Hernando Tavera
Citat de
Citat de
Seismic and aseismic slip on the Central Peru megathrust
H Perfettini, JP Avouac, H Tavera, A Kositsky, JM Nocquet, F Bondoux, ...
Nature 465 (7294), 78-81, 2010
Interseismic coupling and seismic potential along the Central Andes subduction zone
M Chlieh, H Perfettini, H Tavera, JP Avouac, D Remy, JM Nocquet, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 116 (B12), 2011
motion of continental slivers and creeping subduction in the northern Andes
JM Nocquet, J Villegas-Lanza, M Chlieh, P Mothes, F Rolandone, ...
Nature Geoscience, 2014
Active tectonics of Peru: Heterogeneous interseismic coupling along the Nazca megathrust, rigid motion of the Peruvian Sliver, and Subandean shortening accommodation
JC Villegas‐Lanza, M Chlieh, O Cavalié, H Tavera, P Baby, J Chire‐Chira, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 121 (10), 7371-7394, 2016
Source mechanism of earthquakes in Peru
H Tavera, E Buforn
Journal of Seismology 5, 519-540, 2001
Evaluación del peligro asociado a los sismos y efectos secundarios en Perú
H Tavera
Instituto Geofísico del Perú, 2014
The role of ridges in the formation and longevity of flat slabs
SK Antonijevic, LS Wagner, A Kumar, SL Beck, MD Long, G Zandt, ...
Nature 524 (7564), 212-215, 2015
Ambient noise tomography across the Central Andes
KM Ward, RC Porter, G Zandt, SL Beck, LS Wagner, E Minaya, H Tavera
Geophysical Journal International 194 (3), 1559-1573, 2013
Sismicidad y sismotectónica de Perú
H Tavera, E Buforn
Universidad Complutense de Madrid, 1998
Source model of the 2007 Mw 8.0 Pisco, Peru earthquake: Implications for seismogenic behavior of subduction megathrusts
A Sladen, H Tavera, M Simons, JP Avouac, AO Konca, H Perfettini, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 115 (B2), 2010
Causes and consequences of flat-slab subduction in southern Peru
BT Bishop, SL Beck, G Zandt, L Wagner, M Long, SK Antonijevic, A Kumar, ...
Geosphere 13 (5), 1392-1407, 2017
Upper plate deformation and seismic barrier in front of Nazca subduction zone: The Chololo Fault System and active tectonics along the Coastal Cordillera, southern Peru
L Audin, P Lacan, H Tavera, F Bondoux
Tectonophysics 459 (1-4), 174-185, 2008
Geodinámica, sismicidad y energía sísmica en Perú
I Bernal, H Tavera
Monografía, IGP, Lima-Perú, 2002
Imaging the transition from flat to normal subduction: Variations in the structure of the Nazca slab and upper mantle under southern Peru and northwestern Bolivia
A Scire, G Zandt, S Beck, M Long, L Wagner, E Minaya, H Tavera
Geophysical Journal International 204 (1), 457-479, 2016
Central Andean crustal structure from receiver function analysis
J Ryan, S Beck, G Zandt, L Wagner, E Minaya, H Tavera
Tectonophysics 682, 120-133, 2016
Scenario source models and strong ground motion for future mega-earthquake: Application to Lima, Central Peru
N Pulido, Z Aguilar, H Tavera, M Chlieh, D Calderon, T Sekiguchi, ...
Bulletin of the seismological Society of America 105 (1), 2015
scenario source models and strong ground motion for future Mega earthquake: Application to Lima. Central Peru
HT Nelson Pulido, Zenon Aguilar
Bulletin Seismological Society of America 105, 2015
Distribución espacial de áreas de ruptura y lagunas sísmicas en el borde oeste del Perú
H Tavera, YI Bernal Esquia
Sociedad Geológica del Perú, 2005
Lowermost mantle anisotropy near the eastern edge of the Pacific LLSVP: constraints from SKS–SKKS splitting intensity measurements
J Deng, MD Long, N Creasy, L Wagner, S Beck, G Zandt, H Tavera, ...
Geophysical Journal International 210 (2), 774-786, 2017
Seismicity and state of stress in the central and southern Peruvian flat slab
A Kumar, LS Wagner, SL Beck, MD Long, G Zandt, B Young, H Tavera, ...
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 441, 71-80, 2016
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