Nuria García-Herranz
Citat de
Citat de
Propagation of statistical and nuclear data uncertainties in Monte Carlo burn-up calculations
N Garcia-Herranz, O Cabellos, J Sanz, J Juan, JC Kuijper
Annals of Nuclear Energy 35 (4), 714-730, 2008
Nuclear data uncertainties for typical LWR fuel assemblies and a simple reactor core
D Rochman, O Leray, M Hursin, H Ferroukhi, A Vasiliev, A Aures, ...
Nuclear Data Sheets 139, 1-76, 2017
The analytic coarse-mesh finite difference method for multigroup and multidimensional diffusion calculations
JM Aragonés, C Ahnert, N Garcia-Herranz
Nuclear Science and Engineering 157 (1), 1-15, 2007
The analytic nodal diffusion solver ANDES in multigroups for 3D rectangular geometry: Development and performance analysis
JA Lozano, N García-Herranz, C Ahnert, JM Aragonés
Annals of Nuclear Energy 35 (12), 2365-2374, 2008
Nuclear data sensitivity and uncertainty analysis of effective neutron multiplication factor in various MYRRHA core configurations
P Romojaro, F Álvarez-Velarde, I Kodeli, A Stankovskiy, CJ Díez, ...
Annals of Nuclear Energy 101, 330-338, 2017
Multiscale neutronics/thermal-hydraulics coupling with COBAYA4 code for pin-by-pin PWR transient analysis
N García-Herranz, D Cuervo, A Sabater, G Rucabado, ...
Nuclear Engineering and Design 321, 38-47, 2017
Improving PWR core simulations by Monte Carlo uncertainty analysis and Bayesian inference
E Castro, C Ahnert, O Buss, N Garcia-Herranz, A Hoefer, D Porsch
Annals of Nuclear Energy 95, 148-156, 2016
Optimization of multidimensional cross-section tables for few-group core calculations
S Sánchez-Cervera, N García-Herranz, JJ Herrero, O Cabellos
Annals of Nuclear Energy 69, 226-237, 2014
Neighborhood-corrected interface discontinuity factors for multi-group pin-by-pin diffusion calculations for LWR
JJ Herrero, N García-Herranz, D Cuervo, C Ahnert
Annals of Nuclear Energy 46, 106-115, 2012
Methods and Results for the MSLB NEA Benchmark using SIMTRAN and RELAP-5
JM Aragones, C Ahnert, O Cabellos, N Garcia-Herranz, ...
Nuclear technology 146 (1), 29-40, 2004
Extension of the analytic nodal diffusion solver ANDES to triangular-Z geometry and coupling with COBRA-IIIc for hexagonal core analysis
JA Lozano, J Jiménez, N García-Herranz, JM Aragonés
Annals of Nuclear Energy 37 (3), 380-388, 2010
Analytic coarse-mesh finite-difference method generalized for heterogeneous multidimensional two-group diffusion calculations
N García-Herranz, O Cabellos, JM Aragonés, C Ahnert
Nuclear science and engineering 144 (1), 23-35, 2003
ACAB Inventory code for nuclear applications: User’s manual V. 2008
J Sanz, O Cabellos, N García-Herranz
NEA-1839 6, 475, 2008
European benchmark on the ASTRID-like low-void-effect core characterization: neutronic parameters and safety coefficients
S Bortot, P Sciora, F Alvarez-Velarde, E Fridman, IG Cruzado, NG Herranz, ...
ICAPP 2015-International Congress on Advances in Nuclear Power Plants, paper …, 2015
Assessment of fissionable material behaviour in fission chambers
O Cabellos, P Fernandez, D Rapisarda, N García-Herranz
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators …, 2010
ACAB-2008, ACtivation ABacus Code V2008
J Sanz, O Cabellos, N García-Herranz
NEA Data Bank NEA-1839, 2008
Development and Performance of the Analytic Nodal Diffusion SolverANDES'in Multigroups for 3D Rectangular Geometry
JA Lozano, JM Aragonés, N García-Herranz
Neutronic analysis of the European sodium fast reactor: Part I—fresh core results
E Fridman, F Álvarez Velarde, P Romojaro Otero, H Tsige-Tamirat, ...
Journal of Nuclear Engineering and Radiation Science 8 (1), 011301, 2022
On the importance of target accuracy assessments and data assimilation for the co-development of nuclear data and fast reactors: MYRRHA and ESFR
P Romojaro, F Álvarez-Velarde, O Cabellos, N García-Herranz, ...
Annals of Nuclear Energy 161, 108416, 2021
Sensitivity methods for effective delayed neutron fraction and neutron generation time with summon
P Romojaro, F Álvarez-Velarde, N García-Herranz
Annals of Nuclear Energy 126, 410-418, 2019
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