Daniela O'Neill
Daniela O'Neill
Professor, Developmental Psychology, University of Waterloo
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Episodic future thinking
CM Atance, DK O'Neill
Trends in cognitive sciences 5 (12), 533-539, 2001
Two‐year‐old children's sensitivity to a parent's knowledge state when making requests
DK O'Neill
Child development 67 (2), 659-677, 1996
Young children's understanding of the role that sensory experiences play in knowledge acquisition
DK O'neill, JW Astington, JH Flavell
Child Development 63 (2), 474-490, 1992
The emergence of episodic future thinking in humans
CM Atance, DK O’Neill
Learning and motivation 36 (2), 126-144, 2005
Young children's ability to identify the sources of their beliefs.
DK O'Neill, A Gopnik
Developmental psychology 27 (3), 390, 1991
Preschool children’s narratives and performance on the Peabody Individualized Achievement Test–Revised: Evidence of a relation between early narrative and later mathematical …
DK O’Neill, MJ Pearce, JL Pick
First Language 24 (2), 149-183, 2004
The language use inventory for young children: A parent-report measure of pragmatic language development for 18-to 47-month-old children
DK O’Neill
Language, 2007
Preschool children's difficulty understanding the types of information obtained through the five senses
DK O'Neill, S Chong
Child Development 72 (3), 803-815, 2001
Do chimpanzees use their gestures to instruct each other?
DJ Povinelli, DK O'Neill
Oxford University Press, 2000
Language use inventory
DK O’Neill
Ontario, Canada: Knowledge in Development 51, 2009
Preschoolers’ talk about future situations
CM Atance, DK O’Neill
First Language 25 (1), 5-18, 2005
Mothers’ complex talk when sharing books with their toddlers: Book genre matters
A Nyhout, DK O’Neill
First Language 33 (2), 115-131, 2013
'Maybe my daddy give me a big piano': the development of children's use of modals to express uncertainty
DK O'Neill, CM Atance
First Language 20 (58), 029-52, 2000
A step at a time: Preliterate children’s simulation of narrative movement during story comprehension
AM Fecica, DK O’Neill
Cognition 116 (3), 368-381, 2010
Two-year-old children's sensitivity to the referential (in) efficacy of their own pointing gestures
DK O'NEILL, JC Topolovec
Journal of Child Language 28 (1), 1-28, 2001
Young children's understanding of the sources of their beliefs
D O'Neill, A Gopnik
Developmental Psychology 27 (3), 390-397, 1991
The emergence of the ability to track a character's mental perspective in narrative.
DK O'Neill, RM Shultis
Developmental Psychology 43 (4), 1032, 2007
Peekaboo across cultures: How mothers and infants play with voices, faces, and expectations.
A Fernald, DK O'Neill
State University of New York Press, 1993
Talking about" New" Information: The Given/New Distinction and Children's Developing Theory of Mind.
DK O'Neill
Why Language Matters for Theory of Mind, Apr, 2002, University of Toronto …, 2005
Predicting later language outcomes from the Language Use Inventory
D Pesco, DK O’Neill
Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research 55 (2), 421-434, 2012
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