Performance of 31 tree species and soil conditions in a plantation established with saline irrigation OS Tomar, PS Minhas, VK Sharma, YP Singh, RK Gupta Forest Ecology and Management 177 (1-3), 333-346, 2003 | 183 | 2003 |
Productivity of sodic soils can be enhanced through the use of salttolerant rice varieties and proper agronomic practicesY Y.P. Singh, V.K. Mishra, Sudhanshu Singh, D.K. Sharma, D. Singh, U.S. Singh ... Field Crop Research 190, 82-90, 2016 | 71 | 2016 |
Farmers Participatory Varietal Selection: A sustainable crop improvement approach for 21st century YP Singh Proceedings 7th International Rice Genetics Symposium, 5-8 Nov. 2013 at …, 0 | 68* | |
Response of rice and wheat to applied gypsum and farmyard manure on an alkali water irrigated soil PS Minhas, DR Sharma, YP Singh Journal of the Indian Society of Soil Science 43 (3), 452-455, 1995 | 50 | 1995 |
Alternate Lnad Use Management For Sodic Soils YP Singh, DK Sharma, G Singh, AK Nayak, VK Mishra Central Soil Salinity Research Institute; Karnal (haryana), 2008 | 49 | 2008 |
Evaluation of Jatropha curcas Genotypes for Rehabilitation of Degraded Sodic Lands YP Singh, AK Nayak, DK Sharma, G Singh, VK Mishra, D Singh Land Degradation & Development 26 (5), 510-520, 2015 | 48 | 2015 |
Ameliorative effect of multipurpose tree species grown on sodic soils of Indo-Gangetic alluvial plains of India YP Singh, G Singh, DK Sharma Arid Land Research and Management 25 (1), 55-74, 2011 | 42 | 2011 |
Effect of saline irrigation and its schedules on growth, biomass production and water use byAcacia niloticaandDalbergia sissooin a highly calcareous soil PS Minhas, YP Singh, OS Tomar, RK Gupta, RK Gupta Journal of arid environments 36 (1), 181-192, 1997 | 37 | 1997 |
Interaction effect of sulphur and phosphorus on growth and nutrient content of Blackgram RS Y.P.Singh Journal of the Indian Society of Soil Science 52 (3), 266-269, 2004 | 36 | 2004 |
Bio-amelioration of alkali soils through agroforestry systems in central Indo-Gangetic plains of India YP Singh, G Singh, DK Sharma Journal of Forestry Research 25 (4), 887-896, 2014 | 35 | 2014 |
Sodic soils of Shivari experimental farm site characteristics, reclaimability and use potential for different land uses RC Sharma, R Singh, YP Singh, G Singh Central Soil Salinity Research Institute; Karnal (Haryana), 2006 | 33 | 2006 |
Changes in hydraulic conductivity of soils varying in calcite content under cycles of irrigation with saline-sodic and simulated rain water PS Minhas, YP Singh, DS Chhabba, VK Sharma Irrigation Science 18, 199-203, 1999 | 33 | 1999 |
Analysis of Stability and G × E interaction of Rice Genotypes across Saline and Alkaline Environments in India YPS SL Krishnamurthy, SK Sharma, DK Sharma Cereal Research Communications 10 (DOI: 10.1556/0806.43.2015.055), 2015 | 32* | 2015 |
Effect of irrigation scheduling and integrated nutrient management on R Singh, YP Singh, NPS Yaduvanshi, DK Sharma Journal of the Indian Society of Soil Science 57 (3), 280-286, 2009 | 31 | 2009 |
Resource conservation strategies for rice‐wheat cropping systems on partially reclaimed sodic soils of the I ndo‐G angetic region, and their effects on soil carbon VK Mishra, S Srivastava, AK Bhardwaj, DK Sharma, YP Singh, AK Nayak Natural Resources Forum 39 (2), 110-122, 2015 | 29 | 2015 |
Characteristics and use potential of sodic and associated soils in CSSRI experimental farm, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh RC Sharma, AK Mandal, R Singh, YP Singh Journal of the Indian Society of Soil Science 59 (4), 381-387, 2011 | 28 | 2011 |
Yield Stability of Rice Lines for Salt Tolerance Using Additive Main Effects and Multiplicative Interaction Analysis - AMMI DKS SL Krishnamurthy, P Pundir, YP Singh, SK Sharma, PC Sharma Journal of Soil Salinity and Water Quality 7 (2), 98-106, 2015 | 25 | 2015 |
Role of Sulphur and Phosphorus in Black Gram production YP Singh Fertilizer News 49 (2), 33-36, 2004 | 25 | 2004 |
Biomass and bio-energy production of ten multipurpose tree species planted in sodic soils of indo-gangetic plains YP Singh, G Singh, DK Sharma Journal of Forestry Research 21, 19-24, 2010 | 24 | 2010 |
Saline water irrigation for the establishment of furrow planted trees in North Western India RKG P.s.Minhas, Y.P.Singh, O.S.Tomar Agroforestry systems 35 (2), 177-186, 1996 | 24 | 1996 |