Steven Murawski
Steven Murawski
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A global assessment of fisheries bycatch and discards
DL Alverson
Food & Agriculture Org., 1994
Integrated ecosystem assessments: developing the scientific basis for ecosystem-based management of the ocean
PS Levin, MJ Fogarty, SA Murawski, D Fluharty
PLoS biology 7 (1), e1000014, 2009
Large‐scale disturbance and the structure of marine systems: fishery impacts on Georges Bank
MJ Fogarty, SA Murawski
Ecological Applications 8 (sp1), S6-S22, 1998
Large-scale closed areas as a fishery-management tool in temperate marine systems: the Georges Bank experience
SA Murawski, R Brown, HL Lai, PJ Rago, L Hendrickson
Bulletin of marine science 66 (3), 775-798, 2000
Definitions of overfishing from an ecosystem perspective
SA Murawski
ICES Journal of Marine Science 57 (3), 649-658, 2000
Effort distribution and catch patterns adjacent to temperate MPAs
SA Murawski, SE Wigley, MJ Fogarty, PJ Rago, DG Mountain
ICES Journal of Marine Science 62 (6), 1150-1167, 2005
Ten commandments for ecosystem-based fisheries scientists
RC Francis, MA Hixon, ME Clarke, SA Murawski, S Ralston
Fisheries 32 (5), 217-233, 2007
Climate change and marine fish distributions: forecasting from historical analogy
SA Murawski
Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 122 (5), 647-658, 1993
Fisheries bycatch: implications for management
LB Crowder, SA Murawski
Fisheries 23 (6), 8-17, 1998
Ten myths concerning ecosystem approaches to marine resource management
SA Murawski
Marine Policy 31 (6), 681-690, 2007
Impacts of demographic variation in spawning characteristics on reference points for fishery management
SA Murawski, PJ Rago, EA Trippel
ICES Journal of Marine Science 58 (5), 1002-1014, 2001
Science in support of the Deepwater Horizon response
J Lubchenco, MK McNutt, G Dreyfus, SA Murawski, DM Kennedy, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 109 (50), 20212-20221, 2012
Prevalence of external skin lesions and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon concentrations in Gulf of Mexico fishes, post‐Deepwater Horizon
SA Murawski, WT Hogarth, EB Peebles, L Barbeiri
Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 143 (4), 1084-1097, 2014
Large-scale deposition of weathered oil in the Gulf of Mexico following a deep-water oil spill
IC Romero, G Toro-Farmer, AR Diercks, P Schwing, F Muller-Karger, ...
Environmental pollution 228, 179-189, 2017
Rebuilding depleted fish stocks: the good, the bad, and, mostly, the ugly
SA Murawski
ICES Journal of Marine Science 67 (9), 1830-1840, 2010
Biological bases for mixed-species fisheries: species co-distribution in relation to environmental and biotic variables
SA Murawski, JT Finn
Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 45 (10), 1720-1735, 1988
Applications of science and engineering to quantify and control the Deepwater Horizon oil spill
MK McNutt, S Chu, J Lubchenco, T Hunter, G Dreyfus, SA Murawski, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 109 (50), 20222-20228, 2012
Impacts of the Deepwater Horizon oil spill evaluated using an end-to-end ecosystem model
CH Ainsworth, CB Paris, N Perlin, LN Dornberger, WF Patterson III, ...
PloS one 13 (1), e0190840, 2018
Implications of recent increases in catches on the dynamics of Northwest Atlantic spiny dogfish (Squalus acanthias)
PJ Rago, KA Sosebee, JKT Brodziak, SA Murawski, ED Anderson
Fisheries research 39 (2), 165-181, 1998
Moving beyond’intelligent tinkering’: advancing an Ecosystem Approach to Fisheries
M Sissenwine, S Murawski
Marine ecology Progress series 274, 291-295, 2004
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