Betanti Ridhosari
Betanti Ridhosari
universitas pertamina
Adresă de e-mail confirmată pe universitaspertamina.ac.id
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Carbon footprint assessment at Universitas Pertamina from the scope of electricity, transportation, and waste generation: Toward a green campus and promotion of environmental …
B Ridhosari, A Rahman
Journal of Cleaner Production 246, 119172, 2020
Evaluasi Kualitas Air Tanah dari Sumur Gali Akibat Kegiatan Domestik di Kampung Daraulin-Desa Nanjung Evaluation of Groundwater Quality of Dug Wells From Domestic Activity in …
B Ridhosari, D Roosmini
Planning advanced treatment of tap water consumption in Universitas Pertamina
H Hasnaningrum, B Ridhosari, IWK Suryawan
Jurnal Teknik Kimia dan Lingkungan 5 (1), 1-11, 2021
Challenges for hazardous waste management related to covid-19 pandemic at train station
N Ardiana, IWK Suryawan, B Ridhosari
Int. J. Adv. Trends Comput. Sci. Eng 9 (5), 2020
Buku Ajar Berpikir Solusi Kreatif (Creative Problem Solving)
G Kurnia, A Dahliyanti, B Ridhasari, A Rahman, I Madrinovella, ...
Salemba Teknika, 2019
Pemantauan Kualitas Udara Ambien di Komplek Universitas Pertamina pada Masa Pandemi COVID-19: Monitoring of Ambient Air Quality in Universitas Pertamina Areas during the COVID …
NL Zahra, FA Haidar, Y Hanum, D Ramadhanti, R Ramadhan, A Rahman, ...
Jurnal Teknologi Lingkungan 23 (1), 084-091, 2022
Design of Hazardous Waste Station in Xyz Radioactive Industry
SD Prameswari, MA Nurhadi, N Ardiana, I Rizaldi, M Octaviani, ...
ENVIROTEK: Jurnal Ilmiah Teknik Lingkungan 12 (1), 80-86, 2020
Evaluasi Aspek Konservasi Air berdasarkan Prinsip Green Building (Studi Kasus Gedung Griya Legita, Universitas Pertamina)
HAP Dinanti, FD Qonitan, B Ridhosari
Journal of Sustainable Infrastructure 2 (2), 2023
Design of waste processing system in slum area by 3r waste treatment site (case study: Tangerang city, indonesia)
N Ulhasanah, R Mahlisa, B Ridhosari
Journal of Sustainable Infrastructure 2 (1), 2023
Pengukuran Tingkat Kebisingan Bandara dari Aktivitas Charter Pesawat (Studi Kasus: Bandara Pondok Cabe, Indonesia)
FH Siregar, FD Qonitan, B Ridhosari
Journal of Sustainable Infrastructure 2 (1), 2023
Penanganan Pasca Bencana Siklon Tropis Seroja melalui Logistik Kemanusian dengan Kepner-Tregoe Situation Appraisal
G Kurnia, FE Zulvia, B Ridhosari
Jurnal Komunitas: Jurnal Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat 5 (2), 204-214, 2023
Hazardous Waste Generation and Composition from Electric Train Activities
N Ardiana, IWK Suryawan, B Ridhosari, MM Sari
Indonesian Journal of Chemical Analysis (IJCA) 5 (1), 62-67, 2022
Redesign of Communal Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP) at RW 02 Duri Utara, Tambora District, West Jakarta
I Sholikhah, B Ridhosari, E Sofiyah
Proceedings of the International Conference on Sustainable Engineering …, 2022
Caring for the community affected by the Covid-19 pandemic in Mataram Sei Putih Village, Riau
VN Hasibuan, A Rahman, MM Sari, FD Qonitan, N Ulhasanah, A Sarwono, ...
Community Empowerment 6 (11), 2087-2092, 2021
Youtube Sebagai Media Pembelajaran Pencegahan Dampak Penyebaran Virus COVID19
A Sarwono, B Ridhosari, I Sholikhah, IWK Suryawan
Jurnal ABDI: Media Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat 7 (1), 119-124, 2021
Work Accident Risk Assessment in Hot Rolled Coil Production with The Failure Mode, Effect and Criticality Analysis (FMECA) Method at PT XYZ
NA Adiyatma, MM Sari, B Ridhosari
Journal of Sustainable Infrastructure 3 (2), 2024
Exploring Strategies to Overcome Antibiotic Resistance in Wastewater Treatment Plants: A Review
ES Sofiyah, B Ridhosari, NL Zahra, S Suharti
Journal of Sustainable Infrastructure 3 (2), 2024
Reducing the risk level of working posture of office workers in PT X through redesigning the workstation based on rapid office strain assessment (ROSA) method
B Ridhosari, A Rahman, NMR Rozan
AIP Conference Proceedings 2891 (1), 2024
Determining Key Factors for Continuous Improvement of Environmental Management System (EMS) at Geothermal Power Plant (Case Study of PT. Pertamina Geothermal Energy Karaha Area)
R Ghaida, F Qonitan, B Ridhosari, G Syifa, N Kuncoro
Proceedings of the International Conference on Sustainable Engineering …, 2023
Failure Risk Analysis in Amine Contactor Unit Using Failure Mode and Effect Analysis (FMEA) Method at PT X
H Rachmantyo, B Ridhosari, A Rahman
Proceedings of the International Conference on Sustainable Engineering …, 2023
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