Ashraf Emam
Ashraf Emam
Adresă de e-mail confirmată pe aswu.edu.eg - Pagina de pornire
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Integrating geologic and satellite imagery data for high-resolution mapping and gold exploration targets in the South Eastern Desert, Egypt
B Zoheir, A Emam
Journal of African Earth Sciences 66, 22-34, 2012
SWIR ASTER band ratios for lithological mapping and mineral exploration: a case study from El Hudi area, southeastern desert, Egypt
AA Madani, AA Emam
Arabian journal of Geosciences 4 (1), 45-52, 2011
Multispectral and radar data for the setting of gold mineralization in the South Eastern Desert, Egypt
B Zoheir, A Emam, M Abdel-Wahed, N Soliman
Remote Sensing 11 (12), 1450, 2019
Field and ASTER imagery data for the setting of gold mineralization in Western Allaqi–Heiani belt, Egypt: A case study from the Haimur deposit
B Zoheir, A Emam
Journal of African Earth Sciences 99 (1), 150-164, 2014
Monazite and cassiterite UPb dating of the Abu Dabbab rare-metal granite, Egypt: Late Cryogenian metalliferous granite magmatism in the Arabian-Nubian Shield
B Lehmann, BA Zoheir, LA Neymark, A Zeh, A Emam, AM Radwan, ...
Gondwana Research 84, 71-80, 2020
Extreme fractionation and magmatic–hydrothermal transition in the formation of Abu Dabbab rare-metal granite, Eastern Desert, Egypt
B Zoheir, B Lehmann, A Emam, A Radwan, R Zhang, WM Bain, ...
Lithos, 105329, 2020
Distribution and origin of iron and manganese in groundwater: case study, Balat-Teneida area, El-Dakhla Basin, Egypt
H Khozyem, A Hamdan, AA Tantawy, A Emam, E Elbadry
Arabian Journal of Geosciences 12, 1-16, 2019
Au and Cr mobilization through metasomatism: Microchemical evidence from ore-bearing listvenite, South Eastern Desert of Egypt
A Emam, B Zoheir
Journal of Geochemical Exploration 125, 34–45, 2013
ASTER-based mapping of ophiolitic rocks: examples from the Allaqi–Heiani suture, SE Egypt
A Emam, B Zoheir, P Johnson
International Geology Review 58 (5), 525-539, 2016
Mapping of the hydrothermal alteration zones at Haimur gold mine area, South Eastern Desert, Egypt, using remote sensing techniques
AA Madani, EM Abdel Rahman, KM FA WZY, A Emam
Egyptian Journal of Remote Sensing and Space Sciences 6, 47-60, 2003
Auriferous shear zones in the central Allaqi-Heiani belt: Orogenic gold in post-accretionary structures, SE Egypt
B Zoheir, A Emam, M El-Amawy, T Abu-Alam
Journal of African Earth Sciences 146, 118-131, 2018
Geology, Structure, Geochemistry and Aster-Based Mapping of Neoproterozoic Gebel El-Delihimmi Granites, Central Eastern Desert of Egypt
AM Asran, A Emam, A El-Fakharani
Lithos 282, 358-372, 2017
Gold endowment in the evolution of the Allaqi-Heiani suture, Egypt: A synthesis of geological, structural, and space-borne imagery data
B Zoheir, A Emam, M Abd El-Wahed, N Soliman
Ore Geology Reviews 110, 102938, 2019
Petrogenesis and evolution of the Nuweibi rare-metal granite, Central Eastern Desert, Egypt
A Emam, B Zoheir, AM Radwan, B Lehmann, R Zhang, S Fawzy, N Nolte
Arabian Journal of Geosciences 11, 1-15, 2018
Utilization of ASTER and OLI data for lithological mapping of Nugrus-Hafafit area, South Eastern Desert of Egypt
A Emam, Z Hamimi, A El-Fakharani, E Abdel-Rahman, JG Barreiro, ...
Arabian Journal of Geosciences 11, 1-22, 2018
Trace elements and isotope data of the Um Garayat gold deposit, Wadi Allaqi district, Egypt
B Zoheir, A Emam, IK Pitcairn, A Boskabadi, Y Lehaye, MJ Cooper
Mineralium Deposita 54, 101-116, 2019
Reappraisal of the kinematic history of Nugrus shear zone using PALSAR and microstructural data: implications for the tectonic evolution of the Eastern Desert tectonic terrane …
Z Hamimi, A El-Fakharani, A Emam, JG Barreiro, E Abdelrahman, ...
Arabian Journal of Geosciences 11, 1-29, 2018
Chemostratigraphy, petrography and remote sensing characterization of the Middle Miocene - Holocene sediments of Ras Banas Peninsula, Red Sea Coast, Egypt
Carpathian Journal of Earth and Environmental Sciences 8 (3), 27-42, 2013
Distribution and environmental geochemistry of some heavy metals in stream sediments of Wadi Allaqi, South Eastern Desert of Egypt
A Emam, M Saad-Eldin
Arabian Journal of Geosciences 6 (5), 1325-1332, 2013
Geochemical assessment of Paleocene limestones of Sinn El-Kaddab plateau, South Western Desert of Egypt, for industrial uses
K Abou Elmagd, A Emam, MW Ali-Bik, M Hazem
Arabian Journal of Geosciences 11, 1-11, 2018
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