Mapping the Americanization of English in space and time B Gonçalves, L Loureiro-Porto, JJ Ramasco, D Sánchez PloS one 13 (5), e0197741, 2018 | 113 | 2018 |
ICE vs GloWbE: Big data and corpus compilation L LOUREIRO‐PORTO World Englishes 36 (3), 448-470, 2017 | 57 | 2017 |
Agent-based models of language competition X Castelló, L Loureiro-Porto, M San Miguel International journal of the sociology of language 2013 (221), 21-51, 2013 | 46 | 2013 |
On the colloquialization of scientific British and American English E Seoane, L Loureiro-Porto ESP across Cultures 2 (1), 106-118, 2005 | 38 | 2005 |
The fate of bilingualism in a model of language competition X Castelló, L Loureiro-Porto, VM Eguíluz, M San Miguel Advancing social simulation: the first World Congress, 83-94, 2007 | 36 | 2007 |
Democratization of Englishes: Synchronic and diachronic approaches T Hiltunen, L Loureiro-Porto Language Sciences 79, 101275, 2020 | 35 | 2020 |
Modelling language competition: bilingualism and complex social networks X Castelló, VM Eguíluz, MSAN MIGUEL, L Loureiro-Porto, R Toivonen, ... The evolution of language, 59-66, 2008 | 32 | 2008 |
The semantic predecessors of need in the history of English (c750-1710) L Loureiro-Porto (No Title), 2009 | 28 | 2009 |
Grammaticalization of semi-modals of necessity in Asian Englishes L Loureiro-Porto English World-Wide 40 (2), 115-143, 2019 | 19 | 2019 |
Democratization and Gender-neutrality in English (es) L Loureiro-Porto, T Hiltunen Journal of English Linguistics 48 (3), 215-232, 2020 | 16 | 2020 |
(Semi-)modals of necessity in Hong Kong and Indian Englishes L Loureiro-Porto World Englishes: New Theoretical and Methodological Considerations …, 2016 | 16 | 2016 |
Verbo-nominal constructions of necessity with þearf n. and need n.: competition and grammaticalization from OE to eModE1 L Loureiro-Porto English Language & Linguistics 14 (3), 373-397, 2010 | 14 | 2010 |
The semantic predecessors of need: from old to early modern english L Loureiro Porto The semantic predecessors of need: from old to early modern english, 2005 | 12 | 2005 |
A review of early English impersonals: Evidence from necessity verbs L Loureiro-Porto English Studies 91 (6), 674-699, 2010 | 10 | 2010 |
The convergence of two need verbs in Middle English L Loureiro-Porto English Historical Linguistics 2006: Selected papers from the fourteenth …, 2008 | 8 | 2008 |
(Un) democratic epicene pronouns in Asian Englishes: A register approach L Loureiro-Porto Journal of English Linguistics 48 (3), 282-313, 2020 | 7 | 2020 |
On the relationship between subjectification, grammaticalisation and constructions: Evidence from the history of English L Loureiro-Porto Journal of historical pragmatics 13 (2), 232-258, 2012 | 7 | 2012 |
Viability and resilience in the dynamics of language competition X Castelló, F Vazquez, VM Eguíluz, L Loureiro-Porto, MS Miguel, ... Viability and Resilience of Complex Systems: Concepts, Methods and Case …, 2011 | 7 | 2011 |
Language Choice in a Multilingual Society: A View from Complexity Science L Loureiro-Porto, M San Miguel Complexity in Language: Developmental and Evolutionary Perspectives, 187-217, 2017 | 6 | 2017 |
Singular they in Asian Englishes: A Case of Linguistic Democratization? ¹ L Loureiro-Porto Crossing linguistic boundaries: Systemic, synchronic and diachronic …, 2019 | 5 | 2019 |