GridSphere: a portal framework for building collaborations J Novotny, M Russell, O Wehrens Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience 16 (5), 503-513, 2004 | 268 | 2004 |
Enabling applications on the grid: A gridlab overview G Allen, T Goodale, T Radke, M Russell, E Seidel, K Davis, KN Dolkas, ... The International Journal of High Performance Computing Applications 17 (4 …, 2003 | 233 | 2003 |
GridSphere: an advanced portal framework J Novotny, M Russell, O Wehrens Proceedings. 30th Euromicro Conference, 2004., 412-419, 2004 | 161 | 2004 |
The astrophysics simulation collaboratory: A science portal enabling community software development M Russell, G Allen, G Daues, I Foster, E Seidel, J Novotny, J Shalf, ... Proceedings 10th IEEE international symposium on high performance …, 2001 | 122 | 2001 |
Evaluation of the Military Acute Concussion Evaluation for use in combat operations more than 12 hours after injury RL Coldren, MP Kelly, RV Parish, M Dretsch, ML Russell Military medicine 175 (7), 477-481, 2010 | 112 | 2010 |
Designing Grid-based problem solving environments and portals G von Laszewski, I Foster, J Gawor, P Lane, N Rehn, M Russell Proceedings of the 34th Annual Hawaii International Conference on System …, 2001 | 81 | 2001 |
Variables associated with intimate partner violence in a deploying military sample CA Fonseca, KB Schmaling, C Stoever, C Gutierrez, AW Blume, ... Military medicine 171 (7), 627-631, 2006 | 78 | 2006 |
Assessment of acute concussion in the combat environment MP Kelly, RL Coldren, RV Parish, MN Dretsch, ML Russell Archives of Clinical Neuropsychology 27 (4), 375-388, 2012 | 74 | 2012 |
Features of the Java commodity Grid kit G Von Laszewski, J Gawor, P Lane, N Rehn, M Russell Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience 14 (13‐15), 1045-1055, 2002 | 72 | 2002 |
The ANAM lacks utility as a diagnostic or screening tool for concussion more than 10 days following injury RL Coldren, ML Russell, RV Parish, M Dretsch, MP Kelly Military medicine 177 (2), 179-183, 2012 | 69 | 2012 |
The vine toolkit: A java framework for developing grid applications M Russell, P Dziubecki, P Grabowski, M Krysinśki, T Kuczyński, ... Parallel Processing and Applied Mathematics: 7th International Conference …, 2008 | 49 | 2008 |
Development, deployment and usability of a point-of-care decision support system for chronic disease management using the recently-approved HL7 decision support service standard DF Lobach, K Kawamoto, KJ Anstrom, ML Russell, P Woods, D Smith MEDINFO 2007, 861-865, 2007 | 45 | 2007 |
CELTS: a clinically-based computer enhanced laparoscopic training system N Stylopoulos, S Cotin, S Dawson, M Ottensmeyer, P Neumann, ... Medicine Meets Virtual Reality 11, 336-342, 2003 | 42 | 2003 |
GridLab: Enabling applications on the Grid G Allen, D Angulo, T Goodale, T Kielmann, A Merzky, J Nabrzysky, ... International Workshop on Grid Computing, 39-45, 2002 | 42 | 2002 |
Predictors of aversive alcohol consequences in a military sample CA Gutierrez, AW Blume, KB Schmaling, CJ Stoever, C Fonseca, ... Military medicine 171 (9), 870-874, 2006 | 41 | 2006 |
Early experiences with the Egrid testbed G Allen, T Dramlitsch, T Goodale, G Lanfermann, T Radke, E Seidel, ... Proceedings First IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Cluster Computing and …, 2001 | 40 | 2001 |
Classifying and enabling grid applications G Allen, T Goodale, M Russell, E Seidel, J Shalf Grid Computing: Making the Global Infrastructure a Reality, 601-614, 2003 | 39 | 2003 |
The grid portlets web application: a grid portal framework M Russell, J Novotny, O Wehrens Parallel Processing and Applied Mathematics: 6th International Conference …, 2006 | 38 | 2006 |
The Astrophysics Simulation Collaboratory portal: a framework for effective distributed research R Bondarescu, G Allen, G Daues, I Kelley, M Russell, E Seidel, J Shalf, ... Future Generation Computer Systems 21 (2), 259-270, 2005 | 36 | 2005 |
Personality Assessment Inventory profiles of deployed combat troops: an empirical investigation of normative performance. LC Morey, SE Lowmaster, RL Coldren, MP Kelly, RV Parish, ML Russell Psychological Assessment 23 (2), 456, 2011 | 32 | 2011 |