Gokhan Gokce
Gokhan Gokce
Adresă de e-mail confirmată pe cu.edu.tr
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Length-weight relationships of 7 fish species from the North Aegean Sea, Turkey
G Gökçe, İ Aydın, C Metin
International Journal of Natural and Engineering Sciences 1, 51-52, 2007
Length-weight relationships of marine fishes off Yumurtalık coast (İskenderun Bay), Turkey
G Gökçe, M Cekic, H Filiz
Turkish Journal of Zoology 34 (1), 101-104, 2010
Predictive models and comparison of the selectivity of standard (T0) and turned mesh (T90) codends for three species in the Eastern Mediterranean
A Tokaç, B Herrmann, C Aydın, H Kaykac, A Ünlüler, G Gökçe
Fisheries Research 150, 76-88, 2014
Landed and discarded catches from commercial prawn trammel net fishery
G Goekce, C Metin
Journal of Applied Ichthyology 23 (5), 543-546, 2007
Ege denizi balıkçılığı
A Tokaç, V Ünal, Z Tosunoğlu, O Akyol, H Özbilgin, G Gökçe
IMEAK Deniz Ticaret Odası İzmir Şubesi Yayınları, İzmir, 2010
Understanding the size selectivity of red mullet (Mullus barbatus) in Mediterranean trawl codends: A study based on fish morphology
A Tokac, B Herrmann, G Gökçe, LA Krag, DS Nezhad, A Lök, H Kaykac, ...
Fisheries Research 174, 81-93, 2016
Catch composition of trawl fisheries in Mersin Bay with emphasis on catch biodiversity
G Gökçe, I Saygu, AR Eryaşar
Turkish Journal of Zoology 40 (4), 522-533, 2016
Bycatch reduction in trammel net fishery for prawn (Melicertus kerathurus) by using guarding net in Izmir Bay on Aegean Coast of Turkey
C Metin, G Gökçe, İ Aydın, İ Bayramiç
Turkish Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 9 (2), 2009
Size selectivity of hand and machine woven codends and short term commercial loss in the Northeastern Mediterranean
H Özbilgin, AR Eryaşar, G Gökçe, YD Özbilgin, AS Bozaoğlu, E Kalecik, ...
Fisheries Research 164, 73-85, 2015
Width/length-weight and relationships of the blue crab (Callinectes sapidus Rathbun, 1986) population living in Camlik Lagoon Lake (Yumurtalik).
G Gökçe, D Ergüden, L Sangün, M Cekic, S Alagöz
The effects of netting twine on discard rates of commercial red mullet gillnets in Izmir Bay
İ Aydın, G Gökçe, C Metin
Turkish Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 8 (2), 2008
The importance of alien species to the food web and bottom trawl fisheries of the Northeastern Mediterranean, a modelling approach
İ Saygu, JJ Heymans, CJ Fox, H Özbilgin, AR Eryaşar, G Gökçe
Journal of Marine Systems 202, 103253, 2020
Using guarding net to reduce regularly discarded invertebrates in trammel net fisheries operating on seagrass meadows (Posidonia oceanica) in İzmir Bay (Eastern Aegean Sea)
Mediterranean Marine Science 14 (2), 2013
Growth and mortality of the brushtooth lizardfish (Saurida undosquamis) in Iskenderun Bay (eastern Mediterranean Sea) using length frequency analysis
G Gökçe, L Sangün, H Özbilgin, M Bilecenoglu
Journal of Applied Ichthyology 23 (6), 697-699, 2007
Discard reduction of trammel nets in the Northeastern Mediterranean prawn fishery
G Gökçe, AS Bozaoğlu, AR Eryaşar, H Özbilgin
Journal of Applied Ichthyology 32 (3), 427-431, 2016
Balıkçılıkta Hedef Dışı Av Sorunu Üzerine Bir İnceleme.
G Gökçe, C Metin
Ege Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 23 (3), 457-462, 2006
Quantifying the performance of selective devices by combining analysis of catch data and fish behaviour observations: methodology and case study on a flatfish excluder
J Santos, B Herrmann, D Stepputtis, SBM Kraak, G Gökçe, B Mieske
ICES Journal of Marine Science 77 (7-8), 2840-2856, 2020
Kuzeydoğu Akdeniz balıkçılığının yapısal analizi
Y Özbilgin, G Gökçe, H Özbilgin, O Çelik, V Ünal, A Tokaç
Mersin Üniversitesi Bilimsel Araştırma Projeleri Birimi (BAP), Proje No: BAP …, 2007
İzmir Körfezi'nde Karides Balıkçılığında Kullanılan Uzatma Ağlarının Av Kompozisyonu.
C Metin, G Gökçe
Su Ürünleri Dergisi 21 (3), 2004
The effect of codend circumference on selectivity of hand-woven slack knotted codend in the North Eastern Mediterranean demersal trawl fishery
AR Eryaşar, H Özbilgin, G Gökçe, YD Özbilgin, İ Saygu, AS Bozaoğlu, ...
Turkish Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 14 (2), 463-470, 2014
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