Juan Cristóbal Ortiz Tirado
Juan Cristóbal Ortiz Tirado
Universidad de las Fuerzas Armadas -ESPE
Adresă de e-mail confirmată pe espe.edu.ec - Pagina de pornire
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Development of EST-SSR Markers by Data Mining in Three Species of Shrimp: Litopenaeus vannamei, Litopenaeus stylirostris, and Trachypenaeus birdy
F Perez, J Ortiz, M Zhinaula, C Gonzabay, J Calderon, FAMJ Volckaert
Marine Biotechnology 7, 554-569, 2005
Leadership and culture in Mexico
JP Howell, J DelaCerda, L Prieto, JA Bautista, J Ortiz, P Dorfman, ...
Journal of World Business 42 (4), 449-462, 2007
Efficacy of a self-management education programme on patients with type 2 diabetes in primary care: a randomised controlled trial
EG Moreno, M Mateo-Abad, LO de Retana García, K Vrotsou, ...
Primary Care Diabetes 13 (2), 122-133, 2019
Histopathological alterations in the gill, liver and brain of Cyprinus carpio on exposure to quinalphos
RR Chamarthi, M Bangeppagari, JM Gooty, S Mandala, JO Tirado, ...
American Journal of Life Sciences 2 (4), 211-216, 2014
Societal culture and leadership in Mexico—A portrait of change
JP Howell, J DelaCerda, SM Martínez, JA Bautista, J Ortiz, L Prieto, ...
Culture and Leadership Across the World, 757-798, 2007
Kinetic regularities in joint reduction of nickel and iron oxides under non-isothermal conditions
A Cores, A Formoso, MT Larrea, J Ortiz
Ironmaking Steelmaking 16 (6), 446-449, 1989
Therapeutic efficiency of Spirulina against lead acetate toxicity on the fresh water fish Labeo rohita
M Bangeppagari, JM Gooty, JO Tirado, S Mariadoss, S Thangaswamy, ...
American Journal of Life Sciences 2 (6), 389-394, 2014
Levels of 17β-estradiol, vitellogenin, and prostaglandins during the reproductive cycle of Oreochromis niloticus
J Ortiz Tirado, L Valladares, D Muñoz, J Caza, B Manjunatha, ...
Latin american journal of aquatic research 45 (5), 930-936, 2017
Sub-lethal toxicity of potassium cyanide on Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus): biochemical response
B Manjunatha, JO Tirado, M Selvanayagam
International Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences 7 (3), 379-382, 2015
Biodegradation of monocrotophos by bacteria isolated from soil
M Srinivasulu, PC Nilanjan, B Chakravarthi, C Jayabaskaran, MG Jaffer, ...
African Journal of Biotechnology 16 (9), 408-417, 2017
Alternativas alimenticias para el cultivo de Colossoma macropomum en jaulas flotantes
JC Ortiz
Boletín Técnico, Serie Zoológica 7 (3), 2007
Adaptation of" Biofloc" aquatic system for polyculture with tilapia (Oreochromis sp.) and river prawn (Macrobrachium sp.)
S Reinoso, D Muñoz, R Cedeño, JO Tirado, M Bangeppagari, SI Mulla
The Journal of Microbiology, Biotechnology and Food Sciences 8 (5), 1130, 2019
Experimental bronchography by tantalum insufflation
R Llamas, J Ortiz, AR Perez, GL Baum
Diseases of the Chest 56 (1), 75-77, 1969
Evaluation of microalgae’s (Chlorella sp. and Synechocystis sp.) pollutant removal property: Pig effluent as a live stock discharge
L Pachacama, JO Tirado, J Duchicela, B Manjunatha, RR Kundapur, ...
Journal of Applied Pharmaceutical Science 6 (8), 135-141, 2016
Acuacultura producción dulce acuícola en Ecuador I
J Ortiz
Universidad de las Fuerzas Armadas-ESPE, Ecuador, 2015
Role of bronchial brushing in the evaluation of peripheral lung lesions
R Llamas, SK Gupta, J Ortiz, M Viamonte, H Giraldo, W DeSouza, ...
Chest 59 (1), 56-58, 1971
Producción dulce acuícola en el Ecuador 1
J Ortiz
Universidad de las Fuerzas Armadas-ESPE. Innovación para la excelencia. 147p, 2015
Determination of chlorpyrifos residues in water and liver tissue of zebrafish (Danio Rerio) by High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) with UV Detection
B Manjunatha, JO Tirado, GH Philip
Journal of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Research 7 (6), 721-726, 2015
A wireless bluetooth dataglove based on a novel goniometric sensors
O Portillo-Rodríguez, CA Avizzano, E Sotgiu, S Pabon, A Frisoli, J Ortiz, ...
RO-MAN 2007-The 16th IEEE International Symposium on Robot and Human …, 2007
Algunos forestales chilenos de la estepa septentrional
J Ortiz
Boletín Técnico, 28-31, 1966
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