Thomas Zandonai
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Transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) over the left prefrontal cortex does not affect time-trial self-paced cycling performance: Evidence from oscillatory brain …
D Holgado, T Zandonai, L Ciria, M Zabala, J Hopker, D Sanabria
PloS ONE 14 (2), e0210873, 2019
Tramadol effects on physical performance and sustained attention during a 20-min indoor cycling time-trial: A randomised controlled trial
D Holgado, T Zandonai, M Zabala, J Hopker, P Perakakis, ...
Journal of science and medicine in sport 21 (7), 654-660, 2018
The implementation and evaluation of a media literacy intervention about PAES use in sport science students
L Mallia, A Chirico, F Zelli, Arnaldo, Galli, T Palombi, L Bortoli, C Conti, ...
Frontiers in Psychology, 2020
Attitudes, Beliefs and Knowledge Related to Doping in Different Categories of Football Players
J Morente-Sanchéz, T Zandonai, M Zabala Díaz
Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport, 2019
The effects of oral smokeless tobacco administration on endurance performance
T Zandonai, E Tam, P Bruseghini, F Pizzolato, L Franceschi, M Baraldo, ...
Journal of Sport and Health Science, 465-472, 2018
Virtual reality for neuroarchitecture: Cue reactivity in built spaces
C Chiamulera, E Ferrandi, G Benvegnù, S Ferraro, F Tommasi, B Maris, ...
Frontiers in psychology 8, 185, 2017
Acute effect of Snus on physical performance and perceived cognitive load on amateur footballers
J Morente‐Sánchez, T Zandonai, M Mateo‐March, D Sanabria, ...
Scandinavian journal of medicine & science in sports 25 (4), e423-e431, 2015
A-Judo: An Innovative Intervention Programme to Prevent Bullying Based on Self-Determination Theory—A Pilot Study
C Montero-Carretero, A Roldan, T Zandonai, E Cervelló
Sustainability 13 (5), 2727, 2021
Exercise performance increase in smokeless tobacco-user athletes after overnight nicotine abstinence
T Zandonai, E Tam, P Bruseghini, C Capelli, M Baraldo, C Chiamulera
Scandinavian Journal of Medicine & Science In Sports, 1-10, 2018
Codeine and Tramadol Use in Athletes: A Potential for Abuse
T Zandonai, M Escorial, AM Peiró
Frontiers in Pharmacology 12, 661781, 2021
A preliminary investigation on smokeless tobacco use and its cognitive effects among athletes
T Zandonai, C Chiamulera, A Mancabelli, D Falconieri, M Diana
Frontiers in Pharmacology, 2018
Novel evidence on the effect of tramadol on self-paced high-intensity cycling
T Zandonai, D Holgado, LF Ciria, M Zabala, J Hopker, T Bekinschtein, ...
Journal of Sports Science, 2021
A virtual reality study on postretrieval extinction of smoking memory reconsolidation in smokers
T Zandonai, G Benvegnù, F Tommasi, E Ferrandi, E Libener, S Ferraro, ...
Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment, 2021
Global Pain State Questionnaire: Reliability, Validity, and Gender Gap
J Barrachina, J Muriel, C Margarit, B Planelles, ...
Arch Intern Med Res 4 (2), 084-106, 2021
A descriptive study of exercise dependence: a short report among Italian and Japanese runners
T Zandonai, A Manresa-Rocamora, L Monese, M Moya-Ramón, F Schena, ...
Journal of Addictive Diseases, 2020
A risk for athletes: when the desire to sleep becomes a nightmare. A brief case report on benzodiazepine addiction
T Zandonai, F Lugoboni, L Zamboni
Psychopharmacology 235 (11), 3359–3360, 2018
Benzodiazepine abuse among athletes: pain relief or just a weapon against insomnia? A clinical case study.
L Zamboni, F Lugoboni, T Zandonai
Scandinavian Journal of Science & Medicine in Sports, 2019
Polysubstance Use Patterns Among High Dose Benzodiazepine Users: A Latent Class Analysis and Differences Between Male and Female Use
L Zamboni, I Portoghese, A Congiu, T Zandonai, R Casari, F Fusina, ...
Frontiers in Psychiatry, 13:811130, 2022
Promoting Media Literacy Online: An Intervention on Performance and Appearance Enhancement Substances with Sport High School Students
F Galli, T Palombi, L Mallia, A Chirico, T Zandonai, F Alivernini, ...
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 18, 5596, 2021
Revealing Dissociable Attention Biases in Chronic Smokers Through an Individual-Differences Approach
C Della Libera, T Zandonai, L Zamboni, E Santandrea, M Sandri, ...
Scientific Reports, 4930, 2019
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