Articole cu mandate pentru acces public - Eeva VainioAflați mai multe
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Taxonomy, biogeography and importance of Heterobasidion viruses
EJ Vainio, J Hantula
Virus research 219, 2-10, 2016
Mandate: Academy of Finland
Heterobasidion wood decay fungi host diverse and globally distributed viruses related to Helicobasidium mompa partitivirus V70
M Kashif, R Hyder, DDV Perez, J Hantula, EJ Vainio
Virus research 195, 119-123, 2015
Mandate: Academy of Finland
Virus population structure in the ectomycorrhizal fungi Lactarius rufus and L. tabidus at two forest sites in Southern Finland
S Sutela, EJ Vainio
Virus Research 285, 197993, 2020
Mandate: Academy of Finland
Mixed infection by a partitivirus and a negative-sense RNA virus related to mymonaviruses in the polypore fungus Bondarzewia berkeleyi
EJ Vainio, S Sutela
Virus Research 286, 198079, 2020
Mandate: Academy of Finland
Mitoviruses in the conifer root rot pathogens Heterobasidion annosum and H. parviporum
EJ Vainio
Virus Research 271, 197681, 2019
Mandate: Academy of Finland
Fusarium circinatum isolates from northern Spain are commonly infected by three distinct mitoviruses
EJ Vainio, P Martínez-Álvarez, D Bezos, J Hantula, JJ Diez
Archives of virology 160, 2093-2098, 2015
Mandate: Academy of Finland, European Commission, Government of Spain
Multiple virus infections on Heterobasidion sp.
J Hantula, S Mäkelä, P Xu, V Brusila, H Nuorteva, M Kashif, R Hyder, ...
Fungal Biology 124 (2), 102-109, 2020
Mandate: Academy of Finland
Distribution of viruses inhabiting Heterobasidion annosum in a pine-dominated forest plot in southern Finland
R Hyder, T Piri, J Hantula, H Nuorteva, EJ Vainio
Microbial ecology 75 (3), 622-630, 2018
Mandate: Academy of Finland
The complete genome sequence of HetPV20-an1, an alphapartitivirus infecting the conifer-pathogenic fungus Heterobasidion annosum
EJ Vainio
Archives of Virology 163 (4), 1113-1116, 2018
Mandate: Academy of Finland
Disponibile undeva: 35
Taxonomic reorganization of family Partitiviridae and other recent progress in partitivirus research
ML Nibert, SA Ghabrial, E Maiss, T Lesker, EJ Vainio, D Jiang, N Suzuki
Virus research 188, 128-141, 2014
Mandate: National Natural Science Foundation of China
ICTV Virus Taxonomy Profile: Partitiviridae
EJ Vainio, S Chiba, SA Ghabrial, E Maiss, M Roossinck, S Sabanadzovic, ...
Journal of General Virology 99 (1), 17-18, 2018
Mandate: Wellcome Trust
A framework for the evaluation of biosecurity, commercial, regulatory, and scientific impacts of plant viruses and viroids identified by NGS technologies
S Massart, T Candresse, J Gil, C Lacomme, L Predajna, M Ravnikar, ...
Frontiers in microbiology 8, 45, 2017
Mandate: European Commission
Virus detection by high-throughput sequencing of small RNAs: Large-scale performance testing of sequence analysis strategies
S Massart, M Chiumenti, K De Jonghe, R Glover, A Haegeman, I Koloniuk, ...
Phytopathology 109 (3), 488-497, 2019
Mandate: European Commission
The virome from a collection of endomycorrhizal fungi reveals new viral taxa with unprecedented genome organization
S Sutela, M Forgia, EJ Vainio, M Chiapello, S Daghino, M Vallino, ...
Virus Evolution 6 (2), veaa076, 2020
Mandate: Academy of Finland, Government of Italy
Viruses of fungi and oomycetes in the soil environment
S Sutela, A Poimala, EJ Vainio
FEMS Microbiology Ecology 95 (9), fiz119, 2019
Mandate: Academy of Finland, European Commission
Diagnosis and discovery of fungal viruses using deep sequencing of small RNAs
EJ Vainio, J Jurvansuu, J Streng, ML Rajamäki, J Hantula, JPT Valkonen
Journal of general virology 96 (3), 714-725, 2015
Mandate: Academy of Finland
Going viral: virus-based biological control agents for plant protection
J Wagemans, D Holtappels, E Vainio, M Rabiey, C Marzachì, S Herrero, ...
Annual Review of Phytopathology 60 (1), 21-42, 2022
Mandate: European Commission
Viruses accumulate in aging infection centers of a fungal forest pathogen
EJ Vainio, MM Müller, K Korhonen, T Piri, J Hantula
The ISME journal 9 (2), 497-507, 2015
Mandate: Academy of Finland
Heterobasidion partitivirus 13 mediates severe growth debilitation and major alterations in the gene expression of a fungal forest pathogen
EJ Vainio, J Jurvansuu, R Hyder, M Kashif, T Piri, T Tuomivirta, A Poimala, ...
Journal of Virology 92 (5), 10.1128/jvi. 01744-17, 2018
Mandate: Academy of Finland
Three mitovirus strains infecting a single isolate of Fusarium circinatum are the first putative members of the family Narnaviridae detected in a fungus of the genus Fusarium
P Martínez-Álvarez, EJ Vainio, L Botella, J Hantula, JJ Diez
Archives of virology 159, 2153-2155, 2014
Mandate: European Commission
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