Xavier de Souza Briggs
Xavier de Souza Briggs
Senior Fellow, The Brookings Institution
Adresă de e-mail confirmată pe brookings.edu - Pagina de pornire
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Citat de
Brown kids in white suburbs: Housing mobility and the many faces of social capital
XS Briggs
Housing policy debate 9 (1), 177-221, 1998
The geography of opportunity: Race and housing choice in metropolitan America
XS Briggs
Washington, DC: Brookings Institution Press, 2005
Moving to Opportunity: The Story of an American Experiment to Fight Ghetto Poverty
XS Briggs, S Popkin, J Goering
New York: Oxford University Press, USA, 2010
Moving up versus moving out: Neighborhood effects in housing mobility programs
X de Souza Briggs
Housing policy debate 8 (1), 195-234, 1997
Democracy as problem solving: Civic capacity in communities across the globe
X de Souza Briggs
Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 2008
Social capital and the cities: Advice to change agents
X de Souza Briggs
National Civic Review 86 (2), 111-117, 1997
Doing democracy up-close: Culture, power, and communication in community building
X de Souza Briggs
Journal of Planning Education and Research 18 (1), 1-13, 1998
Using social capital to help integrate planning theory, research, and practice
R Putnam, I Light, XS Briggs, W Rohe, J Hutchinson, AC Vidal
Journal of the American Planning Association 70 (2), 142-192, 2004
In the wake of desegregation: Early impacts of scattered-site public housing on neighborhoods in Yonkers, New York
XS Briggs, A Aidala, JT Darden
Journal of the American Planning Association 65 (1), 27-49, 1999
“Some of my best friends are…”: Interracial Friendships, Class, and Segregation in America
X de Souza Briggs
City & Community 6 (4), 263-290, 2007
From neighborhood to community: Evidence on the social effects of community development
XS Briggs, EJ Mueller, ML Sullivan
Community Development Research Center, New School for Social Research, 1997
Communities of Practice: a new tool for government managers, November 2003 series collaboration
W Snyder, XNDS Briggs
IBM Center for the Business of Government, 2003
Bridging networks, social capital, and racial segregation in America
XS Briggs
KSG Faculty Working Paper Series, 2002
More pluribus, less unum? The changing geography of race and opportunity
X de Souza Briggs
Neighbourhood renewal & housing markets. Community engagement in the US & UK …, 2007
Assisted housing mobility and the success of low-income minority families: Lessons for policy, practice, and future research
XS Briggs, MA Turner
Nw. JL & Soc. Pol'y 1, 25, 2006
Social capital: Easy beauty or meaningful resource?
XD Briggs
Journal of the American planning Association 70 (2), 151-158, 2004
Social capital and segregation in the United States
X De Souza Briggs
Desegregating the city: Ghettos, enclave, and inequality, 79-107, 2005
Ties that bind, bridge and constrain: social capital and segregation in the American metropolis
X Briggs
Trabalho apresentado no International Seminar on Segregation and the City …, 2001
Struggling to stay out of high-poverty neighborhoods: housing choice and locations in moving to opportunity's first decade
XS Briggs, J Comey, G Weismann
Housing Policy Debate 20 (3), 383-427, 2010
Re-shaping the geography of opportunity: place effects in global perspective
XS Briggs
Housing Studies 18 (6), 915-936, 2003
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