Paul M. Mather
Paul M. Mather
Emeritus Professor of Geographical Information Science, University of Nottingham
Adresă de e-mail confirmată pe nottingham.ac.uk
Citat de
Citat de
Computer processing of remotely-sensed images
PM Mather, M Koch
John Wiley & Sons, 2022
Classification methods for remotely sensed data
P Mather, B Tso
CRC press, 2016
An assessment of the effectiveness of decision tree methods for land cover classification
M Pal, PM Mather
Remote sensing of environment 86 (4), 554-565, 2003
Support vector machines for classification in remote sensing
M Pal, PM Mather
International journal of remote sensing 26 (5), 1007-1011, 2005
Computational methods of multivariate analysis in physical geography
PM Mather, PM Mather
Wiley, 1976
Nature and empire: Science and the colonial enterprise
RM MacLeod
(No Title), 2000
The use of backpropagating artificial neural networks in land cover classification
T Kavzoglu, PM Mather
International journal of remote sensing 24 (23), 4907-4938, 2003
Assessment of the effectiveness of support vector machines for hyperspectral data
M Pal, PM Mather
Future generation computer systems 20 (7), 1215-1225, 2004
Convergence technologies for 3G networks: IP, UMTS, EGPRS and ATM
J Bannister, P Mather, S Coope
John Wiley & Sons, 2004
Classification of multisource remote sensing imagery using a genetic algorithm and Markov random fields
BCK Tso, PM Mather
IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing 37 (3), 1255-1260, 1999
Some issues in the classification of DAIS hyperspectral data
M Pal, PM Mather
International Journal of Remote Sensing 27 (14), 2895-2916, 2006
Ensemble of support vector machines for land cover classification
M Pal
International journal of remote sensing 29 (10), 3043-3049, 2008
The role of feature selection in artificial neural network applications
T Kavzoglu, PM Mather
International Journal of Remote Sensing 23 (15), 2919-2937, 2002
Crop discrimination using multi-temporal SAR imagery
B Tso, PM Mather
International Journal of Remote Sensing 20 (12), 2443-2460, 1999
Lineament mapping for groundwater resource assessment: a comparison of digital Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) imagery and stereoscopic Large Format Camera (LFC) photographs in …
M Koch, PM Mather
International Journal of Remote Sensing 18 (7), 1465-1482, 1997
Decision tree based classification of remotely sensed data
M Pal, PM Mather
22nd Asian conference on remote Sensing 5, 9, 2001
Pruning artificial neural networks: an example using land cover classification of multi-sensor images
T Kavzoglu, PM Mather
International Journal of Remote Sensing 20 (14), 2787-2803, 1999
Multivariate analysis in geography with particular reference to drainage-basin morphometry
PM Mather, JC Doornkamp
Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers, 163-187, 1970
An analysis of deforestation patterns in the extractive reserves of Acre, Amazonia from satellite imagery: a landscape ecological approach
P Peralta, P Mather
International Journal of Remote Sensing 21 (13-14), 2555-2570, 2000
Land cover classification revisited
PM Mather
Advances in remote sensing and GIS analysis, 7-16, 1999
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