Imants  G. Priede
Imants G. Priede
Professor of Zoology, University of Aberdeen
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Biological structures as a source of habitat heterogeneity and biodiversity on the deep ocean margins
L Buhl‐Mortensen, A Vanreusel, AJ Gooday, LA Levin, IG Priede, ...
Marine Ecology 31 (1), 21-50, 2010
Metabolic scope in fishes
IG Priede
Fish energetics: new perspectives, 33-64, 1985
Hadal trenches: the ecology of the deepest places on Earth
AJ Jamieson, T Fujii, DJ Mayor, M Solan, IG Priede
Trends in Ecology & Evolution 25 (3), 190-197, 2010
Scavenging deep demersal fishes of the Porcupine Seabight, north-east Atlantic: observations by baited camera, trap and trawl
IG Priede, PM Bagley, A Smith, S Creasey, NR Merrett
Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom 74 (3 …, 1994
Movements of adult Atlantic salmon in relation to a hydroelectric dam and fish ladder
ARD Gowans, JD Armstrong, IG Priede
Journal of Fish Biology 54 (4), 713-726, 1999
Long-term change in the abyssal NE Atlantic: The ‘Amperima Event’ revisited
DSM Billett, BJ Bett, WDK Reid, B Boorman, IG Priede
Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography 57 (15), 1406-1417, 2010
Deep-sea fishes: biology, diversity, ecology and fisheries
IG Priede
Cambridge University Press, 2017
Estimation of abundance of abyssal demersal fishes; a comparison of data from trawls and baited cameras
IG Priede, NR Merrett
Journal of Fish Biology 49, 207-216, 1996
Foraging behavior of abyssal grenadier fish: inferences from acoustic tagging and tracking in the North Pacific Ocean
IG Priede, KL Smith Jr, JD Armstrong
Deep Sea Research Part A. Oceanographic Research Papers 37 (1), 81-101, 1990
Aerobic metabolic scope and swimming performance in juvenile cod, Gadus morhua L.
NM Soofiani, IG Priede
Journal of Fish Biology 26 (2), 127-138, 1985
Improving the precision of the daily egg production method using generalized additive models
DL Borchers, ST Buckland, IG Priede, S Ahmadi
Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 54 (12), 2727-2742, 1997
Movements of Atlantic salmon migrating upstream through a fish‐pass complex in Scotland
ARD Gowans, JD Armstrong, IG Priede, S Mckelvey
Ecology of Freshwater Fish 12 (3), 177-189, 2003
Long-term changes in deep-water fish populations in the northeast Atlantic: a deeper reaching effect of fisheries?
DM Bailey, MA Collins, JDM Gordon, AF Zuur, IG Priede
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 276 (1664), 1965-1969, 2009
The fate of cetacean carcasses in the deep sea: observations on consumption rates and succession of scavenging species in the abyssal north-east Atlantic Ocean
EG Jones, MA Collins, PM Bagley, S Addison, IG Priede
Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Series B: Biological Sciences …, 1998
Use of physiological telemetry as a method of estimating metabolism of fish in the natural environment
MC Lucas, ADF Johnstone, IG Priede
Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 122 (5), 822-833, 1993
Challenges to the assessment of benthic populations and biodiversity as a result of rhythmic behaviour: Video solutions from cabled observatories
J Aguzzi, JB Company, C Costa, M Matabos, E Azzurro, A Manuel, ...
Oceanography and Marine Biology-An Annual Review 50, 235, 2012
The absence of sharks from abyssal regions of the world's oceans
IG Priede, R Froese, DM Bailey, OA Bergstad, MA Collins, JE Dyb, ...
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 273 (1592), 1435-1441, 2006
Natural selection for energetic efficiency and the relationship between activity level and mortality
IG Priede
Nature 267 (5612), 610-611, 1977
Bathymetric distribution of some benthic and benthopelagic species attracted to baited cameras and traps in the deep eastern Mediterranean
EG Jones, A Tselepides, PM Bagley, MA Collins, IG Priede
Marine Ecology Progress Series 251, 75-86, 2003
Cameras and carcasses: historical and current methods for using artificial food falls to study deep-water animals
DM Bailey, NJ King, IG Priede
Marine Ecology Progress Series 350, 179-191, 2007
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