Diversidad íctica en la cuenca del Usumacinta, México M Soria-Barreto, AA González-Díaz, A Castillo-Domínguez, ... Revista mexicana de biodiversidad 89, 100-117, 2018 | 35 | 2018 |
Spatial distribution of cichlids in Tzendales river, biosphere reserve Montes Azules, Chiapas, Mexico M Soria-Barreto, R Rodiles-Hernández Environmental Biology of Fishes 83, 459-469, 2008 | 31 | 2008 |
Diagnóstico funcional de marismas nacionales M Blanco, F Flores-Verdugo, M Ortiz-Pérez, G De la Lanza, ... Universidad Autónoma de Nayarit-Comisión Nacional Forestal-DEFRA UK, Nayarit …, 2011 | 29 | 2011 |
Trophic ecomorphology of cichlid fishes of Selva Lacandona, Usumacinta, Mexico M Soria-Barreto, R Rodiles-Hernández, KO Winemiller Environmental Biology of Fishes 102, 985-996, 2019 | 28 | 2019 |
Morfometría comparada del aparato mandibular en especies de Chirostoma (Atheriniformes: Atherinopsidae) del Lago de Pátzcuaro, Michoacán, México M Soria-Barreto, J Paulo-Maya Hidrobiológica 15 (2), 161-168, 2005 | 26 | 2005 |
Análisis morfométrico de los peces del grupo labialis, género Profundulus (Cyprinodontiformes: Profundulidae), en Chiapas, México AA González-Díaz, E Díaz-Pardo, M Soria-Barreto, R Rodiles-Hernández Revista mexicana de biodiversidad 76 (1), 55-61, 2005 | 25 | 2005 |
Macroevolutionary analyses indicate that repeated adaptive shifts towards predatory diets affect functional diversity in Neotropical cichlids JH Arbour, CG Montaña, KO Winemiller, AA Pease, M Soria-Barreto, ... Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 129 (4), 844-861, 2020 | 23 | 2020 |
Ictiofauna del estado de Hidalgo M Soria-Barreto, L Alcántara-Soria, E Soto-Galera | 23 | 1996 |
Morfometría de las especies de Vieja (Cichlidae) en ríos de la cuenca del Usumacinta, Chiapas, México M Soria-Barreto, R Rodiles-Hernández, AA González-Díaz Revista mexicana de biodiversidad 82 (2), 569-579, 2011 | 21 | 2011 |
Lista sistemática preliminar de los peces del estado de Nayarit, México AA González-Díaz, M Soria-Barreto Revista Bio Ciencias 2 (3), 2013 | 18 | 2013 |
Trophic structure of fish assemblages varies across a Mesoamerican river network with contrasting climate and flow conditions AA Pease, KA Capps, R Rodiles-Hernández, MM Castillo, ... Food Webs 18, e00113, 2019 | 17 | 2019 |
Peces dulceacuícolas mexicanos XIX Chirostoma humboldtianum (Atheriniformes: Atherinopsidae) J Paulo-Maya, LG Figueroa, BM Soria Zool. Informa 43, 59-74, 2000 | 17 | 2000 |
Seasonal variations in food web dynamics of floodplain lakes with contrasting hydrological connectivity in the Southern Gulf of Mexico M Cazzanelli, M Soria-Barreto, MM Castillo, R Rodiles-Hernández Hydrobiologia 848 (4), 773-797, 2021 | 15 | 2021 |
The fish community in Gulf of Mexico mangroves, a response to hydrological restoration M Soria-Barreto, R Gelabert-Fernández, HE Reyna-Ramos, R Brito Latin american journal of aquatic research 49 (3), 507-519, 2021 | 12 | 2021 |
Diferencias osteológicas entre los subgéneros Profundulus y Tlaloc (Teleostei: Profundulidae) AÁ González-Díaz, E Díaz-Pardo, M Soria-Barreto, E Martínez-Ramírez International Journal of Morphology 32 (3), 1074-1078, 2014 | 12 | 2014 |
Effect of Stocking Density on Growth, Survival, and Condition of the Mexican Cichlid Cichlasoma beani EA Aragon‐Flores, EF Valdez‐Hernandez, L Martinez‐Cardenas, ... Journal of the World Aquaculture Society 45 (4), 447-453, 2014 | 11 | 2014 |
Fishes in the lower San Pedro Mezquital River, Nayarit, Mexico AÁ González-Díaz, M Soria-Barreto, L Martínez-Cardenas, M Blanco Check List 11 (6), 1-7, 2015 | 10 | 2015 |
Genetic diversity and structure of one of the most endangered freshwater fish species in Mexico: Tlaloc hildebrandi (Miller, 1950) and recognition of its evolutionarily … RG Beltrán-López, AA González-Díaz, M Soria-Barreto, ... PeerJ 9, e11952, 2021 | 9 | 2021 |
Seasonal variation in basal resources supporting fish biomass in longitudinal zones of the Usumacinta River Basin, southern Mexico M Soria-Barreto, CG Montaña, KO Winemiller, MM Castillo, ... Marine and Freshwater Research 72 (3), 353-364, 2021 | 9 | 2021 |
Seasonal Variation in Trophic Diversity and Relative Importance of Basal Resources Supporting Tropical River Fish Assemblages in Chiapas, Mexico: SEASONAL TROPHIC DIVERSITY OF … AA Pease, M Soria‐Barreto, AA González‐Díaz, R Rodiles‐Hernández Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 149 (6), 753-769, 2020 | 7 | 2020 |