Katarzyna Piwowar-Sulej
Katarzyna Piwowar-Sulej
Wroclaw University of Economics and Business, Poland, Full Professor
Adresă de e-mail confirmată pe ue.wroc.pl - Pagina de pornire
Citat de
Citat de
Human resources development as an element of sustainable HRM–with the focus on production engineers
K Piwowar-Sulej
Journal of Cleaner Production 278, 124008, 2021
Leadership styles and sustainable performance: A systematic literature review
K Piwowar-Sulej, Q Iqbal
Journal of Cleaner Production 382, 134600, 2023
Core functions of Sustainable Human Resource Management. A hybrid literature review with the use of H‐Classics methodology
K Piwowar‐Sulej
Sustainable development 29 (4), 671-693, 2021
Sustainable leadership in higher education institutions: social innovation as a mechanism
Q Iqbal, K Piwowar-Sulej
International Journal of Sustainability in Higher Education 23 (8), 1-20, 2022
Environmental entrepreneurship–Bibliometric and content analysis of the subject literature based on H-Core
K Piwowar-Sulej, M Krzywonos, I Kwil
Journal of Cleaner Production 295, 126277, 2021
Organizational culture and project management methodology: research in the financial industry
K Piwowar-Sulej
International Journal of Managing Projects in Business 14 (6), 1270-1289, 2021
A contribution to sustainable human resource development in the era of the COVID-19 pandemic
K Piwowar-Sulej, S Malik, OA Shobande, S Singh, V Dagar
Journal of Business Ethics 191 (2), 337-355, 2024
Pro-environmental organizational culture: Its essence and a concept for its operationalization
K Piwowar-Sulej
Sustainability 12 (10), 4197, 2020
Environmental strategies and human resource development consistency: Research in the manufacturing industry
K Piwowar-Sulej
Journal of Cleaner Production 330, 129538, 2022
Human resource management in the context of Industry 4.0
K Piwowar-Sulej
Organizacja i Zarządzanie: kwartalnik naukowy 1 (49), 103-113, 2020
Sustainable leadership and heterogeneous knowledge sharing: the model for frugal innovation
Q Iqbal, K Piwowar-Sulej
European Journal of Innovation Management 26 (7), 655-673, 2023
Organizational citizenship behavior for the environment decoded: sustainable leaders, green organizational climate and person-organization fit
Q Iqbal, K Piwowar-Sulej
Baltic Journal of Management 18 (3), 300-316, 2023
Project managers’ competencies and leadership styles from the perspective of organizations functioning in Poland
K Grzesik, K Piwowar-Sulej
Journal of Entrepreneurship, Management and Innovation 14 (3), 35-60, 2018
Local entrepreneurship in the context of food production: A review
I Kwil, K Piwowar-Sulej, M Krzywonos
Sustainability 12 (1), 424, 2020
Sustainable leadership, environmental turbulence, resilience, and employees' wellbeing in SMEs
Q Iqbal, K Piwowar-Sulej
Frontiers in Psychology 13, 939389, 2022
Enterprise agility–its meaning, managerial expectations and barriers to implementation–a survey of three countries
M Zakrzewska, S Jarosz, K Piwowar-Sulej, M Sołtysik
Journal of Organizational Change Management, 35 (3), 488-510, 2022
Research trends in human resource management. A text-mining-based literature review
K Piwowar-Sulej, S Wawak, M Tyrańska, M Zakrzewska, S Jarosz, ...
International Journal of Manpower, 44 (1), 176-196, 2023
Zarządzanie ludźmi w organizacjach zorientowanych na projekty
K Piwowar-Sulej
Difin SA, 2016
Potencjał pracy w przedsiębiorstwie: kształtowanie i wykorzystanie
M Gableta
Potencjal pracy przedsiębiorstwa, 2006
Sustainable development and national cultures: a quantitative and qualitative analysis of the research field
K Piwowar-Sulej
Environment, Development and Sustainability 24 (12), 13447-13475, 2022
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