Amare Haileslassie
Amare Haileslassie
Principal Researcher at International Water Management Institute ( IWMI)
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Assessment of soil nutrient depletion and its spatial variability on smallholders’ mixed farming systems in Ethiopia using partial versus full nutrient balances
A Haileslassie, J Priess, E Veldkamp, D Teketay, JP Lesschen
Agriculture, ecosystems & environment 108 (1), 1-16, 2005
Water and livestock for human development
D Peden, G Tadesse, AK Misra, FA Ahmed, A Astatke, W Ayalneh, ...
Water for Food Water for Life, 485-514, 2013
Smallholders’ soil fertility management in the Central Highlands of Ethiopia: implications for nutrient stocks, balances and sustainability of agroecosystems
A Haileslassie, JA Priess, E Veldkamp, JP Lesschen
Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems 75, 135-146, 2006
Improving water productivity in mixed crop–livestock farming systems of sub-Saharan Africa
K Descheemaeker, T Amede, A Haileslassie
Agricultural water management 97 (5), 579-586, 2010
The Nile River Basin
SB Awulachew, S Bekele, S Awulachew, D Molden
Nutrient flows and balances at the field and farm scale: Exploring effects of land-use strategies and access to resources
A Haileslassie, JA Priess, E Veldkamp, JP Lesschen
Agricultural systems 94 (2), 459-470, 2007
Livestock water productivity in mixed crop–livestock farming systems of the Blue Nile basin: Assessing variability and prospects for improvement
A Haileslassie, D Peden, S Gebreselassie, T Amede, K Descheemaeker
Agricultural Systems 102 (1-3), 33-40, 2009
Livestock water productivity: implications for sub-Saharan Africa
D Peden, G Taddesse, A Haileslassie
The Rangeland Journal 31 (2), 187-193, 2009
Empirical evaluation of sustainability of divergent farms in the dryland farming systems of India
A Haileslassie, P Craufurd, R Thiagarajah, S Kumar, A Whitbread, ...
Ecological Indicators 60, 710-723, 2016
Analysis of water delivery performance of smallholder irrigation schemes in Ethiopia: Diversity and lessons across schemes, typologies and reaches
Z Agide, A Haileslassie, H Sally, T Erkossa, PS Schmitter, SJ Langan, ...
International Livestock Research Institute, 2016
Institutional settings and livelihood strategies in the Blue Nile Basin: implications for upstream/downstream linkages
A Haileslassie, F Hagos, E Mapedza, CW Sadoff, SB Awulachew, ...
IWMI, 2009
Determinants of adoption of climate smart agricultural practices among farmers in Bale-Eco region, Ethiopia
M Negera, T Alemu, F Hagos, A Haileslassie
Heliyon 8 (7), 2022
Irrigation water productivity as affected by water management in a small-scale irrigation scheme in the Blue Nile basin, Ethiopia
SD Derib, K Descheemaeker, A Haileslassie, T Amede
Experimental agriculture 47 (S1), 39-55, 2011
Effects of long-term land use and land cover changes on ecosystem service values: An example from the central rift valley, Ethiopia
W Mekuria, M Diyasa, A Tengberg, A Haileslassie
Land 10 (12), 1373, 2021
Analysis of gaps and possible interventions for improving water productivity in crop livestock systems of Ethiopia
K Descheemaeker, T Amede, A Haileslassie, D Bossio
Experimental Agriculture 47 (S1), 21-38, 2011
Economic and agronomic optimum rates of NPS fertilizer for irrigated garlic (Allium sativum L) production in the highlands of Ethiopia
SG Yayeh, M Alemayehu, A Haileslassie, Y Dessalegn
Cogent Food & Agriculture 3 (1), 1333666, 2017
On-farm smallholder irrigation performance in Ethiopia: From water use efficiency to equity and sustainability
A Haileslassie, Z Agide, T Erkossa, D Hoekstra, PS Schmitter, SJ Langan
International Livestock Research Institute, 2016
Livelihood diversification strategies among men and women rural households: Evidence from two watersheds of Northern Ethiopia
K Manjur, H Amare, G HaileMariam, L Tekle
Journal of Agricultural Economics and Development 3 (2), 17-25, 2014
Rainwater harvesting for supplemental irrigation of onions in the southern dry lands of Ethiopia
S Assefa, B Biazin, A Muluneh, F Yimer, A Haileslassie
Agricultural Water Management 178, 325-334, 2016
Livestock and water interactions in mixed crop-livestock farming systems of sub-Saharan Africa: interventions for improved productivity
K Descheemaeker, T Amede, A Haileslassie
IWMI, 2009
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