Aurelien Perera
Aurelien Perera
Chargé de Recherches, CNRS, LPTMC, Université Pierre et Marie CURIE, Paris 6
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The solution of the hypernetted chain and Percus–Yevick approximations for fluids of hard nonspherical particles. Results for hard ellipsoids of revolution
A Perera, PG Kusalik, GN Patey
The Journal of chemical physics 87 (2), 1295-1306, 1987
Microstructure of neat alcohols: a molecular dynamics study
L Zoranić, F Sokolić, A Perera
The Journal of chemical physics 127 (2), 2007
A comparative molecular dynamics study of water–methanol and acetone–methanol mixtures
A Perera, L Zoranić, F Sokolić, R Mazighi
Journal of Molecular Liquids 159 (1), 52-59, 2011
Ethanol-water mixtures: ultrasonics, Brillouin scattering and molecular dynamics
M Mijaković, B Kežić, L Zoranić, F Sokolić, A Asenbaum, C Pruner, ...
Journal of Molecular Liquids 164 (1-2), 66-73, 2011
Density functional theory applied to the isotropic–nematic transition in model liquid crystals
A Perera, GN Patey, JJ Weis
The Journal of chemical physics 89 (11), 6941-6946, 1988
Micro-heterogeneity versus clustering in binary mixtures of ethanol with water or alkanes
M Požar, B Lovrinčević, L Zoranić, T Primorać, F Sokolić, A Perera
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 18 (34), 23971-23979, 2016
A molecular dynamics study of the urea/water mixture
A Idrissi, F Sokolić, A Perera
The Journal of Chemical Physics 112 (21), 9479-9488, 2000
Microstructure of neat alcohols
A Perera, F Sokolić, L Zoranić
Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 75 (6 …, 2007
Orientational order in simple dipolar fluids: Density-functional theory and absolute-stability conditions
D Wei, GN Patey, A Perera
Physical Review E 47 (1), 506, 1993
The solution of the hypernetted‐chain and Percus–Yevick approximations for fluids of hard spherocylinders
A Perera, GN Patey
The Journal of chemical physics 89 (9), 5861-5868, 1988
Kirkwood-Buff integrals of aqueous alcohol binary mixtures
A Perera, F Sokolić, L Almasy, Y Koga
The Journal of chemical physics 124 (12), 2006
Fluids of dipolar hard ellipsoids: structural properties and isotropic–nematic phase transitions
A Perera, GN Patey
The Journal of chemical physics 91 (5), 3045-3055, 1989
Structure of aqueous solutions of ionic liquid 1-butyl-3-methylimidazolium tetrafluoroborate by small-angle neutron scattering
L Almásy, M Turmine, A Perera
The Journal of Physical Chemistry B 112 (8), 2382-2387, 2008
Aqueous tert-butanol mixtures: A model for molecular-emulsions
B Kežić, A Perera
The Journal of chemical physics 137 (1), 2012
Concentrated aqueous urea solutions: A molecular dynamics study of different models
F Sokolić, A Idrissi, A Perera
The Journal of chemical physics 116 (4), 1636-1646, 2002
On the evaluation of the Kirkwood-Buff integrals of aqueous acetone mixtures
A Perera, F Sokolić, L Almásy, P Westh, Y Koga
The Journal of chemical physics 123 (2), 2005
Charge ordering and scattering pre-peaks in ionic liquids and alcohols
A Perera
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 19 (2), 1062-1073, 2017
On the nature of the molecular ordering of water in aqueous DMSO mixtures
A Perera, R Mazighi
The Journal of Chemical Physics 143 (15), 2015
On the microscopic structure of liquid water
A Perera
Molecular Physics 109 (20), 2433-2441, 2011
Concentration fluctuations and microheterogeneity in aqueous amide mixtures
L Zoranić, R Mazighi, F Sokolić, A Perera
The Journal of chemical physics 130 (12), 2009
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