Debangsu Sil
Debangsu Sil
Assistant Professor of Chemistry, IISER Pune
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Fe-S cofactors in the SARS-CoV-2 RNA-dependent RNA polymerase are potential antiviral targets
TAR Nunziata Maio, Bernard A. P. Lafont, Debangsu Sil, Yan Li, J. Martin ...
Science, 2021
An ethane-bridged porphyrin dimer as a model of di-heme proteins: inorganic and bioinorganic perspectives and consequences of heme–heme interactions
D Sil, SP Rath
Dalton Transactions 44 (37), 16195-16211, 2015
Oxidation triggers extensive conjugation and unusual stabilization of two di-heme dication diradical intermediates: role of bridging group for electronic communication
D Sil, S Dey, A Kumar, S Bhowmik, SP Rath
Chemical Science 7 (2), 1212-1223, 2016
A Highly Oxidized Cobalt Porphyrin Dimer: Spin Coupling and Stabilization of the Four‐Electron Oxidation Product
S Dey, D Sil, SP Rath
Angewandte Chemie International Edition 55 (3), 996-1000, 2016
Heme biosynthesis depends on previously unrecognized acquisition of iron-sulfur cofactors in human amino-levulinic acid dehydratase
CKTAR Gang Liu, Debangsu Sil, Nunziata Maio, Wing-Hang Tong, J. Martin ...
Nature Communications 11, 6310, 2020
Spin-state ordering in hydroxo-bridged diiron (III) bisporphyrin complexes
MA Sainna, D Sil, D Sahoo, B Martin, SP Rath, P Comba, SP De Visser
Inorganic Chemistry 54 (4), 1919-1930, 2015
Axial Thiophenolate Coordination on Diiron (III) bisporphyrin: Influence of Heme–Heme Interactions on Structure, Function and Electrochemical Properties of the Individual Heme …
D Sil, FST Khan, SP Rath
Inorganic Chemistry 53 (22), 11925-11936, 2014
Effect of Heme–Heme Interactions and Modulation of Metal Spins by Counter Anions in a Series of Diiron (III)‐μ‐hydroxo Bisporphyrins: Unusual Stabilization of Two Different …
SK Ghosh, S Bhowmik, D Sil, SP Rath
Chemistry–A European Journal 19 (52), 17846-17859, 2013
Effect of two interacting rings in metalloporphyrin dimers upon stepwise oxidations
S Dey, D Sil, YA Pandit, SP Rath
Inorganic Chemistry 55 (7), 3229-3238, 2016
A Peroxodiiron(III/III) Intermediate Mediating Both N-Hydroxylation Steps in Biosynthesis of the N-Nitrosourea Pharmacophore of Streptozotocin by the Multi …
MJ McBride, D Sil, TL Ng, AM Crooke, GE Kenney, CR Tysoe, B Zhang, ...
Journal of the American Chemical Society 142 (27), 11818-11828, 2020
Axial phenoxide coordination on di-iron (III) bisporphyrin: Insights from experimental and DFT studies
S Bhowmik, D Sil, R Patra, SP Rath
Journal of Chemical Sciences 123, 827-837, 2011
Effect of Inter‐Porphyrin Distance on Spin‐State in Diiron (III) μ‐Hydroxo Bisporphyrins
D Sil, FST Khan, SP Rath
Chemistry–A European Journal 22 (41), 14585-14597, 2016
Diiron (III)–μ‐Fluoro Bisporphyrins: Effect of Bridging Ligand on the Metal Spin State
D Sil, A Kumar, SP Rath
Chemistry–A European Journal 22 (32), 11214-11223, 2016
Switching orientation of two axial imidazole ligands between parallel and perpendicular in low-spin Fe (III) and Fe (II) nonplanar porphyrinates
R Patra, D Sahoo, S Dey, D Sil, SP Rath
Inorganic Chemistry 51 (21), 11294-11305, 2012
Experimental and Theoretical Investigation of a Series of Novel Dimanganese (III) μ-Hydroxo Bisporphyrins: Magneto–Structural Correlation and Effect of Metal Spin on Porphyrin …
D Sil, S Bhowmik, FST Khan, SP Rath
Inorganic Chemistry 55 (7), 3239-3251, 2016
The Fe2(NO)2 Diamond Core: A Unique Structural Motif In Non‐Heme Iron–NO Chemistry
HT Dong, AL Speelman, CE Kozemchak, D Sil, C Krebs, N Lehnert
Angewandte Chemie International Edition 58 (49), 17695-17699, 2019
A dimanganese (iii) porphyrin dication diradical and its transformation to a μ-hydroxo porphyrin–oxophlorin heterodimer
A Kumar, D Sil, M Usman, SP Rath
Chemical Communications 55 (11), 1588-1591, 2019
Substrate-Triggered μ-Peroxodiiron(III) Intermediate in the 4-Chloro-l-Lysine-Fragmenting Heme-Oxygenase-like Diiron Oxidase (HDO) BesC: Substrate Dissociation from, and C4 …
JMBJ Molly J. McBride, Mrutyunjay A. Nair, Debangsu Sil, Jeffrey W. Slater ...
Biochemistry 61 (8), 689-702, 2022
In vitro demonstration of human lipoyl synthase catalytic activity in the presence of NFU1
DM Warui, D Sil, KH Lee, SS Neti, OA Esakova, HL Knox, C Krebs, ...
ACS bio & med chem Au 2 (5), 456-468, 2022
What Is the Right Level of Activation of a High-Spin {FeNO}7 Complex to Enable Direct N–N Coupling? Mechanistic Insight into Flavodiiron NO Reductases
HT Dong, S Camarena, D Sil, MO Lengel, J Zhao, MY Hu, EE Alp, ...
Journal of the American Chemical Society 144 (36), 16395-16409, 2022
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