Michael L. Russell
Michael L. Russell
Director, Center of Excellence for Returning War Veterans
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GridSphere: a portal framework for building collaborations
J Novotny, M Russell, O Wehrens
Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience 16 (5), 503-513, 2004
Enabling applications on the grid: A gridlab overview
G Allen, T Goodale, T Radke, M Russell, E Seidel, K Davis, KN Dolkas, ...
The International Journal of High Performance Computing Applications 17 (4 …, 2003
GridSphere: an advanced portal framework
J Novotny, M Russell, O Wehrens
Proceedings. 30th Euromicro Conference, 2004., 412-419, 2004
The astrophysics simulation collaboratory: A science portal enabling community software development
M Russell, G Allen, G Daues, I Foster, E Seidel, J Novotny, J Shalf, ...
Proceedings 10th IEEE international symposium on high performance …, 2001
Evaluation of the Military Acute Concussion Evaluation for use in combat operations more than 12 hours after injury
RL Coldren, MP Kelly, RV Parish, M Dretsch, ML Russell
Military medicine 175 (7), 477-481, 2010
Designing Grid-based problem solving environments and portals
G von Laszewski, I Foster, J Gawor, P Lane, N Rehn, M Russell
Proceedings of the 34th Annual Hawaii International Conference on System …, 2001
Variables associated with intimate partner violence in a deploying military sample
CA Fonseca, KB Schmaling, C Stoever, C Gutierrez, AW Blume, ...
Military medicine 171 (7), 627-631, 2006
Assessment of acute concussion in the combat environment
MP Kelly, RL Coldren, RV Parish, MN Dretsch, ML Russell
Archives of Clinical Neuropsychology 27 (4), 375-388, 2012
Features of the Java commodity Grid kit
G Von Laszewski, J Gawor, P Lane, N Rehn, M Russell
Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience 14 (13‐15), 1045-1055, 2002
The ANAM lacks utility as a diagnostic or screening tool for concussion more than 10 days following injury
RL Coldren, ML Russell, RV Parish, M Dretsch, MP Kelly
Military medicine 177 (2), 179-183, 2012
The vine toolkit: A java framework for developing grid applications
M Russell, P Dziubecki, P Grabowski, M Krysinśki, T Kuczyński, ...
Parallel Processing and Applied Mathematics: 7th International Conference …, 2008
Development, deployment and usability of a point-of-care decision support system for chronic disease management using the recently-approved HL7 decision support service standard
DF Lobach, K Kawamoto, KJ Anstrom, ML Russell, P Woods, D Smith
MEDINFO 2007, 861-865, 2007
CELTS: a clinically-based computer enhanced laparoscopic training system
N Stylopoulos, S Cotin, S Dawson, M Ottensmeyer, P Neumann, ...
Medicine Meets Virtual Reality 11, 336-342, 2003
GridLab: Enabling applications on the Grid
G Allen, D Angulo, T Goodale, T Kielmann, A Merzky, J Nabrzysky, ...
International Workshop on Grid Computing, 39-45, 2002
Predictors of aversive alcohol consequences in a military sample
CA Gutierrez, AW Blume, KB Schmaling, CJ Stoever, C Fonseca, ...
Military medicine 171 (9), 870-874, 2006
Early experiences with the Egrid testbed
G Allen, T Dramlitsch, T Goodale, G Lanfermann, T Radke, E Seidel, ...
Proceedings First IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Cluster Computing and …, 2001
Classifying and enabling grid applications
G Allen, T Goodale, M Russell, E Seidel, J Shalf
Grid Computing: Making the Global Infrastructure a Reality, 601-614, 2003
The grid portlets web application: a grid portal framework
M Russell, J Novotny, O Wehrens
Parallel Processing and Applied Mathematics: 6th International Conference …, 2006
The Astrophysics Simulation Collaboratory portal: a framework for effective distributed research
R Bondarescu, G Allen, G Daues, I Kelley, M Russell, E Seidel, J Shalf, ...
Future Generation Computer Systems 21 (2), 259-270, 2005
Personality Assessment Inventory profiles of deployed combat troops: an empirical investigation of normative performance.
LC Morey, SE Lowmaster, RL Coldren, MP Kelly, RV Parish, ML Russell
Psychological Assessment 23 (2), 456, 2011
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