Alina Sîrbu
Alina Sîrbu
Computer Science Department, University of Pisa, Italy
Adresă de e-mail confirmată pe unipi.it
Citat de
Citat de
Wisdom of crowds for robust gene network inference (As part of the DREAM5 consortium)
D Marbach, JC Costello, R Küffner, NM Vega, RJ Prill, DM Camacho, ...
Nature Methods, 2012
Opinion Dynamics: Models, Extensions and External Effects
A Sîrbu, V Loreto, VDP Servedio, F Tria
Participatory Sensing, Opinions and Collective Awareness, 363-401, 2017
Algorithmic bias amplifies opinion fragmentation and polarization: A bounded confidence model
A Sîrbu, D Pedreschi, F Giannotti, J Kertész
PloS one 14 (3), e0213246, 2019
Human migration: the big data perspective
A Sîrbu, G Andrienko, N Andrienko, C Boldrini, M Conti, F Giannotti, ...
International Journal of Data Science and Analytics, 1-20, 2020
RNA-Seq vs Dual-and Single-Channel Microarray Data: Sensitivity Analysis for Differential Expression and Clustering
A Sîrbu, G Kerr, M Crane, HJ Ruskin
PLOS ONE 7 (12), e50986, 2012
NDlib: a python library to model and analyze diffusion processes over complex networks
G Rossetti, L Milli, S Rinzivillo, A Sîrbu, D Pedreschi, F Giannotti
International Journal of Data Science and Analytics 5 (1), 61-79, 2018
Awareness and learning in participatory noise sensing
M Becker, S Caminiti, D Fiorella, L Francis, P Gravino, MM Haklay, ...
PloS one 8 (12), e81638, 2013
Comparison of evolutionary algorithms in gene regulatory network model inference
A Sîrbu, HJ Ruskin, M Crane
BMC bioinformatics 11 (1), 59, 2010
Opinion dynamics with disagreement and modulated information
A Sîrbu, V Loreto, VDP Servedio, F Tria
Journal of Statistical Physics, 1-20, 2013
Participatory Patterns in an International Air Quality Monitoring Initiative
PLoS ONE 10 (2), e0136763, 2015
Data-driven job dispatching in HPC systems
C Galleguillos, A Sırbu, Z Kiziltan, O Babaoglu, A Borghesi, T Bridi
International Workshop on Machine Learning, Optimization, and Big Data, 449-461, 2017
Power Consumption Modeling and Prediction in a Hybrid CPU-GPU-MIC Supercomputer
A Sîrbu, O Babaoglu
European Conference on Parallel Processing, 117-130, 2016
A machine learning approach to online fault classification in HPC systems
A Netti, Z Kiziltan, O Babaoglu, A Sîrbu, A Bartolini, A Borghesi
Future Generation Computer Systems 110, 1009-1022, 2020
A Public Dataset of 24-h Multi-Levels Psycho-Physiological Responses in Young Healthy Adults
A Rossi, E Da Pozzo, D Menicagli, C Tremolanti, C Priami, A Sîrbu, ...
Data 5 (4), 91, 2020
Towards Data-Driven Autonomics in Data Centers
A Sîrbu, O Babaoglu
IEEE International Conference on Cloud and Autonomic Computing, 2015
Cross-platform microarray data normalisation for regulatory network inference
A Sîrbu, HJ Ruskin, M Crane
PLoS One 5 (11), e13822, 2010
Digital footprints of international migration on twitter
J Kim, A Sîrbu, F Giannotti, L Gabrielli
Advances in Intelligent Data Analysis XVIII: 18th International Symposium on …, 2020
Towards operator-less data centers through data-driven, predictive, proactive autonomics
A Sîrbu, O Babaoglu
Cluster Computing 19 (2), 865-878, 2016
Multilevel Monitoring of Activity and Sleep in Healthy People
A Rossi, E Da Pozzo, D Menicagli, C Tremolanti, C Priami, A Sirbu, ...
PhysioNet, 2020
Sentiment spreading: an epidemic model for lexicon-based sentiment analysis on twitter
L Pollacci, A Sîrbu, F Giannotti, D Pedreschi, C Lucchese, CI Muntean
AI* IA 2017 Advances in Artificial Intelligence: XVIth International …, 2017
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