Claire Vernade
Claire Vernade
Adresă de e-mail confirmată pe uni-tuebingen.de - Pagina de pornire
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Weighted linear bandits for non-stationary environments
Y Russac, C Vernade, O Cappé
Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 32, 2019
Stochastic bandit models for delayed conversions
C Vernade, O Cappé, V Perchet
arXiv preprint arXiv:1706.09186, 2017
Multiple-play bandits in the position-based model
P Lagrée, C Vernade, O Cappe
Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 29, 2016
Linear bandits with stochastic delayed feedback
C Vernade, A Carpentier, T Lattimore, G Zappella, B Ermis, M Brueckner
International Conference on Machine Learning, 9712-9721, 2020
Stochastic rank-1 bandits
S Katariya, B Kveton, C Szepesvari, C Vernade, Z Wen
Artificial Intelligence and Statistics, 392-401, 2017
Stochastic bandits with arm-dependent delays
AG Manegueu, C Vernade, A Carpentier, M Valko
International Conference on Machine Learning, 3348-3356, 2020
Eigengame: PCA as a nash equilibrium
I Gemp, B McWilliams, C Vernade, T Graepel
arXiv preprint arXiv:2010.00554, 2020
Confident off-policy evaluation and selection through self-normalized importance weighting
I Kuzborskij, C Vernade, A Gyorgy, C Szepesvári
International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics, 640-648, 2021
Bernoulli Rank-1 Bandits for Click Feedback
C Szepesvari, B Kveton, S Katariya, C Vernade
IJCAI, 2017
Asymptotically optimal information-directed sampling
J Kirschner, T Lattimore, C Vernade, C Szepesvári
Conference on Learning Theory, 2777-2821, 2021
Solving bernoulli rank-one bandits with unimodal thompson sampling
C Trinh, E Kaufmann, C Vernade, R Combes
Algorithmic Learning Theory, 862-889, 2020
The elliptical potential lemma revisited
A Carpentier, C Vernade, Y Abbasi-Yadkori
arXiv preprint arXiv:2010.10182, 2020
Non-stationary delayed bandits with intermediate observations
C Vernade, A Gyorgy, T Mann
International Conference on Machine Learning, 9722-9732, 2020
Sparse stochastic bandits
J Kwon, V Perchet, C Vernade
arXiv preprint arXiv:1706.01383, 2017
Max K-Armed Bandit: On the ExtremeHunter Algorithm and Beyond
M Achab, S Clémençon, A Garivier, A Sabourin, C Vernade
Machine Learning and Knowledge Discovery in Databases: European Conference …, 2017
Beyond average return in markov decision processes
A Marthe, A Garivier, C Vernade
Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 36, 56488-56507, 2023
Eigengame unloaded: When playing games is better than optimizing
I Gemp, B McWilliams, C Vernade, T Graepel
arXiv preprint arXiv:2102.04152, 2021
Non-stationary bandits and meta-learning with a small set of optimal arms
MJ Azizi, T Duong, Y Abbasi-Yadkori, A György, C Vernade, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:2202.13001, 2022
Learning from missing data using selection bias in movie recommendation
C Vernade, O Cappé
2015 IEEE International Conference on Data Science and Advanced Analytics …, 2015
Multivariate digital campaign content exploration utilizing rank-1 best-arm identification
B Kveton, Z Wen, YA Yadkori, M Ghavamzadeh, C Vernade
US Patent 11,551,256, 2023
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