Health benefits from nature experiences depend on dose DF Shanahan, R Bush, KJ Gaston, BB Lin, J Dean, E Barber, RA Fuller Scientific reports 6 (1), 28551, 2016 | 864 | 2016 |
Cities are hotspots for threatened species CD Ives, PE Lentini, CG Threlfall, K Ikin, DF Shanahan, GE Garrard, ... Global Ecology and biogeography 25 (1), 117-126, 2016 | 797 | 2016 |
Catastrophic declines in wilderness areas undermine global environment targets JEM Watson, DF Shanahan, M Di Marco, J Allan, WF Laurance, ... Current Biology 26 (21), 2929-2934, 2016 | 582 | 2016 |
The health benefits of urban nature: how much do we need? DF Shanahan, RA Fuller, R Bush, BB Lin, KJ Gaston BioScience 65 (5), 476-485, 2015 | 573 | 2015 |
Doses of neighborhood nature: the benefits for mental health of living with nature DTC Cox, DF Shanahan, HL Hudson, KE Plummer, GM Siriwardena, ... AIBS Bulletin 67 (2), 147-155, 2017 | 518 | 2017 |
A review of the benefits of nature experiences: More than meets the eye LS Franco, DF Shanahan, RA Fuller International journal of environmental research and public health 14 (8), 864, 2017 | 499 | 2017 |
Opportunity or orientation? Who uses urban parks and why BB Lin, RA Fuller, R Bush, KJ Gaston, DF Shanahan PLoS one 9 (1), e87422, 2014 | 456 | 2014 |
Doses of nearby nature simultaneously associated with multiple health benefits DTC Cox, DF Shanahan, HL Hudson, RA Fuller, K Anderson, S Hancock, ... International journal of environmental research and public health 14 (2), 172, 2017 | 351 | 2017 |
Toward improved public health outcomes from urban nature DF Shanahan, BB Lin, R Bush, KJ Gaston, JH Dean, E Barber, RA Fuller American journal of public health 105 (3), 470-477, 2015 | 350 | 2015 |
The rarity of direct experiences of nature in an urban population DTC Cox, HL Hudson, DF Shanahan, RA Fuller, KJ Gaston Landscape and urban planning 160, 79-84, 2017 | 311 | 2017 |
Nature–based interventions for improving health and wellbeing: The purpose, the people and the outcomes DF Shanahan, T Astell–Burt, EA Barber, E Brymer, DTC Cox, J Dean, ... Sports 7 (6), 141, 2019 | 294 | 2019 |
The impact of urbanisation on nature dose and the implications for human health DTC Cox, DF Shanahan, HL Hudson, RA Fuller, KJ Gaston Landscape and urban planning 179, 72-80, 2018 | 289 | 2018 |
Is nature relatedness associated with better mental and physical health? JH Dean, DF Shanahan, R Bush, KJ Gaston, BB Lin, E Barber, L Franco, ... International journal of environmental research and public health 15 (7), 1371, 2018 | 249 | 2018 |
The benefits of natural environments for physical activity DF Shanahan, L Franco, BB Lin, KJ Gaston, RA Fuller Sports medicine 46 (7), 989-995, 2016 | 222 | 2016 |
Effects of geography and life history traits on genetic differentiation in benthic marine fishes C Riginos, KE Douglas, Y Jin, DF Shanahan, EA Treml Ecography 34 (4), 566-575, 2011 | 215 | 2011 |
The role of socio-economic factors in planning and managing urban ecosystem services ML Wilkerson, MGE Mitchell, D Shanahan, KA Wilson, CD Ives, ... Ecosystem Services 31, 102-110, 2018 | 210 | 2018 |
Messaging matters: A systematic review of the conservation messaging literature LR Kidd, GE Garrard, SA Bekessy, M Mills, AR Camilleri, F Fidler, ... Biological conservation 236, 92-99, 2019 | 207 | 2019 |
Socio-economic inequalities in access to nature on public and private lands: A case study from Brisbane, Australia DF Shanahan, BB Lin, KJ Gaston, R Bush, RA Fuller Landscape and Urban Planning 130, 14-23, 2014 | 197 | 2014 |
What is the role of trees and remnant vegetation in attracting people to urban parks? DF Shanahan, BB Lin, KJ Gaston, R Bush, RA Fuller Landscape Ecology 30, 153-165, 2015 | 194 | 2015 |
The influence of patch area and connectivity on avian communities in urban revegetation DF Shanahan, C Miller, HP Possingham, RA Fuller Biological conservation 144 (2), 722-729, 2011 | 194 | 2011 |