Articole cu mandate pentru acces public - Paula LorenzoAflați mai multe
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Invasion by the leguminous tree Acacia dealbata (Mimosaceae) reduces the native understorey plant species in different communities
P Lorenzo, E Pazos-Malvido, M Rubido-Bará, MJ Reigosa, L González
Australian Journal of Botany 60 (8), 669-675, 2012
Mandate: Government of Spain
Effects and identification of chemical compounds released from the invasive Acacia dealbata Link
N Aguilera, J Becerra, C Villaseñor-Parada, P Lorenzo, L González, ...
Chemistry and Ecology 31 (6), 479-493, 2015
Mandate: Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, Portugal
Influence of soil microorganisms, allelopathy and soil origin on the establishment of the invasive Acacia dealbata
P Lorenzo, S Rodríguez-Echeverría
Plant Ecology & Diversity 5 (1), 67-73, 2012
Mandate: Government of Spain
Influence of Acacia dealbata Link bark extracts on the growth of Allium cepa L. plants under high salinity conditions
P Lorenzo, P Souza‐Alonso, A Guisande‐Collazo, H Freitas
Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture 99 (8), 4072-4081, 2019
Mandate: Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, Portugal
Assessment of Acacia dealbata as green manure and weed control for maize crop
P Lorenzo, L Álvarez-Iglesias, L González, P Revilla
Renewable Agriculture and Food Systems 37 (4), 322-336, 2022
Mandate: Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, Portugal, Government of Spain
Phenotypic plasticity of invasive Carpobrotus edulis modulates tolerance against herbivores
J Rodríguez, P Lorenzo, L González
Biological Invasions 23 (6), 1859-1875, 2021
Mandate: Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, Portugal, Government of Spain
New Sloped Box method to study allelopathic effects of Acacia dealbata under competitive interactions.
P Lorenzo, E Pazos-Malvido, MJ Reigosa, L González
Allelopathy Journal 29 (2), 2012
Mandate: Government of Spain
Disponibile undeva: 21
Here to stay. Recent advances and perspectives about Acacia invasion in Mediterranean areas
P Souza-Alonso, J Rodríguez, L González, P Lorenzo
Annals of Forest Science 74, 1-20, 2017
Mandate: Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, Portugal
Role of allelopathy during invasion process by alien invasive plants in terrestrial ecosystems
P Lorenzo, MI Hussain, L González
Allelopathy: Current trends and future applications, 3-21, 2013
Mandate: Government of Spain
Impacts of the alien trees Ailanthus altissima (Mill.) Swingle and Robinia pseudoacacia L. on soil nutrients and microbial communities
S Medina-Villar, S Rodríguez-Echeverría, P Lorenzo, A Alonso, ...
Soil Biology and Biochemistry 96, 65-73, 2016
Mandate: Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, Portugal, Government of Spain
Fire increases Eucalyptus globulus seedling recruitment in forested habitats: Effects of litter, shade and burnt soil on seedling emergence and survival
M Calviño-Cancela, P Lorenzo, L González
Forest Ecology and Management 409, 826-834, 2018
Mandate: Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, Portugal, Government of Spain
Changes in microhabitat, but not allelopathy, affect plant establishment after Acacia dealbata invasion
P Lorenzo, J Rodríguez, L González, S Rodríguez-Echeverría
Journal of Plant Ecology 10 (4), 610-617, 2017
Mandate: Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, Portugal
Effectiveness of management strategies in Acacia dealbata Link invasion, native vegetation and soil microbial community responses
P Souza-Alonso, P Lorenzo, M Rubido-Bará, L González
Forest Ecology and Management 304, 464-472, 2013
Mandate: Government of Spain
Exploring the use of residues from the invasive Acacia sp. for weed control
P Souza-Alonso, CG Puig, N Pedrol, H Freitas, S Rodríguez-Echeverría, ...
Renewable Agriculture and Food Systems 35 (1), 26-37, 2020
Mandate: Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, Portugal
Different growth strategies to invade undisturbed plant communities by Acacia dealbata Link
J Rodríguez, P Lorenzo, L González
Forest Ecology and Management 399, 47-53, 2017
Mandate: Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, Portugal
Herbicidal properties of the commercial formulation of methyl cinnamate, a natural compound in the invasive silver wattle (Acacia dealbata)
P Lorenzo, J Reboredo-Durán, L Muñoz, H Freitas, L González
Weed Science 68 (1), 69-78, 2020
Mandate: Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, Portugal, Government of Spain
Agri-food waste as a method for weed control and soil amendment in crops
P Lorenzo, R Guilherme, S Barbosa, AJD Ferreira, C Galhano
Agronomy 12 (5), 1184, 2022
Mandate: Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, Portugal
No evidence for novel weapons: biochemical recognition modulates early ontogenetic processes in native species and invasive acacias
FA Yannelli, A Novoa, P Lorenzo, J Rodriguez, JJ Le Roux
Biological Invasions 22 (2), 549-562, 2020
Mandate: Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, Portugal, National Research …
Inconsistency in the detection of phytotoxic effects: a test with Acacia dealbata extracts using two different methods
P Lorenzo, J Reboredo-Durán, L Múñoz, L González, H Freitas, ...
Phytochemistry Letters 15, 190-198, 2016
Mandate: Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, Portugal, Government of Spain
No allelopathic effect of the invader Acacia dealbata on the potential infectivity of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi from native soils
P Lorenzo, S Rodríguez-Echeverría, H Freitas
European Journal of Soil Biology 58, 42-44, 2013
Mandate: Government of Spain
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