Mingzhao Song
Mingzhao Song
Department of Physics and Engineering, ITMO University
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Wireless power transfer inspired by the modern trends in electromagnetics
M Song, P Belov, P Kapitanova
Applied physics reviews 4 (2), 2017
Hybrid waves localized at hyperbolic metasurfaces
OY Yermakov, AI Ovcharenko, M Song, AA Bogdanov, IV Iorsh, ...
Physical Review B 91 (23), 235423, 2015
Wireless power transfer based on novel physical concepts
M Song, P Jayathurathnage, E Zanganeh, M Krasikova, P Smirnov, ...
Nature Electronics 4 (10), 707-716, 2021
Wireless power transfer based on magnetic quadrupole coupling in dielectric resonators
M Song, I Iorsh, P Kapitanova, E Nenasheva, P Belov
Applied Physics Letters 108 (2), 2016
Anapole meta-atoms: nonradiating electric and magnetic sources
E Zanganeh, A Evlyukhin, A Miroshnichenko, M Song, E Nenasheva, ...
Physical Review Letters 127 (9), 096804, 2021
Smart table based on a metasurface for wireless power transfer
M Song, K Baryshnikova, A Markvart, P Belov, E Nenasheva, C Simovski, ...
Physical Review Applied 11 (5), 054046, 2019
Wireless power transfer based on dielectric resonators with colossal permittivity
M Song, P Belov, P Kapitanova
Applied Physics Letters 109 (22), 2016
Metasurface for near-field wireless power transfer with reduced electric field leakage
A Markvart, M Song, S Glybovski, P Belov, C Simovski, P Kapitanova
IEEE Access 8, 40224-40231, 2020
Multi-mode metamaterial-inspired resonator for near-field wireless power transfer
M Song, P Smirnov, E Puhtina, E Zanganeh, S Glybovski, P Belov, ...
Applied Physics Letters 117 (8), 2020
Nonradiating sources for efficient wireless power transfer
E Zanganeh, M Song, AC Valero, AS Shalin, E Nenasheva, ...
Nanophotonics 10 (17), 4399-4408, 2021
Seeing the unseen: experimental observation of magnetic anapole state inside a high‐index dielectric particle
P Kapitanova, E Zanganeh, N Pavlov, M Song, P Belov, A Evlyukhin, ...
Annalen der Physik 532 (12), 2000293, 2020
Topological transition in coated wire medium
MA Gorlach, M Song, AP Slobozhanyuk, AA Bogdanov, PA Belov
physica status solidi (RRL)–Rapid Research Letters 10 (12), 900-904, 2016
Compact hybrid metasurface-inspired resonator with uniform magnetic field distribution for wireless power transfer
P Smirnov, P Kapitanova, E Nenasheva, M Song
IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters 21 (1), 193-197, 2021
Spectral Fresnel filter for pulsed broadband terahertz radiation
X Liu, MS Kulya, NV Petrov, YV Grachev, M Song, AN Tcypkin, SA Kozlov, ...
AIP Advances 10 (12), 2020
Uniform near magnetic field generated by metasurface-based resonator for wireless power transfer
F Zhang, X Liu, P Kapitanova, M Song
Photonics and Nanostructures-Fundamentals and Applications 52, 101056, 2022
Obstruction tolerant metasurface-based wireless power transfer system for multiple receivers
M Song, A Krasnok, R Yafyasov, P Belov, P Kapitanova
Photonics and Nanostructures-Fundamentals and Applications 41, 100835, 2020
Metamaterials for wireless power transfer
M Song, P Kapitanova, I Iorsh, P Belov
2015 Days on Diffraction (DD), 1-4, 2015
Stacked space-folded acoustic metasurfaces for the flexible control of sound absorption
X Wang, J Wang, Z Ma, I Deriy, M Song, A Bogdanov, Y Chen
APL Materials 12 (2), 2024
Nanoimprinted halide perovskite nanowires with directly-written gratings
AP Pushkarev, IS Sinev, KS Ladutenko, M Song, HV Demir, SV Makarov
Photonics and Nanostructures-Fundamentals and Applications 53, 101103, 2023
Up-and-coming physical concepts of wireless power transfer
M Song, P Jayathurathnage, E Zanganeh, M Krasikova, P Smirnov, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:2107.14086, 2021
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