Senka Plavšić
Senka Plavšić
Alte numeSenka Plavšić Gogić
Research Assistant, Department of Archaeology, Faculty of Philosophy, University of Belgrade
Adresă de e-mail confirmată pe f.bg.ac.rs
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Citat de
Connections between the Levant and the Balkans in the late Middle Pleistocene: archaeological findings from Velika and Mala Balanica Caves (Serbia)
D Mihailović, SL Kuhn, K Bogićević, V Dimitrijević, AB Marín-Arroyo, ...
Journal of Human Evolution 163, 103138, 2022
Towards sustainable karst-based geotourism of the mount Kalafat in southeastern Serbia
A Antić, SB Marković, RS Marković, B Cai, D Nešić, N Tomić, D Mihailović, ...
Geoheritage 14 (1), 16, 2022
Neanderthal settlement of the Central Balkans during MIS 5: evidence from Pešturina Cave, Serbia
D Mihailović, S Milošević, BAB Blackwell, N Mercier, SM Mentzer, ...
Quaternary International 610, 1-19, 2022
Where’s the Fire? Detection of Combustions Features and Analysis of Hearth-Centered Activity Areas with Lithic Analysis from the Aurignacian in Šalitrena pećina, Serbia
S Plavšić, S Dragosavac, B Mihailović
Journal of Paleolithic Archaeology, 1-27, 2020
Towards sustainable karst-based geotourism of the Mount Kalafat in Southeastern Serbia. Geoheritage 14: 16
A Antić, SB Marković, RS Marković, B Cai, D Nešić, N Tomić, D Mihailović, ...
The Gravettian site Meča Dupka (Serbia) and its regional context
S Plavšić, P Popović
Quartär 66, 155-175, 2019
Middle and Upper Paleolithic in the Balkans: New data from two recently discovered sites in Serbia
T Dogandzic, S Talamo, V Dimitrijević, T Lauer, V Aldeias, K Ruebens, ...
The impact of the Campanian Ignimbrite (CI) eruption on Palaeolithic settlement patterns in the Central Balkans
S Dragosavac, S Plavšić, P Radović
Arheology of Crisis, 25-42, 2021
Bihevioralna modernost u organizaciji pećinskih staništa iz srednjeg I gornjeg paleolita na centralnom balkanu
SŽ Plavšić
PQDT-Global, 2022
Теоријске и методолошке претпоставке проучавања интеракција између неандерталаца и раних модерних људи на централном балкану–пројекат NEEMO
D Mihailović, V Dimitrijević, K Bogićević, D Nenadić, A Majkić, S Milošević, ...
Српско археолошко друштво, 45. скупштина и годишњи скуп–Програм, извештаји и …, 2022
Occupational intensity in the Paleolithic of the Balkan Peninsula
T Dogandžić, S Plavšić, S Dragosavac, P Radović, B Mihailović, ...
PaleoAnthropology 2, 463-463, 2022
Middle Paleolithic of the Petrovaradin fortress in a regional context
D Mihailović, S Dragosavac, J Marković, B Mihailović, S Plavšić
28th EAA Annual Meeting Budampest, Hungary 31 august-3 september 2022 …, 2022
" Nothing happens until something moves": settlement patterns in the Balkan Peninsula during MIS 3-1
S Plavšić, S Dragosavac, P Radović, B Mihailović, D Mihailović, ...
28th EAA Annual Meeting Budampest, Hungary 31 august-3 september 2022 …, 2022
Esr Dating in the Balanica Cave Complex, Serbia: Tracking Hominins and Paleolithic Cultures in the Middle Pleistocene
A Chen, B Blackwell, ORL Chen, KA D'Costa, MU Faija, D Mihailović, ...
Geological Society of America Abstracts 53, 366825, 2021
Esr Dating at Mirosava Cave, Eastern Serbia
DJY Yang, BAB Blackwell, GJD Wolfe, AR Skinner, S Plavšić, ...
Geological Society of America Abstracts 52, 352481, 2020
The Grand Balkan'hotels': Dating Late and Middle Pleistocene Hominin'resorts'
J Zhuo, BAB Blackwell, CLC Huang, D Mihailović, B Mihailović, ...
Geological Society of America Abstracts 50, 320938, 2018
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