink, C Margenfeld, M Seibt, ...
Proceedings 2 (13), 897, 2018
Potassium Diffusion in Mono‐ and Bi‐Crystalline SrTiO3 – Mechanisms and Activation Energies
J Bernzen, C Fuchs, T Jacob, Q Ma, T Meyer, C Jooss, KM Weitzel
Advanced Materials Interfaces 11 (30), 2400338, 2024
Reconstruction of Angstrom resolution exit-waves by the application of drift-corrected phase-shifting off-axis electron holography
J Lindner, U Ross, T Meyer, V Boureau, M Seibt, C Jooss
Ultramicroscopy 256, 113880, 2024
Microstructural analysis of GaN films grown on (1 0 0) MgF2 substrate by 4D nanobeam diffraction and energy-dispersive X-ray spectrometry
T Niemeyer, K Meyer, C Flathmann, T Meyer, DM Schaadt, M Seibt
Journal of Crystal Growth 602, 126972, 2023
Structural and electronic investigation of strongly correlated transition metal oxide perovskite thin films and interfaces using in-situ transmission electron microscopy
T Meyer
Dissertation, Göttingen, Georg-August Universität, 2020, 2021
A posteriori synchronization of scanning transmission electron microscopy signals with kilopixel per second acquisition rates
T Meyer, S Lopatin, M Seibt, V Roddatis
Ultramicroscopy 200, 62-66, 2019
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