Articole cu mandate pentru acces public - Dr Ashutosh KumarAflați mai multe
Nu sunt disponibile nicăieri: 6
Estimation of Density of Localized States in Amorphous Se80Te20 and Se80Te10M10 (M = Cd, In, Sb) Alloys Using AC Conductivity Measurements
N Chandel, N Mehta, A Kumar
Journal of Electronic Materials 44, 2585-2591, 2015
Mandate: Department of Science & Technology, India
A Comprehensive Review on Synthesis, Phase Transition, and Applications of VO2
A Kumar, A Kumar, A Kandasami, VR Singh
Journal of Superconductivity and Novel Magnetism 37 (3), 475-498, 2024
Mandate: Department of Science & Technology, India
A Time-Fractional Order HIV/AIDS Epidemic Model with q-HATM
S Thakur, V Singh, A Kumar, AK Singh, SK Srivastava
International Journal of Applied and Computational Mathematics 10 (1), 26, 2024
Mandate: Council of Scientific and Industrial Research, India, Department of Science …
Corrosion Behaviour and Bioactivity of a Laser Surface Melted AISI 316L Stainless Steel.
A Kumar, SK Roy, S Pityana, JD JUMDAR
Lasers in Engineering (Old City Publishing) 30, 2015
Mandate: Council of Scientific and Industrial Research, India, Department of Science …
Applicability of Single-Scan Differential Scanning Calorimetry Technique for Determination of Kinetic Parameters of Crystallization in Glassy Se–Te–Ga System
N Mehta, V Dwivedi, AK Agnihotari, A Kumar
Advanced Science, Engineering and Medicine 9 (4), 311-314, 2017
Mandate: Department of Science & Technology, India
Mass spectrometry-based metabolomics in biomarker-assisted drug discovery and oxidative stress research.
A Kumar, S Devi, V Sivaram
Drug Development and Therapeutics 8 (1), 1-1, 2017
Mandate: Department of Science & Technology, India
Disponibile undeva: 18
Association of p53 codon72 Arg> Pro polymorphism with susceptibility to nasopharyngeal carcinoma: evidence from a case–control study and meta-analysis
SK Sahu, S Chakrabarti, SD Roy, N Baishya, RR Reddy, S Suklabaidya, ...
Oncogenesis 5 (5), e225-e225, 2016
Mandate: Department of Biotechnology, India
Microdeletion of the AZFc locus with high frequency of mosaicism 46, XY/47XYY in cases of non obstructive azoospermia in eastern population of India
AK Saxena, A Kumar
Genet. Mol. Res 18, 2019
Mandate: Department of Biotechnology, India
Effect of giloy (Tinospora cordifolia) ethanolic extract supplementation to ram semen extender on sperm abnormality in chilled semen
NP Bajia, S Burdak, SP Yadav, A Kumar
Journal of Pharmaceutical Innovation 7, 3361-3365, 2022
Mandate: Indian Council of Agricultural Research
Optimal frequency combination estimation for accurate ultrasound non‐destructive testing
A Kumar, S Shakya, M Goswami
Electronics Letters 56 (19), 1022-1024, 2020
Mandate: Department of Science & Technology, India
Measurement of characteristic impedance of silicon fiber sheet based readout strip panel for RPC detector in INO
MK Singh, A Kumar, N Marimuthu, V Singh, VS Subrahmanyam
Journal of Instrumentation 12 (01), T01006, 2017
Mandate: Department of Science & Technology, India
Growth of InGaAs-channel transistor layers on large-scale Si wafers for HeteroIntegration with Si CMOS
XS Nguyen, S Yadav, KH Lee, D Kohen, A Kumar, RI Made, X Gong, ...
CS Mantech, 2017
Mandate: National Research Foundation, Singapore
What would India need for moving to a 100% renewable energy scenario by 2050
R Mathur, A Kumar, S Das, I Mohan, M Kumar Shrivastava, L Srivastava
TERI Discussion Paper, 1-8, 2014
Mandate: Department of International Development, UK
Ground penetrating radar investigations of buried remnants at ancient capital cities of Panchala and Vatsa kingdoms spread along Ganga-Yamuna doab of India from 600 BCE to 1100 CE
S Satuluri, JN Malik, A Kumar, B Vikrama, GK Rai
Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 52, 104271, 2023
Mandate: Department of Science & Technology, India
Methyl Jasmonate Cytotoxicity and Chemosensitization of T Cell Lymphoma
Y Goel, S Yadav, SK Pandey, MK Temre, VK Singh, A Kumar, SM Singh
Vitro Is Facilitated by HK 2, 2021
Mandate: Council of Scientific and Industrial Research, India, Department of …
Lipopolysaccharide-induced changes in physiological and haematological variables of Jakhrana goats
SP Singh, N Ramachandran, N Sharma, A Kumar
The Indian Journal of Animal Sciences 88 (1), 69-73, 2018
Mandate: Department of Science & Technology, India
Effect of cholesterol loaded cyclodextrin on sperm traits, cholesterol content and protein tyrosine phosphorylation in cryopreserved buffalo bull semen
N Singh, RS Cheema, A Kumar, M Kaur, GS Dhaliwal
The Indian Journal of Animal Reproduction 37 (1), 2016
Mandate: Department of Biotechnology, India
Physically Informed Data-Driven Methods for Greatly Enhancing the Use of Heterogeneous Supplementary Cementitious Materials in Transportation Infrastructure
G Sant, M Bauchy, N Neithalath, A Kumar
United States. Federal Highway Administration. Office of Corporate Research …, 2023
Mandate: US Department of Transportation
Exploring the Transcriptome Dynamics of In Vivo Theileria annulata Infection in Crossbred Cattle. Genes 2023, 14, 1663
S Ahlawat, V Choudhary, R Arora, A Kumar, M Kaur, P Chhabra
Mandate: Indian Council of Agricultural Research
Molecular Mechanism of the Strong Cell-Adhesion by Cadherin-23
GS Singaraju, A Sagar, A Kumar, JS Samuel, JP Hazra, MK Sannigrahi, ...
S., Molecular Mechanism of the Strong Cell-Adhesion by Cadherin-23, 2018
Mandate: Department of Biotechnology, India, Department of Science & Technology …
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