Pierre Tulowitzki
Pierre Tulowitzki
FHNW University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland
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Citat de
Disentangling school leadership and its ties to instructional practices–an empirical comparison of various leadership styles
M Pietsch, P Tulowitzki
School effectiveness and school improvement 28 (4), 629-649, 2017
On the differential and shared effects of leadership for learning on teachers’ organizational commitment and job satisfaction: A multilevel perspective
M Pietsch, P Tulowitzki, T Koch
Educational Administration Quarterly 55 (5), 705-741, 2019
Die Qualifizierung von Schulleiter* innen in Deutschland ein bundesweiter Überblick
P Tulowitzki, I Hinzen, M Roller
DDS–Die Deutsche Schule 111 (2), 149-169, 2019
Leadership and school improvement in France
P Tulowitzki
Journal of Educational Administration, 812-835, 2013
Shadowing school principals: what do we learn?
P Tulowitzki
Educational Management Administration & Leadership 47 (1), 91-109, 2019
Principals between exploitation and exploration: Results of a nationwide study on ambidexterity of school leaders
M Pietsch, P Tulowitzki, C Cramer
Educational Management Administration & Leadership, 1-19, 2020
Innovating teaching and instruction in turbulent times: The dynamics of principals’ exploration and exploitation activities
M Pietsch, P Tulowitzki, C Cramer
Journal of Educational Change 24 (3), 549-581, 2023
Examining the effect of principal turnover on teaching quality: a study on organizational change with repeated classroom observations
M Pietsch, P Tulowitzki, J Hartig
School Effectiveness and School Improvement 31 (3), 333-355, 2020
Policy formation of intercultural and globally minded educational leadership preparation
J Easley, P Tulowitzki
International Journal of Educational Management, 744-761, 2013
Stichwort: Lernzentriertes Leitungshandeln an Schulen–Leadership for Learning
P Tulowitzki, M Pietsch
Zeitschrift für Erziehungswissenschaft 23 (5), 873-902, 2020
Supporting instructional leadership and school improvement? Reflections on school supervision from a German perspective
P Tulowitzki
Journal of Educational Administration, 571-581, 2019
The development of educational leadership and teaching professions in Germany
P Tulowitzki
Journal of Educational, Cultural and Psychological Studies (ECPS Journal), 45-55, 2015
The role of ICT for school leadership and management activities: an international comparison
P Tulowitzki, J Gerick, B Eickelmann
International Journal of Educational Management 36 (2), 133-151, 2022
School leadership and curriculum: German perspectives
S Huber, P Tulowitzki, U Hameyer
Leadership and policy in Schools 16 (2), 272-302, 2017
Schulleitung in Deutschland: repräsentative Befunde zur Attraktivität, zu Karrieremotiven und zu Arbeitsplatzwechselabsichten
C Cramer, J Groß Ophoff, M Pietsch, P Tulowitzki
DDS–Die Deutsche Schule 113 (2), 132-148, 2021
Schulleitung in der digitalisierten Welt: Empirische Befunde zum Schulmanagement
P Tulowitzki, J Gerick
DDS–Die Deutsche Schule 112 (3), 324-337, 2020
Accountability in the German school system: More of a burden than a preference
SG Huber, BM Gördel, S Kilic, P Tulowitzki
Educational accountability, 165-183, 2016
Educational accountability: International perspectives on challenges and possibilities for school leadership
J Easley II, P Tulowitzki
Routledge, 2016
Die Fortbildung von Schulleiter* innen in Forschung und Praxis–ein Systematisierungsversuch
ED Klein, P Tulowitzki
DDS–Die Deutsche Schule 112 (3), 257-276, 2020
Schulleitung und Schulentwicklung in Frankreich: Fallstudien an collèges im Großraum Paris
P Tulowitzki
Springer-Verlag, 2013
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