Evolution of ecological niche breadth JP Sexton, J Montiel, JE Shay, MR Stephens, RA Slatyer Annual Review of Ecology, Evolution, and Systematics 48, 183-206, 2017 | 404 | 2017 |
Migration‐related phenotypic divergence is associated with epigenetic modifications in rainbow trout MR Baerwald, MH Meek, MR Stephens, RP Nagarajan, AM Goodbla, ... Molecular Ecology 25 (8), 1785-1800, 2016 | 166 | 2016 |
Transcriptional response to acute thermal exposure in juvenile Chinook salmon determined by RNAseq KMH Tomalty, MH Meek, MR Stephens, G Rincón, NA Fangue, BP May, ... G3: Genes, Genomes, Genetics 5 (7), 1335-1349, 2015 | 87 | 2015 |
Sequencing improves our ability to study threatened migratory species: Genetic population assignment in California's Central Valley Chinook salmon MH Meek, MR Baerwald, MR Stephens, A Goodbla, MR Miller, ... Ecology and Evolution 6 (21), 7706-7716, 2016 | 41 | 2016 |
Subspecies‐informative SNP assays for evaluating introgression between native golden trout and introduced rainbow trout MR Stephens, NW Clipperton, B May Molecular Ecology Resources 9 (1), 339-343, 2009 | 39 | 2009 |
Identifying introgressive hybridization in native populations of California golden trout based on molecular markers JF Cordes, MR Stephens, MA Blumberg, B May Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 135 (1), 110-128, 2006 | 36 | 2006 |
Fishing for SNPs: a targeted locus approach for single nucleotide polymorphism discovery in rainbow trout AE Sprowles, MR Stephens, NW Clipperton, BP May Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 135 (6), 1698-1721, 2006 | 31 | 2006 |
Six diagnostic single nucleotide polymorphism markers for detecting introgression between cutthroat and rainbow trouts AJ Finger, MR Stephens, NW Clipperton, B May Molecular Ecology Resources 9 (3), 759-763, 2009 | 26 | 2009 |
Identifying hidden biocomplexity and genomic diversity in Chinook salmon, an imperiled species with a history of anthropogenic influence MH Meek, MR Stephens, A Goodbla, B May, MR Baerwald Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 77 (3), 534-547, 2020 | 23 | 2020 |
Genetic Structure of the Tick Ornithodoros coriaceus (Acari: Argasidae) in California, Nevada, and Oregon MB Teglas, B May, PR Crosbie, MR Stephens, WM Boyce Journal of medical entomology 42 (3), 247-253, 2005 | 19 | 2005 |
Threat evolution: negative feedbacks between management action and species recovery in threatened trout (Salmonidae) RA Lusardi, MR Stephens, PB Moyle, CL McGuire, JM Hull Reviews in fish biology and fisheries 25 (3), 521-535, 2015 | 14 | 2015 |
Systematics, genetics and conservation of golden trout MR Stephens University of California, Davis, 2007 | 13 | 2007 |
Origin and introduction history of self-sustaining rainbow trout populations in Europe as inferred from mitochondrial DNA and a Y-linked marker D Stanković, MR Stephens, A Snoj Hydrobiologia 770 (1), 129-144, 2016 | 12 | 2016 |
Application of a method for estimating effective population size and admixture using diagnostic single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs): implications for conservation of … AJ Finger, EC Anderson, MR Stephens, BP May Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 68 (8), 1369-1386, 2011 | 11 | 2011 |
Tissue collection protocol for genetic research KE Leyse, AJ Lind, WK Savage, HB Shaffer, MR Stephens Davis: University of California–Davis, 2003 | 11 | 2003 |
Environmental DNA (eDNA) detects temporal and habitat effects on community composition and endangered species in ephemeral ecosystems: A case study in vernal pools DV Ruiz‐Ramos, RS Meyer, D Toews, M Stephens, MK Kolster, ... Environmental DNA 5 (1), 85-101, 2023 | 10 | 2023 |
Phylogeography of the Bufo boreas (Anura, Bufonidae) species complex and the biogeography of California MR Stephens Sonoma State University, 2001 | 7 | 2001 |
Genetic considerations for sourcing steelhead reintroductions: investigating possibilities for the San Joaquin River MH Meek, MR Stephens, KM Tomalty, B May, MR Baerwald San Francisco Estuary and Watershed Science 12 (1), 2014 | 5 | 2014 |
Genetic characterization of California's Central Valley chinook salmon: Ecological Archives E095‐125 MH Meek, MR Stephens, AK Wong, KM Tomalty, B May, MR Baerwald Ecology 95 (5), 1431-1431, 2014 | 4 | 2014 |
Spring-run Chinook salmon genetic management plan-San Joaquin river restoration program M Baerwald, M Stephens, K Bork, M Meek, K Tomalty, B May University of California, 2011 | 3 | 2011 |