Martino Sorbaro
Martino Sorbaro
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Unsupervised spike sorting for large-scale, high-density multielectrode arrays
G Hilgen, M Sorbaro, S Pirmoradian, JO Muthmann, IE Kepiro, S Ullo, ...
Cell reports 18 (10), 2521-2532, 2017
Optimizing the energy consumption of spiking neural networks for neuromorphic applications
M Sorbaro, Q Liu, M Bortone, S Sheik
Frontiers in neuroscience 14, 662, 2020
Critical behavior of the relaxation rate, the susceptibility, and a pair correlation function in the Kuramoto model on scale-free networks
S Yoon, M Sorbaro Sindaci, AV Goltsev, JFF Mendes
Physical Review E 91 (3), 032814, 2015
Scaling spike detection and sorting for next-generation electrophysiology
MH Hennig, C Hurwitz, M Sorbaro
In Vitro Neuronal Networks: From Culturing Methods to Neuro-Technological …, 2019
Forward learning with top-down feedback: Empirical and analytical characterization
RF Srinivasan, F Mignacco, M Sorbaro, M Refinetti, A Cooper, G Kreiman, ...
The Twelfth International Conference on Learning Representations, 2024
Adversarial Attacks on Spiking Convolutional Neural Networks for Event-based Vision
J Büchel, G Lenz, Y Hu, S Sheik, M Sorbaro
Frontiers in Neuroscience 16, 2184, 2022
Bio-inspired, task-free continual learning through activity regularization
F Lässig, PV Aceituno, M Sorbaro, BF Grewe
Biological Cybernetics 117 (4), 345-361, 2023
Optimal encoding in stochastic latent-variable models
ME Rule, M Sorbaro, MH Hennig
Entropy 22 (7), 714, 2020
Statistical models of neural activity, criticality, and Zipf’s law
M Sorbaro, JM Herrmann, M Hennig
The functional role of critical dynamics in neural systems, 265-287, 2019
Stable recurrent dynamics in heterogeneous neuromorphic computing systems using excitatory and inhibitory plasticity
S Soldado-Magraner, M Sorbaro, R Laje, DV Buonomano, G Indiveri
bioRxiv, 2023.08. 14.553298, 2024
Orchestrated excitatory and inhibitory plasticity produces stable dynamics in heterogeneous neuromorphic computing systems
S Soldado-Magraner, M Sorbaro, R Laje, DV Buonomano, G Indiveri
Research Square, 2023
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