Stéfanie André
Stéfanie André
Public administration, Radboud University Nijmegen
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‘Intelligent’lockdown, intelligent effects? Results from a survey on gender (in) equality in paid work, the division of childcare and household work, and quality of life among …
MA Yerkes, SCH André, JW Besamusca, PM Kruyen, CLHS Remery, ...
PloS one 15 (11), e0242249, 2020
Does trust mean the same for migrants and natives? Testing measurement models of political trust with multi-group confirmatory factor analysis
S André
Social indicators research 115 (3), 963-982, 2014
Perceived in-group discrimination by first and second generation immigrants from different countries of origin in 27 EU member-states
S André, J Dronkers
International Sociology 32 (1), 105-129, 2017
Support for traditional female roles across 32 countries: Female labour market participation, policy models and gender differences
S André, M Gesthuizen, P Scheepers
Comparative Sociology 12 (4), 447-476, 2013
Home ownership and support for government redistribution
S André, C Dewilde
Comparative European Politics 14 (3), 319-348, 2016
Observed teaching behaviour in secondary education across six countries: measurement invariance and indication of cross-national variations
R Maulana, S André, M Helms-Lorenz, J Ko, S Chun, A Shahzad, ...
School Effectiveness and School Improvement 32 (1), 64-95, 2021
Student Perceptions in Measuring Teaching Behavior Across Six Countries: A Multi-Group Confirmatory Factor Analysis Approach to Measurement Invariance
S André, R Maulana, M Helms-Lorenz, S Telli, S Chun, ...
Frontiers in Psychology 11, 273, 2020
To vote or not to vote? A macro perspective. Electoral participation by immigrants from different countries of origin in 24 European countries of destination
S André, J Dronkers, A Need
Research on Finnish Society 7 (1), 7-20, 2014
What do housing wealth and tenure have to do with it? Changes in wellbeing of men and women after divorce using Australian panel data
S André, C Dewilde, R Muffels
Social Science Research 78, 104-118, 2019
Readiness and expectations questionnaire: a cross-cultural measurement instrument for first-year university students
E Jansen, S André, C Suhre
Educational Assessment, Evaluation and Accountability 25 (2), 115-130, 2013
Unequal but balanced: Highly educated mothers’ perceptions of work–life balance during the COVID-19 lockdown in Finland and the Netherlands
MA Yerkes, C Remery, S André, M Salin, M Hakovirta, M van Gerven
Journal of European Social Policy, 09589287221080411, 2022
Housing Wealth and Party Choice in a Multiparty System: The Netherlands 2006–2012
S André, C Dewilde, R Luijkx, N Spierings
Comparative Politics 50 (4), 565-592, 2018
The tenure gap in electoral participation: instrumental motivation or selection bias? Comparing homeowners and tenants across four housing regimes
S André, C Dewilde, R Luijkx
International journal of comparative sociology 58 (3), 241-265, 2017
Fathers stepping up? A cross-national comparison of fathers’ domestic labour and parents’ satisfaction with the division of domestic labour during the COVID-19 pandemic
RJ Petts, S André, DL Carlson, H Chung, MA Milkie, C Remery, ...
Journal of Family Studies, 1-30, 2023
Verschillen in groepsdiscriminatie, zoals waargenomen door immigranten uit verschillende herkomstlanden in veertien lidstaten van de Europese Unie
S André, J Dronkers, F Fleischmann
Mens & maatschappij 84 (4), 448-482, 2009
The Different Levels of Discrimination, experienced by First and Second Generation Immigrants from Different Countries of Origin in the different EU member-states
S André, J Dronkers, F Fleischmann
Proceesings of the RC28 Spring Meeting, Florence, Italy, 15-18, 2008
Transition to an international degree programme: Preparedness, first-year experiences and success of students from different nationalities
E Jansen, CJM Suhre, SCH André
Kyndt, E.; Donche, V.; Trigwell, K.(ed.), Higher education transitions …, 2017
Werkende ouders in tijden van Corona: Meer maar ook minder genderongelijkheid [policy brief]
MA Yerkes, SCH André, JW Besamusca, C Remery, R Zwan, PM Kruyen, ...
Utrecht; Amsterdam; Nijmegen: Universiteit Utrecht; Universiteit van …, 2020
The influence of the COVID‐19 pandemic on changes in perceived work pressure for Dutch mothers and fathers
S André, R van der Zwan
Gender, Work & Organization, 2022
De coronapandemie en de verdeling van huishoudelijke en zorgtaken in Nederland
C Remery, S Andre, J Besamusca, M Yerkes, B Hummel, R van der Zwan
Sistemul nu poate realiza operația în acest moment. Încercați din nou mai târziu.
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