Francesca A. Lisi
Citat de
Citat de
Inducing multi-level association rules from multiple relations
FA Lisi, D Malerba
Machine Learning 55 (2), 175-210, 2004
Discovery of spatial association rules in geo-referenced census data: A relational mining approach
A Appice, M Ceci, A Lanza, FA Lisi, D Malerba
Intelligent Data Analysis 7 (6), 541-566, 2003
Machine learning for intelligent processing of printed documents
F Esposito, D Malerba, FA Lisi
Journal of Intelligent Information Systems 14, 175-198, 2000
Mining spatial association rules in census data
D Malerba, F Esposito, FA Lisi, A Appice
Research in Official Statistics. v5 i1, 19-44, 2003
Coronary microvascular dysfunction is an early feature of cardiac involvement in patients with Anderson–Fabry disease
B Tomberli, F Cecchi, R Sciagra, V Berti, F Lisi, F Torricelli, A Morrone, ...
European journal of heart failure 15 (12), 1363-1373, 2013
Building rules on top of ontologies for the semantic web with inductive logic programming
FA Lisi
Theory and Practice of Logic Programming 8 (3), 271-300, 2008
Empowering a GIS with inductive learning capabilities: the case of INGENS
D Malerba, F Esposito, A Lanza, FA Lisi, A Appice
Computers, Environment and Urban Systems 27 (3), 265-281, 2003
An ILP method for spatial association rule mining
D Malerba, FA Lisi
First Workshop on Multi-Relational Data Mining, 18-29, 2001
Discovering associations between spatial objects: An ILP application
D Malerba, FA Lisi
International Conference on Inductive Logic Programming, 156-163, 2001
Learning recursive theories with ATRE
D Malerba, F Esposito, FA Lisi
13th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Brighton, UK, August 23 …, 1998
Ideal refinement of descriptions in-log
FA Lisi, D Malerba
International Conference on Inductive Logic Programming, 215-232, 2003
Mining spatial association rules in census data: a relational approach
D Malerba, FA Lisi, A Appice, F Sblendorio
Proceedings of the ECML/PKDD 2, 80-93, 2002
A logic-based computational method for the automated induction of fuzzy ontology axioms
FA Lisi, U Straccia
Fundamenta Informaticae 124 (4), 503-519, 2013
Learning in description logics with fuzzy concrete domains
FA Lisi, U Straccia
Fundamenta Informaticae 140 (3-4), 373-391, 2015
Machine learning for information extraction from topographic maps
D Malerba, F Esposito, A Lanza, FA Lisi, A Appice
Geographic data mining and knowledge discovery, 291-314, 2001
An AI application to integrated tourism planning
FA Lisi, F Esposito
Congress of the Italian Association for Artificial Intelligence, 246-259, 2015
Automated discovery of dependencies between logical components in document image understanding
D Malerba, F Esposito, FA Lisi, O Altamura
Proceedings of Sixth International Conference on Document Analysis and …, 2001
Inductive logic programming in databases: From datalog to
FA Lisi
Theory and Practice of Logic Programming 10 (3), 331-359, 2010
Towards nonmonotonic relational learning from knowledge graphs
HD Tran, D Stepanova, MH Gad-Elrab, FA Lisi, G Weikum
Inductive Logic Programming: 26th International Conference, ILP 2016, London …, 2017
Bridging the gap between horn clausal logic and description logics in inductive learning
FA Lisi, D Malerba
Congress of the Italian Association for Artificial Intelligence, 53-64, 2003
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